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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. 2 hours ago, SijjvraVisz.7159 said:

    So wait wait, I was considering trying the game out again. I ONLY play overworld PVE. I don't care about PVP, raids, fractals, nothing-- I despise forced grouping for dungeons/instanced content but don't mind doing the open world events with other people. It's how I like to play. So with the new daily system, if I chose PVE, there's a fair chance I'd be -stuck- with a bunch of forced grouping quests to earn my points for that day? If so, that's nasty and I won't be back.


    I don't think you would be forced to play with groups, in most cases. It's possible, but the ones I have seen thus far haven't required groups.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    There is a way to know for sure because the information we can see ingame literally tells us those objectives refresh daily. So you click on the cog wheel, choose what you want in the next set/s, confirm and wait for the daily/weekly reset depending which tab we're talking about.

    It's not at all clear that you will be able to reset the 1/2/3 game mode checkboxes. That's what I was referring to.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    Whilst I kind of agree they often do not appear to listen  to their community like they used to and it is highly frustrating (see balance fiasco), the employee we fondly remember was not got rid of. She left voluntarily.

    Do not forget we also have Rubi who does fulfill much of what Gaile did, just less interactively. And she is well respected in the community for the work she does

    We also have to remember they get feedback from many sources. Including Reddit, Discord and social media. Twitter for one gives VERY different feedback than the forums. Discord used to be their preferred place. It's frustrating for us because the forums themslves historically are their least favourite platform and it expasperates that feeling of believing we are forgotten. 

    Whilst I do maintain they need to do better and many of these kickbacks from the community should have been antoicpated - and it is concerning they were not - recitfying them and responding takes time. I'm not defending their stance. I am notoriously vocally frustrated as well at times, but we need to be cognizant that although responses must happen, they shouldn't - and wont -  be rushed either

    No, she was dismissed while she was on vacation. I conversed with her about it, and it wasn't voluntary. She was quite sad.

    THIS is their OFFICIAL forum. THIS is the place where they need to respond. The other places are just window dressing.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

    You can get build storage / build template expansions, ascended weapons and armor, upgrade extractors, laurels, mystic clovers, MCs, gold bonus, vision crystals, new emote, etc. so more or less everyhthing you could before. True, you cannot get the legendary starter kit or SotO exclusive skins - so that's your incentive to buy the expansion if you want those new skins.

    I don't need or want build storage or templates. I have 27 characters, all fully equipped with ascended armor, so ascended gear is useless. Upgrade extractors would be worth it, for maybe 4-5 times. Laurels and mystic clovers, I already have far too many of them. I don't know what you mean by MCs. The gold bonus was reduced, so obviously no help there. I have too many vision crystals already. And I don't need any more emotes.
    Care to try again, or perhaps just admit that I was right on target?

    • Confused 4
  5. 12 hours ago, Miporin.3529 said:

    For what i understand, i need to wait tomorrow to remove the pvp and www tasks and have 3 daily pve tasks? i just uncheck pvp and www in the wizard vault but nothing happened so i guess need to wait tomorrow reset? Anyone can confirm this

    I believe that's correct, but there's no way to know for sure until reset. Since I couldn't do ANY of the dailies today, I'm not even sure I'm going to try.

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  6. 1 minute ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    Not really. Feedback would have accumulated overnight and hotfixes to bugs would have been prioritised. I suspect several meetings over the coming days/weeks will happen first. 

    I'm not saying they will change anything given only 1-2 people will likely read the forums to cascade back (I expect them to at least add options to dailies mind you), but it's not going to get acknowledged within the first 24 hours. Any siginifcant changes may be weeks/months away

    While true, they COULD respond. But that's not their style. They NEVER listen to their customers. Not the real ones. They only listen to customers who are extremely vocal (and almost always wrong). They listened to those squeaky wheels prior to HoT, and it almost destroyed the game.

    They used to have a player liaison on staff. They got rid of her after 18 years with the company. Why? There could have been only one reason: they were bound and determined to never listen to customers, so why pay someone to interface with them?

    This is just the culmination of that terrible line of thinking on their part.

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  7. 11 hours ago, avater.1746 said:

    you trust a review of an mmorpg on release day? okay...😄

    Let's see how Arenanet is handling the feedback and what they will do. I'm pretty sure there will be tweaks to the runes and the wizard vault and if these are your only complaints things should be shiny again real soon!

    If they were going to fix anything, they would have replied by now.


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  8. 1 minute ago, jason.1083 said:

    It does explain what it's supposed to explain, it tells you to check what game mode you want your dailies/weeklies to be set in. It doesn't tell you what they're gonna be but we never had something like that, so it's not a downgrade or anything. Some people apparently experienced bugs with it but that's quite normal for a new release, for some time after the release the vault didn't even work, it just gave an error screen. 

    There are two pieces to it. The first is the checkboxes. THAT is what wasn't explained well. You weren't told that if you checked a box, there would be required items in the list from that playing area. Other people weren't so lucky, and left a game mode checked that they didn't like. They were then forced to do tasks in all three game modes.

    Now the second part is after one chooses the checkboxes and continues. Now one is presented with two (in my case, PvE and WvW) lists, and there are no options. All must be done to complete the dailies. THIS is the part I found obnoxious: I couldn't pick from a list like we could before. We used to have twelve choices, and had to complete three of the twelve. I could simply avoid the unpleasant ones. Now we can't. We've reverted back five years to when you had to complete a set list every day. Everybody (pretty much without exception) cheered when that was replaced by the system that was in force until today. Now we're back to that old garbage.

