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Posts posted by Rembar.7298

  1. Just going to add something:


    If you consider the HP thingy a P2W mechanic, then you're also qualifying any other videogames as P2W that are not, like LoL, where you can buy new champion with cash too. Does it gives you any advantage? Nope, you just got something to play with faster that won't make you any better than other players. Same happens with HP. Do they give you any advantage? Nope, yo just got your elite spec faster to play it if you want. You won't be better than me or anyone else who got their elite specs already.


    If we consider any of that P2W, then there are literally 0 videogames with microtransactions that are not P2W xD

    • Like 2
  2. Just read the entire post and I wanna say a few things:


    First of all: There's no real aggro mechanic outside of certain specific encounters on Raids. Not even all raid bosses have a tanking mechanic.


    When we say there's no typical holy trinity roles, we don't mean there're no roles. We have boon supports and dps. Boons supports usually build arround doing that, giving boon to everyone while also doing damage OR healing. Also, all classes can do everything, so that's why we don't have specific roles for specific classes. Just that.


    The way the combat system works it's pretty complex and hard to learn for new players, and that's what you're probably having issues with. I had a lot of issues when I was a new players, 8 years ago, and I've been constantly dying to open world and instanced mobs for years and years. I always thought it was because my class (Elementalist, the most squishy class) was bad designed to survive, but no. The game gives you so many options to survive, but you probably won't know how to use them:


    Skills that blocks projectiles, that blocks attacks, that reflect projectiles, protection boon to reduce incoming damage, dodges, skills that also works as dodges, barriers, non-damaging conditions like BLIND (probably the most important one for surviving), passive healing from regeneration, traits, skills or whatever + your own dedicated healing.


    There're so many ways to handle each encounter, but you just need to get used to it. That's it.


    Also, something that I want to clarify too: GW2 Wiki is not done by devs. It's a wiki completly made by players. Everyone can write things on the Wiki, so when you red the Aggro section from the wiki, that's something other players started to write mostly with the adding of the Raids to the game (when the first expansion came out).


    And please, keep calm. It feels like you're yelling all the time to the screen while arguing about things that you dislike of the game. You're not giving any constructive criticism, just destructive criticism.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 4
  3. @Cyninja.2954 said:I like the idea. I don't think it'll work or be very effective, but I like the fact that someone actually tries something besides moaning on the forums and blaming others. As mentioned it would be most useful for newer players or for people to find others to game with (always good for a MMO).

    If the amount of guild members gets big enough you might even get enough people for raids together.

    My only recommendation: advertise in game for a while. I doubt many forum users here will be the target for your guild. Most are in 1 of 3 camps:

    • the camp which support meta play and will do what it takes to clear T4 effectively
    • the ones who are competent enough to do daily T4 and CMs how ever they want
    • the ones who like to complain about other players

    Good Luck.

    Yeah, I planned to do it for Raids too if it's works and gets a good amount of players for Fractals, but for Raids will be harder.

    Thanks for your recommendation, I'll take care of it ^^

    @Vinceman.4572 said:I'm not sure, no, I really doubt it. People know that content can be done in different variations but if you are running cms without a composition that is at least very close to meta your group will have a hard time unless it's not an experienced static that knows each other (especially the weak points/players etc.)

    Well, it's all about how experienced is every player of the group.If everyone knows what to do and do their job well done, everything will be fine. It's not that hard to clear the CM's.

  4. @Feanor.2358 said:Could you elaborate a bit? I'm lost. My meta dps build relies heavily on group support. It requires boons, healing and CC supplied by someone else. What do you suppose would happen if 5 players like me teamed up for a t4+cm daily clear? Because, you know, you can't look for supports.

    You would look for roles in your group.


    I'm a Power DPS and I'm looking for 1 Support, 1 Healer and 2 Condi DPS.

    I mean, you are not supposed to play with random people. You can look for specific roles to cover between these roles, but not looking exactly for 1 Chrono, 1 Druid, 1 Warrior and 2 Weavers, for example.

    You want a player that plays a Support build, giving boons to the group? Look for a Support.You want a player that plays a Healing build, keeping up your HP at 90%+ and giving boons? Look for a Healer.You want a player that plays a Power or Condi DPS build, bringing a good damage for the group DPS? Look for a Power DPS or Condi DPS.

