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Posts posted by spectrito.8513

  1. There's no way fix roaming as long as warclaw exists the way it is.

    It's a ganking machine, unless you play something with high mobility/stealth.It's not fun keep being chased to death

    To make it less worse I would put a CD on it, it's just too spammable

  2. @Fenom.9457 said:Necroing this thread because I was going to make my own post but there’s no need. The 20 tournament wins are proving to be even more painful than trying to get into raids for armor (which is still also a massive pain, mind you). Never come so close to actually uninstalling the game as I have in trying to get those wins. And like OP mentioned, it makes no sense! Not just on its own, but when you compare it to the wvw one too. It’s a thinly veiled, terrible attempt for FORCE EVERYONE into a tiny, niche, toxic spot in the game and I’ve only seen others reflect my opinion. I have yet to encounter a single person who’s told me this has helped and they enjoy tournaments now. Why couldn’t it have been 100 player kills? If it’s ok in wvw, why not here? Actually, it makes MORE sense to require kills in PvP than WvW. PvP is all about close combat and slaughtering people to win, but WvW has a large pve aspect to it, as well as long term strategy. If anything, having one of the achievements be getting kills fits better in PvP. It can of course be something more demanding than 100, I think 500 kills would go nicely with 120 ranked wins

    How did Anet forced you ?

    I wanted the raid ring as well but I can't stand doing raids so I just don't do it and keep playing for fun.

    I've found very easy to get the pvp legendary just like the raid ring is easier for someone who already does raids regularly.

  3. They will release it along with the expasion that will come with balanced non-powercreeped classes and Warclaw will be usable only in EBG so maybe people come back to this dead gamemode that every single time i come back i have to move to a high pop server cuz the server i was in is completely dead outside peak times.Holy shit i love gw2

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