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Marina Demeretmonde.1064

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Posts posted by Marina Demeretmonde.1064

  1. Lots of stuff missing....:/  I don't play enough to try to figure this out, between this and dailies....well, a new map will always keep me interested, but geeze.  I should be notified of that happens and what is being done about it without coming out of game to try to figure it all out...really ruins the "being in the moment" of play.  ALSO, I worked #$%^&*() hard for skyscale...and now they just are given out?   Really?  I mean, I think it is great everyone gets to fly, that is wonderful, but my time is the only possession of ANY REAL value in life.  When you devalue my efforts this way...why play?

  2. Definitely a way to slow down our gold, our achievement score, and make us play the way WE DON'T want to play...been a veteran since GW1 and the track of this game seems to be to reduce rewards over time.  Have contributed SUBSTANTIALLY out of pocket on gems.  But now I can't plan how long the dailies will take and work on my "achievement score for faithful attendance" .  That used to be a relaxing part of my day, but I think...well, it has been a good run.  

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  3. On 3/8/2022 at 5:25 PM, Svarty.8019 said:

    Out of interest, did you join voice chat?


    Voice chat is not for everyone...anyone with the slightest hearing or environmental sorting issues is not going to have fun with this...and everyone who does not do well with it is being shouldered out...I had to beg to get in a guild, because they all say discord is required (even though it is not part of the game, and I imagine there is data collection going on...nothing in life is free). 


    I go absolutely crazy neurologically if two people are talking at once...now I get to listen to layers of noise in the game since Drizzlewood and now  "realistic" in EOD, so much that I I am dead before I know what the npcs are saying as thints...add real people who I care to see win, when reading map chat and trying to stay alive for progressively LOOOONNGER and more complex mechanics is hard enough (thank goodness I can read that after the battle and maybe do better next time.  Well, to people who expect everyone to be as good as they are with their twitchy fingers, that makes me a permanent noob/pug/stupid etc.  So I live on the edges of the game, where, fortunately, there are kind people, most of whom have seen some IRL adversity.  Lots to do, but hard to play...if anyone knows of a "no discord" guild or one devoted to "bad players" like me, I would love to know about it, because I put in the effort, even if I don't get the results.  Little escapism here....BUT I love the game anyway.  Long winters and zero social life make this better than most places to be.  I appreciate so much Anet's real effort to be inclusive and include variety and solo options. 

  4. It is not easy for my older working fingers, but a lot like fishing, in that there is skill + luck...just be glad you don't stink or have to tie knots and do the rigging, lol.  I would love to see this refined to actual good spots, and types of fishing...fly fishing would be awesome because it is so detailed and requires matching flies to habitat, and weather.  So many things...bonuses for non-barbed hooks, catch and release, types of reels, etc.  I love it when the game teaches.  Sure beats finding barracuda in inland lakes, lol.  

  5. On 2/28/2022 at 5:42 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Sounds like you should have taken a break after the first hour.


    Reasonable suggestion, but I try being a "good" team member and leave the board better than when I arrived.  The parallel with IRL was pretty profound and I could not avoid getting emotionally involved.  That is one thing I have always liked about GW2 story telling, but not when dealing with humans on the other end of the pixels. 


    Now I have visited 10 times in the last week and nothing is any different, except there is no one standing on the steps any more and so all effort is being applied to the "next to weakest".  Sooo similar to world events, right? 


    The only way as a solo player I have any chance of getting things in the game that I am physically barred from (complex team play/arthritis).  I would do it all PVE if I could.  Being forced into certain types of content (killing actual players and endlessly repetitive play) leaves me no choice but to be cannon fodder...or to bot like the guy in the golem suit.   SMH  

  6. On 3/1/2022 at 4:58 AM, Mabi black.1824 said:

    exactly what I meant friend. when I say that in this game mode you always find a way to have fun (each one in its own way) I'm not wrong 😉


    Then you can have fun by yourself...the word starts with "M" because I won't be there.  

  7. 3 hours ago, Miss Lana.5276 said:

    ....have you considered that people might just straight up not be interested in trying the new specs yet? Or even at all?

    Thank you!  "Yet" being the operative word...the sound is so overlayered that I have to read the map chat and survive at the same time to figure out what is going on...or there are so many ppl in a battle that I cannot see a thing, lol. 


    As an older player I like to peel the game like an onion, and map exploration is always my number one (and greatest) pleasure.  I think we should be mindful that we are in the first week of play of a monumental achievement...far more complex than the average car.   Let's try to be a little patient, and all try to provide supportive, constructive, and helpful feedback to this place where, hour for hour of "involved entertainment", there is no better deal around.  