    I mean, you may want to go with other characters with builds that can support you enough to increase your damage.

    Example of composition:

    1 Healing Renegade, giving a lot of boons, healing, and doing some CC:1 Firebrand Support, giving more boons, a bit of healing, some CC, some dmg...1 Power Reaper, bringing a good power DPS, a good CC, and maybe a bit of healing too.1 Condi Weaver, bringing a good condi DPS, helping on might and fury stacking.1 Power Herald, bringing a good power DPS, a good CC and helping a bit with boons uptime.

    It's just a fast example on what could it be. Playing thinks that are not meta doesn't mean that you're playing with a full DPS party, or full healer party.`It's just that if you don't want to play the same Staff Power Weaver, you can play with a group that accept you as a Power Sagger/Warhorn Tempest, for example.

    @Noodle Ant.1605 said:I hated playing the build that I assume you’re speaking of... that’s why I now have a condi Weaver. I’m totally fit for this guild :smile:.

    You can join if you want, then :)

  5. Hello there,

    I decided to start a LFG guild for Fractals for everyone who wants to clear daily T4 + CM's Fractals without needing to find a group with teh same composition or having to play the same meta classes.

    This guild will allow you to find experienced people on T4 Fractals and CM's without having to force yourself to play a meta build/class to get a group.

    There's still people that thinks that the meta is the only way to clear CM's, or people who plays what thet don't really want to get in groups for that. The idea of this guild is to work as a LFG guild for all that people that wants to play the builds that they want.

    Everyone can join to the guild, even people who plays meta classes/builds. The main rule is that you can't look for an specific meta composition on that guild.

    Once you join to the guild, you will have to do a Trial run to assign you a rank based in your experience, since it's a guild for experienced people in Fractals.

    The trial consists in a T4 + CM's Fractal run. If you're not capable to do the CM's, we will change it to just T4 Dailies run. Also, there will be a few questions about your build: What's your build, why are you using it and what can you bring to the group.

    I also made a Discord server for that, so there you have the link: https://discord.gg/2BdM25F

    That's all.

    If you're interested on joining, you can join to the Discord server and ask for an invite. You can also send me a message or whisper in game: Rembar.7298

  6. @corwin.3495 said:So the only difference is that one build is with a staff and the other is dagger warhorn?


    • Staff gives you more ranged healing and more blasts for your camps, but less CC. Healings are better with that weapon, because you can blast with 2 from Water almost everything, and heal just by autoattacking.
    • Dagger/Warhorn gives you less blasts and doesn't have a good ranged healing, but it have much more CC and it's also easier to keep up your boons thanks to 4 from Fire and 4 from Earth. It also makes easier to inflict 25 vulnerability stacks.
  7. Build a Healing tempest if you like it. It's pretty fun and very useful. Not the best option, but you can do everything with it. You heals are the best heals of any other healers, and you can bring some useful auras, like the frost aura (-10% incoming dmg) or magnetic aura (reflect all the projectiles).

    Also, with a Ministrel gear + monk runes + potion + sigil of concentration, you can keep up 25 might stacks, fury and vigor for the entire group. Also regeneration and swiftness, but you don't need boon duration for this 2.

    Your DPS would be very low compared with other healers, but don't worry, it's not that really important, when you're not going to do a decent dmg since you're going to heal. Make sure that your party is always above 90% hp and everything will be fine.

    Here you have the example: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQFAWn0XCNYiVYC+XCcYiFBAjoLkEOCut2YbuNIAMBOAA-jxhXAByp8R3LAQwKhiV9nQfAgOAA2fYblg3DQAGgAAAH9oH9oH9oVACQACQACQACQACgUA+NyC-e

    Remember that the movility potion gives you 15% boon duration at 150 AR, and you're going to swap attunements all the time, so with the concentration sigil you'll get the 100% boon duration, a lot of vitality, toughness and healing power.

    P.S.: Sorry, I forgot the variant of the build, if you want to try it on a different way with more CC, but less ranged healing: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJBIhdSfJ0gJWhJ4fJwhJWEAM3WbsN3GEAmAHAiuQS4IA-jxhXAB6eCACWJ02KBBY/hYV/J0HAoHQOlPBASAePuHAMTz0MNTz0MV3z9cP3z9cP3z9cP3jUA+NyC-e

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