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Posts posted by Caberea.8139

  1. I haven't really got much more to add to this other than my agreement with the initial post. I like to play PvE, but I've admittedly stepped into PvP and WvW for legendaries, though I haven't enjoyed PvP in the slightest (WvW the siege is cool but most of the time it's the same annoyance that PvP is). Raids just aren't an option for me thanks to timezones and their barrier to entry.


    Due to how ridiculously long it takes, I've actually taken to having WvW going while I work, capping a camp every 5-10 minutes when I'm waiting for my next call to come in. It feels more like WvW is a job than an actual game thanks to the amount of time you just have to wait for your tickets, and the only way I've been able to get myself to slog through it is by shoving both the work from that and my actual work into the same period. 


    There's a whole bunch of different solutions to this, from reducing the gap between ranks on skirmish ticket acquisition boosting, lowering the ticket requirements like the initial post suggests. Flat out increasing skirmish ticket acquisition by making captures and/or kills give them, removing weekly cap, etc, etc. Giving a +2 pip bonus to everyone while removing outnumbered was a good start, but the system still needs to be improved upon before it actually feels rewarding.

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    • Confused 4
  2. So I want to open up this by saying that I think the Dragons End Meta fight is really well done. It's mechanics are easy to understand throughout the course of the fight (at least, you know, after greens were fixed). It requires coordination but has a decent amount of leeway, so you can correct for mistakes midway through. Theoretically it's something that could be dealt with on a maps very first try if everyone's paying attention and learning from their mistakes.


    The problem is right now that's only in theory, as there's a big issue with the final part of the fight which can get in the way of even the most experienced groups with this fight, and that is RNG. Namely two 'attacks'. The first is the Body swipe move. Though this only lasts a short time, the lack of a cooldown on this move makes it possible for it to be spammed again and again by the boss, sometimes stalling out what should have been a successful fight. The other is the Tail Summon. The damage reduction on boss from this and the effect it brings to the fight is fine. But, again, it's able to be spammed far too often by the boss. While this could be fixed by giving it a cooldown or making it once per phase. I think the better solution to this would actually be to make it that taking out tail inflicts damage to the boss itself. Nothing major, just something like 5%. Because, well, you're still hitting the boss, so it makes sense for them to take damage from it, and gameplay wise this means you don't just get walled out by constant tail-spam since you're still working on their health bar if you're clearing tail.


    There is a third issue with the fight, but this one is really really minor. The damage buff for wisp returning starts when you return and has a flat 2 minute duration. This can mean if you're really fast up there but someone lags behind or doesn't make it up, you can easily lose a third of that buff time to them. Which feels kinda like a punishment for a mastery of the mechanics. My recommendation for this is just make it that players get a flag on them for making it up which triggers the buff AFTER the boss becomes attackable. Or simply adding the remaining time for the wisp to the duration of their buff. though, as mentioned, this one is very minor, and unlike the other two won't end up causing a loss. Just a little thing to make people good with wisps feel better about it.

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  3. So, I've been playing Guild wars 2 for ages, and over that time I've accumulated over 5,179 Spirit Shards, I know because there's definitely some I've spent and I currently have this much, and I must say that I'm getting rather sick of Spirit Shards (Yes, I know that there's a process for turning these into money, but that process is a bit of a pain). More to the point though, getting experience after you've got your masteries just doesn't feel satisfying, I barely notice when I get shards from experience, and don't bother using food at 80 for the experience, only using it if It's got stats I want (like Magic Find in open world).

    So, here's my suggestion for how to fix this: PvE Reward Tracks. Get experience to fill them out, and suddenly experience feels like it has great milestones again and exciting points in it. It feels really good progressing through the PvP and WvW Reward tracks, and I'd love to have something like that be present for PvE players as well. This could allow for players to more directly target materials they're after too by having reward tracks based around different kinds of crafting materials, and for those that enjoy the current spirit shards being given, just have a spirit shard reward track that keeps a minimum of the same rate for them.

  4. It's good to see SOME people looking at things a bit more reasonably here, there seems to be this huge amount of hate that this game is getting that I just don't really understand, comparisons of it to other games out there that are really...strange to say the least, and don't seem to actually hold up, just being ways to try and take shots at the game for some reason. You raise a fair amount of good points for the game, and I would love to see some new elite spec, would be nice to get some touchups to dungeons (Especailly Aetherblade path, seriously guys, just remove that stupid ooze puzzle at the start of this and this would be hands down the best dungeon path).

    However, there is a criticism of the game that I feel more comes from people really not using the sheer amount of potential this game gives with builds.