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  8. I am just going to give up on this part of the game...a boycott...let them see how much fun it is to play with themselves.  I don't play with bullies and not on fair terms.  This is a game. If there is no one at the gate to kill, both those guilds and ANET might get the hint.  Went in again last night, and tonight, and in the middle of both days...same situation...only now, since we are barred from getting any experience, they seem to have all of it, and where I could make an occasional kill or get some guards for a quick daily, that is no longer possible...I cannot scratch the people up front farming us.  That is not a game, and ANET wastes more of my time...how much of  my time is wasted by ANY corporation for their convenience means I go elsewhere.  Cantha is wonderful...sooo much work, and it IS hard to make everyone happy, but I have tried to suggest changes that might make it possible for it to be more of a game.  If they had to take the whole field every hour after a frequent reset, and if we could build a golem or arrow cart without having to go to the borderlands....  😕💔 

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  9. Thanks for the time in replying.  I think it is a very hard thing to keep everyone happy...if they balance the game so everyone can play on fair ground, the hard core base gets upset.  It amazes me how much people "game the game"...interesting, but I would rather play as it was intended.   

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  10. I have now spent 17 (maybe more) hours running to another map for supply because we can't get past the front steps in WvW.  I have been verbally abused and have watched some players standing around to get their experience at my expense.  Reported the guy in the golem suit who runs against a wall for hours...he is back...day after day.  But can I blame them really for cheating in such a negative space?  Hmmm, maybe I should try it...sounds like more fun than being a carpet for many feet.


    While I have been running supply, repairing, and fighting futilely, I have been thinking about Ukraine.  And wondering why I think this is fun...I don't...honestly, I don't take pleasure in any kind of play killing real people with a layer of pixels between us.  I think about how they feel when I kill them.  I sincerely wish there were ways to get each reward with all forms of play. 


    As an older player without jumping skills and nothing to offer a team, I think about quitting a lot.  The incredible beauty, the animals of this world, the mounts, the wonderful maps and scavenger hunts, metas (that don't "get better" by going on endlessly), maps where I can actually occasionally eat a bite of food or sip a drink...can we do one based on "spring"?  Grothnar is SO beautiful!  Those are awesome, and I hope they..and you...are around another 10 years.  


    Suggestions:  Reset the WvW map every hour like Drizzlewood and others.  Only allow the same number of people into a map from each server at the same time.  Have a supply depot near the starting WP.  Oh, and throughout the world there should never be "invisible walls"...honestly...even just a film of colour or a dotted line would save my arthritic hands a lot, lol. Killing people that hit them?  Really?  Boooring.


    Y'all other players who will jump to "dis" me and put me down for feeling that the way to bring more players in to the game is NOT have locked doors that need 10 people to get in...you are so lucky to have your health and be able to do all game types...I dream of being as good as you and would love to go, but only make you angry when I do...I am slow and get confused.  Yet you treat me like I am stupid and out to bring you down.  Too many of you take your success as an opportunity to kick others not a glamorous as you...why?   What is wrong with you?


    Anet, you ask too much...this is a game.  Yakslapper?  That is not an achievement...that is a stupid waste of time...yup, sure tells me something about the person with the title.  No one I would like to know.  Ceaseless repetition is no way to bring in customers.  Nor is "hiding" the repair heart away from a WP or having one WP per map.  When design becomes "how do we slow them down so we can do less design"...well.  Not a good business model.  


    "Is this fun?"  Hmm, I could be PAID to do some mindless repetitive thing if that was how I wanted to spend my time.  Fun is NOT the guy calling me lascivious names in WvW...enough of that goes on IRL, thank you.  It really seems there are no consequences for being awful or cheating.  I don't even know if my report was acted upon. 


    Fun IS the mesmer who helps me through a JP and sends back the gold I try to give her.  That is not just fun, but moving, because I would never have seen that content I helped pay for without her.  Fun is not going through 89 steps and all my gold to get my legendary to a step where a fractal with a JP is required that I will never be able to do because of my hands/eyes, and a special mouse. Oh well...but that leaves a pretty bitter taste. 


    The good writing, the emotional involvement with characters in story lines (oh Tybalt), the music, the sets, and the excitement of finding a new place in Tyria when I thought I had been there and done that....   Sadly many story lines are too difficult to play...the. MAIN. Story. Line.  The game has been around so long you need to start to be mindful of aging players.  People like me who have been around since...Pong.  Careful about the layering of sound...the sound/music is awesome, but if I am fighting, I cannot hear/read because too much is going on...so I die.  Instructions are poor at best (I spend more time researching online how to do things than I spend in-game, and that is sad).  Overlapping sound is so complicated...it is nice in an ambient situation like in the cities, but not life or death when 5 things are happening at once.  If everyone is talking at once?  Anyone with any hearing issue is going to have problems.  Maybe a way to split the main character shouting instructions from the background? 


