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Posts posted by nortask.8351

  1. @Galmac.4680 said:Sure, just nerf the necro, as usual. Now we don't have a second health bar, and gained instead some more power, and all ppl are screaming for the next nerf.But what's with the spellbreaker, twice invulnerable, can corrupt boones, blocks all the time, makes huge damage all the time. Nerf that first please. THEN talk about necros.

    Show me one Spell Breaker skill that makes them invuln? Also show me how I can corrupt boons on my SB because that sounds hella lit. I could become such a great spell breaker if you just helped me out a bit with it!

  2. @Drunken Guilt.3802 said:I am playing on a GeForce 560 and an i7 3770k. Went from 20-50fps to 7fps after a long break from the game.I updated my drivers to 391.1 with no success. Decided to try an older driver, when I was actively playing, 350.12. It worked, I am back to my normal FPS.

    Are you on an ssd or a hdd? I've noticed a little bit of a trend between people with SSDs and random fps drops from normal to 5-10. This is also exactly what is happening to me, I've tried like 10 nvidia drivers. Another thing I notice is that when this fps drop happens load times also drop to near hdd speeds...@TBH TheAsher.4820 because you were one of the people I saw in the same case as me

  3. @ArcanistSeven.8720 said:your not alone i got a gtx 1080 with a i7 67k i use to be able to run this game from 80-100 fps now i average 40-50fps with occasional fps drops down to 5-10fps that dont go away until i reset my client. i dont have this problem with any of my other games.

    Same exact issues here. Used to run great, now it runs alright, but fps drop here and there till restart. Makes me pretty mad.

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