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Posts posted by darwinslittlehelper.7182

  1. Why do people keep conflating downstate and rallying? Downstate in its current form favours cheese tactics, but a balance pass and an additional hard look at the traits and skills surrounding downstate could end up keeping its benefits while reducing the negative aspects.However, rallying- instantly popping back up at someone’s death-is ridiculous. It does not belong in any competitive mode-should only exist in pve. If you go into downstate, either work to get yourself bandaged, have a teammate bandage you, or be defeated.Dantheman.3589 summed it up pretty well. It feels skill-less. I would also add random and far too forgiving in some situations. Remove it from pvp and wvw. Many the downstate complaints will disappear.

  2. Ever since the addition of additional specs to the professions, we have needed to rein in the powercreep. Most specs, HoT and PoF alike, are more powerful, with more options than core classes. In only a few cases were any kind of tradeoffs implemented. There seems to have been a schism at ArenaNet over how to handle this problem, and the game has received a number of changes in a somewhat disjointed way.Now, after all this time, tradeoffs. Restrictions. Actual changes to professions mechanics and play between specs. This is required to fix the issues of the professions.Is this late? oh yes. Finished? Nope. Perfect? Nope. But finally the thinking has rolled around to that direction. I for one want it to have ArenaNet just pile the changes on. Define themes, modify as required, without mercy or coddling. All professions, all specs treated the same way. Members of the balance/professions teams augmented with additional resources. Same rules for competitive modes.Will this be uncomfortable, force people to change playstyles, to learn their professions better, make meaningful choices? You bet.There is a lot of complaining in this thread, about how ArenaNet has "destroyed" a spec/playstyle/etc. This happens literally EVERY balance patch, big or small. Let's face the facts people- this patch reduced powercreep. Specs got weaker. Some broken interactions were finally nerfed. A number still remain. Some specs still have poorly realized themes. Some specs are too weak or too strong in some roles, crowding out others. The patch feels like part one of a bigger job.To many in these forums I say: the hysterics, threats and chest beating accomplish absolutely nothing. Balance and profession design have been all over the map in Guild Wars 2, and I am sure no one knows that better than the people at ArenaNet. I hope they have finally solved the issue of clearly very different ideas competing in the work force.While not everything here is perfect in my opinion, and as stated, feels like part one only, I believe this is a good direction to take. Finally :)

  3. I would hope that ArenaNet will track where those bot accounts are sending their gold/loot. Follow the trail. Mercilessly swing ban hammer.However, history does not make that seem likely. I have never understood when games do not seem to adequately police their game from those that would actively harm it and the community they try to build. I love GW2, how it trys to be many things for many people, and does a reasonably good job for many of them. Truly an accomplishment. But sPvP is very sick. Leaving aside balance issues, sone poor trait and skill design (opinion), low population and lack of options beyond conquest, there are some very bad apples. These players, some very well known, some very skilled, continually poison the well. The manipulations, the abuse, the thumbing their nose at everyone. They never seem to be removed, their consequences for this behavior insubstantial. We suspected and have seen botting, this is ridiculous. My wife has decided to no long play PvP in any real amount. I already hardly play this mode either. I would never be more than an average player without alot more time spent in this mode, but seeing and experiencing the above issues on top of blatant botting is just too much. I was starting to think I should record my few matches, to identify suspected bots...but why bother. I am way too casual to go this route, and the rest of the mode gives me no incentive to spend more time in it. I would rather spend time doing something I enjoy, and it is not PvP as it stands now. I know I am not alone.I recommend ArenaNet deal with these flagrant abuses, both botting and other manipulations, and let the community see them do it. I also recommend reducing the sheer value of the rewards in favor of PvP-only rewards at least until the integrity of the competition improves. The other options are to just to eliminate PvP, or let it die a slow death. The current state of the mode has caused many, many people to not play it. Proof of blatant botting is the final straw. At least remove the benefits of anyone doing so. Looking forward to a response from ArenaNet on this issue.

  4. This great change will get me and many others to actually play WvW much more often. I know people on several servers who want to play together, and now will be able to,just with being part of a guild. New players will not be stuck guessing which server is for them. Any new friends you make can possibly just join guilds to be able to play together. ArenaNet will have their work cut out for them, to make the system as fair as possible. I only hope this will help, even in a small way, to help them rout out the toxic activities of some few.Looking forward to the launch!

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