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  9. 1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    No, you're wrong, it was 3:


    Daily WvW Invasion Defender
    Defeat enemy invaders in World vs. World.     [3 Enemy Invaders Killed ]

    And again: no, you are wrong. And I know that, because I didn't click anything before reading. What the box said was basically this:


    Please stop.

    They must have changed it. Like I said, I never willingly chose it. It's been years since I attained it. Perhaps now I know why (getting one kill by accident would happen occasionally; getting three would be impossible for me).

    That text explains nothing, exactly as I said. I happened to choose correctly, but it was only because I despise PvP and knew I would never darken the door of that realm. But others didn't know, and were then forced into all three game modes. Tell me how that text explains that little detail.

    • Confused 3
  10. 1 minute ago, jason.1083 said:

    You can choose PvE only next time, it's as easy as that, I'll probably do that as well even though I play WvW regularly. 

    And then I'll have even fewer choices. Including quests and renown hearts. Yuck.

    This is supposed to be an improvement. Not force us to do things we don't want to. I've got 10 mapping titles. I'm sick of renown hearts.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    What do you mean the text included was totally useless for explaining what was going to happen? Pretty sure it literally told you that daily objectives refresh daily and weekly objectives refresh every monday. What is unclear about ramifications of your choices there?
    I dislike plenty of stuff about  the vault too, but gee, please stop making excuses just because you -or someone else- didn't read what was on their screen.

    "Choices" are the checkboxes. There was literally NOTHING telling you what they did. One had to guess.

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  12. Just now, jason.1083 said:

    I'm quite sure that it was 3 before... 

    And since it's WvW you can stick to a tag, do a few AoE attacks in a big fight and get 10 times the daily amount in 30 seconds. 

    No. It was one. I used to get it by accident, occasionally, by doing the cheat method you describe. But I would NEVER willingly choose it unless all other options were worse because I hate playing against other players. This is supposed to be a COOPERATIVE game. I despise playing against other players. I'm way too old to be able to compete against teenagers with optimized builds.

    • Confused 4
  13. 1 minute ago, jason.1083 said:

    I'm not defending it, it can see improvements, but I'm being reasonable, and I studied it's implementation. Overall it's not bad, the dailies are as easy as before, now we can select the game mode(s) we want them in and they offer some more valuable rewards.

    It would be nice to see a larger selection of items offered, but maybe it's just because it's the first cycle and they still haven't worked it out. 

    The fact that we get only 1 gold for doing them instead of 2 is fine I guess, even though I've personally made 2.600+ gold from the old daily system. 

    So overall it's not that bad, it was a way of dealing with people who farmed alt accounts, I know a guy who used to get more than 1000 gold monthly from his alts, and I can't say that it's healthy gameplay. If you play the game just like you did before, and just check Wizards vault instead of the daily achievement tab for your dailies, you won't notice that much of a difference.

    I know the previous dailies had some that were totally trivial, honestly in some very rare cases it was possible to do all 3 without even leaving your inventory screen. And maybe people liked that, but the ones we have now are still quite easy, yesterday I got to do 1 renown heart, loot 10 npc kills and capture a shrine/ruin in WvW. All trivial.

    Well I wasn't as lucky as you. I have to kill three players and do three combo skills (which I haven't learned how to do). Since I'm not really capable of killing players, it's impossible for me to complete them.

    • Confused 2
  14. 1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Plenty of things to dislike about this system, I agree. But in this case you just didn't read and clicked away. Oh well, hopefully lesson learned, meanwhile I still hope they'll change some of the things about this system.

    It's much worse than that. One could not possibly know the ramifications of choosing any of the options (or not choosing them). The text included was totally useless for explaining just what was going to happen.

    But even though I happened to pick the options I thought I would need (I never play PvP), once one got to the actual list of dailies, it was not feasible to complete them. For example, in the old system, one player kill in WvW would trip the daily wire. Now it's three. I HATE playing against other players, and I would only choose that option if there were no other viable options (for me). But now I'm REQUIRED to do it, and I can't just kill one player; I have to kill THREE.

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  15. 2 minutes ago, cdsmith.1072 said:

    I agree, HoT had its problems part of them being the idiotic floating rock bullpucky, same as the expansion. Still game changes were not nearly as game destroying in HoT. This expansion turned perfectly working mechanisms into complete carp.

    Oh, I don't know. They lost 1/3 of the player base when HoT was released.

    Of course, this one has the makings of being worse, though.

    I've loved this game (and its predecessor) for nearly two decades. I've spent in the neighborhood of $5,000 on it over the years. I had a lot of fun. But now I have to find something else. So sad to have to say goodbye.

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  16. 1 minute ago, cdsmith.1072 said:

    Same here. HUGE waste of money buying the expansion and this is the first time I have ever said that about Guild Wars content for both 1 and 2!

    Oh, Heart of Thorns was pretty bad, too. All that time-gating for no reason, and a horrendous mapping system that still hasn't been fixed. But I thought they learned their lesson with the next two expansions. This one shows I was foolish to think so.

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  17. 1 minute ago, Arnox.5128 said:

    What are you talking about? Wizard's Vault is a global feature. You don't need the expansion at all to use it in full. The only thing you won't have are, of course, the SotO objectives and items.

    Try looking at the list of things available to non-owners of SotO. It's extremely limited, in both quantity and usefulness.

    Not exactly an incentive to get me to buy this expansion.

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