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Posts posted by Solion.9658

  1. I think that once we get a taste of " must have skyscale to play this level" people who are embracing this will go.. wait.. WTF?

    And it is coming and we all know it in the back of our heads that there is going to be major content that is going to REQUIRE the skyscale toprogress. You don't "one shot" a mount like this and we all know it. You , me, and everyone in the next expansion can expect that there is going to be arequirement to have this mount regardless of the 18 freaking collections and the gold cost (however by then I am sure you will be able to "buy" feeder machines , ball throwers ect... by then)

    If you don't think it going to happen, I hope you are right. But game mechanics like this is not going to be left to one small island in the middle of the ocean. Skyscale is going to lock content behind it or Ill eat my greatsword.

  2. SO here is the thing.. In talking in chat and with my guild about 75% of them are not even going to try for it since apparently someone has done some data mining and it looks (not confirmed) looks like there is going to be a total of 12 collections all over the world map.

    No, .. we draw the line here . this is not acceptable ANET. This along with timegate. I am not going to have to set my alarm so I can ensure that I am feeding, collecting whatever on time. THIS IS NOT EVE ONLINE.. I should not have to dedicate the little time I have to play these days to JUST this for a so-so mount. Had it done more, it might of been worth it to work for 3 months to get it.

    The ending was what it was and it was beautiful.. to roll it up with a final stupid timegated grind is abit unfair for the filthy casuals

  3. ANET .. please speak up if you are actually reading these . because from where I sit I think you may be hoping the furor over this is going to go away.it's not. and I am not spending another dime with you till you fix it.

    Your move has now made it onto major gaming publications. if you are in the camp of any press is good press, by all means .. continue on.. If notthen you need to back this up and unwind it and find another means. This is unacceptable.

  4. Okay .. Anet, let's take a step back. This was a terrible , terrible idea. Time to rethink it and allow us to buy the sets we want. This possible 9600 gems to get the skin I want is just beyond the pale. Your base, people like me who was in since the beta are about to throw up our hands knowing you have taken the path to the dark side.

    The fact I have to buy skins I don't want to possibly get the ones i do is a horrible sales model , Who do you think you are? .. Comcast? ... EA ?

    So basically everyone of the forums is pretty much in agreement. You can have some of our money or none. I will not spend another dime till you fix this.

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