    @Ragi.7291 said:

    • An overhaul of the DEATH branch of Necro and Pets Necro(because their only utility is for AFK Farm and Bot)
    • Make every Spe at least 2 Build viable in each game mode.(example : When are you seeing a Druid DPS in PVE? Why have 9 different traits if it is useful to do 1 thing Heal/buff power)

    See, I can't speak for every trait in the game when I say this, most specs in the game give a great deal of really viable options depending on how you want to build your character. Druid is a really iffy one I will say, at least in my view of them, the only real choices to make are in the first line and between Grace of the Land or Lingering Light. second line just seems to have fairly weak options all around though. Take for instance the Necro stuff being mentioned. Now, since I started doing my Necro build it's become my main go to character (Here it is if you're interested: [&DQgTPQIVIjWbAJsADxMPE3YAdgDkAOQAlQCVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=] Using a mix of Soldiers and Knights gear, with Superior runes of the ranger, Sigils of force and accuracy on greatsword, with axe/focus to swap too which has Force and Bloodlust to stack up power on weaker mobs)

    The characters is an absolute beast of a bruiser, disgustingly tanky despite still outputting a bunch of damage, and though it can't provide much support in most regards, it can rapidly revive downed players. It's what I default to whenever I feel I need to carry group content on my own, while still being quite useful in a group. I think people get a bit too tunnel-visioned on the meta aspects of the game. Outside of Raids (Which lets be honest, the only reason they're like this is because of Time Limit's, which are basically what makes them have such toxic elitism around them too.) the game is really lenient on what you can do for your build. Not a lot of people take advantage of that, but I've been getting a fair few friends into the game and they have been having the exact opposite problem, one of them was asking my advice for their guardian because there were so many different ways they could do the thing they wanted to do and wanted help on which one I thought would work best for them. (Which I surprised myself by looking into what they were doing and finding it was probably dragonhunter, I'd never realised they had such good defensive power behind them with their traitings)

    That being said, I have no idea of the situation in WvW and PvP. I took my Minionmancer Necro into PvP recently and it worked out pretty well, but I really do not touch the competitive aspects of games much at all, not a fan of the communities competitive content tends to foster, you may be very very right there and there's not much in terms of viability in PvP and WvW, it's super hard to try and balance that kind of stuff, and I'm not sure if that side of the game will see much variety.

    But when it comes to PvE, the game really does just let you do almost anything you could want with a class, probably the most restrictive is thief given how self focused their traiting and moves typically are, but even then you could kinda do a venom thief if you wanted to try and make them supportive, and there's plenty of room to make a tanky kind of thief, so even in that there's a wealth of options. It's why my biggest hope is that sometime during this Saga we will get some more elite specs, because every opportunity to play around with new builds and discover fun interesting playstyles is a huge plus to me with this game.

  5. So I've just recently gotten a number of my friends into GW2 and they're really enjoying it, most of them are free to play, but a couple have got the expansions and are just wanting to go and level a character to 80 first to get a hang of things, but all of them have at some point stated that they really wish they could have a mount, and so from there comes my suggestion.

    A Moa Mount.A simple little mount that shares the low base (Grounded) movement speed of Skyscales and Griffons, but would still be faster for players. Doesn't have any masteries, since this is one intended for free players and they don't have access to that (Though could always have it to encourage them to buy the game in order to boost up a mount they've came to enjoy). It's special movement thing is that it has a double jump, where after jumping it can flap its wings to gain a little bit of extra height or to soften fall damage if timed right. It's dismount ability being a simple peck attack, just inflicting a bit of damage and not much else.

    This can help players to get a hang of how mounts work, and get them hyped for getting better ones in Path of Fire, or (If you go the route of giving it a mastery) to get excited to boost it up using mastery, plus it helps new players not feel so left out with all the mounts and such. It could be done as a little collection players could get directed to at Lions Arch (Which would be about level 35 for free players). Nothing too major, perhaps going about and finding a bunch of different moa eggs around area's where different coloured Moa reside, maybe crafting some feed for your new moa and a saddle, so it's like a bit of a hint of the vast collections to unlock stuff like the skyscale and griffon and the journey's they'll take you on to earn them.

  6. These new mount skins have actually killed the game for me. I have been playing this game for over 2000 hours and adored Path of Fire, I was looking forward to getting a griffon mount and flying about the place with it, and really hyped for living world season 4. But unfortunately, these mount skins have destroyed all of that joy and turned it into anger. Every time I see one of these mount skins I have get infuriated that we've had lootboxes come into this game, and have to force myself not to lash out at the player for indulging them.

    As a result, i instead get angry at the game for trying to spread this lootbox scum and I quit out. I was trying to get some of my friends to play the game when path of fire came out, but now I'm urging them to stay as far away as possible from it. I adored this game so much, I even defended the black lion chests for the most part (Not the account bound stuff, that was the little lead in to these boxes of raptor droppings), but this little scheme here has made it clear that whoever has control there hates us players.

    Because I doubt that the people actually working on the game wanted this to be in it, so if anyone from working on the game wants to try and take back their game, showwhoever was in charge of this this thread. Show them all the hatred that EA's gotten from their lootboxes with battlefront. Convince them that this is going to hurt their profits with the hatred its getting, because they sure as hell don't care about what their reputation.

    Because sooner or later this is going to collapse. This may not be the straw that broke the camels back, but there's certainly a lot of strain. And all it's going to take is a small mistep to make things come crashing down.

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