    It would be great to maybe have a way to report and recognize the people who make GW2 an amazing place!   Titles and commendations based on the real actions of altruism I see so often.  That part of the community is moving and reassuring, at a RL time of colossal division and stupidity in the face of mortal threat, and at a time where immune compromised people like myself have been "at home" for years now (since before COVID19).  I was crying in frustration last night as Mag shoved us down our own throats for hours and hours...good for them...but how do we even feel like we have a chance with no supply and greatly and consistently over powered in numbers?  They are like a super power rolling over a smaller nation, with no resources or way out.   


    In the PvE, there need to be more solo options...maybe make a "solo" run for each of those instances and dungeons, fractals, etc.  no new set designs, lower rewards (ok, no problem, rewarding teamwork is good, in spite of my inability to make a good team member).   I would pay gold to walk through a JP, Strikes, or Fractals just to see it and be able to walk around with time to look, because I love what you do.  


    On a lot of the content, teams want to WIN....I know I am a "bad" player (in spite of the fact that I am doing my VERY best pretty much all the time), so it would be only self-serving and avaricious for me to join and lessen their chances of winning...just for a skin. 


    So no...lots of us are NOT here for fashion or even acquisition.  But if you look in your files, you will find, that I (and many, many) other people who have profound limitations are your biggest supporters (sure beats watching daytime TV)...but on the eve of an expansion, the spectacular failure of the WvW balance has me thinking.  The shift from emphasis on animalistic topics to "technology" is likely to not be interesting to me anyway.  The shift from the jungle to the city is so like where we are going as a species.  Sooo many parallels in the game and the story telling are allegorical to current issues.  


    One more little suggestion...I would grind WvW (which I really don't like for the reasons above) for weeks if there were an "unlocked dye" reward track, or for mounts, etc.  The emotes are great too. But think about why you want to herd people into play that is not fun. 


    I did leave for a long time...not because I was angry, but because of some of the issues above.   I don't have to be happy all the time, but honestly?  This is often my ONLY escape, and I would rather not be outside of this masterpiece of creativity.  So don't think I am not appreciative...I am.  Totally.  The fact that a culture has risen up in and out of game is a huge feather in your cap...it is almost as interesting as the game itself...so keep moving towards FUN options for everyone, please?   For those saying "well no one forces you here,"  I say...please don't be so shallow, lets help the game towards a future?

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  11. @"Trise.2865" said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

    So therefore, the legendary are only for exalted "chosen ones" born with fast reflexes and a thirst for blood? I don't think this is what the developers had in mind when they made the game. I have no problem with mode specific skins, none at all, but legendary weapons? It is like the story line with me...not being able to get through that, or to make a legendary are too central to the core of the game to limit people based on the number of buttons they push or the speed that they do it. Think you are a great player? Hate to tell you, but your reflexes are largely genetic/health. You are not great if you act like a jerk.

    It would be great to see achievements for those who rez other players, or play a helpful/healing role. Nominations from guilds for the patient people who help noobs, or those of us who are permanent noobs but struggle for goals anyway. Then the fancy pants killer dudes who think they are such hot you-know-what while calling others idiots in map chat might learn that community is how you act towards each other, and THAT is what gives it longevity and viability...then let's find a way to put that in real life, lol.

  12. @Chaba.5410 said:Not this question again. Legendaries were never meant to be PvE-only gear, but representative of a player's mastery over the entire game. The real answer is you don't need a legendary if you're not going to participate in the entirety of this game. Use ascended gear.

    A lot of us who play do NOT enjoy making a doormat out of other players. If that's what you enjoy, do it, but don't put those of us down who want alternatives. I LOVE working with other humans to solve problems, not making war on them.

  13. @Blackwolfmetal.3640 said:

    @Makuragee.3058 said:Dont worry the rest of the community is not like this at all, I do T4 frac and sometime CM. I just start my own lfg, and accept everyone even non meta build, if you know what you do and are somewhat competent with your build I mever say anything, maybe a tips here and there but that about it. Let the small toxic elitist community die in a corner, they are the whole reason anet stop doing raid XD

    You are right and that is how things should be. But in all my time my experience with pugs has been mostly like this. Very few respectfull groups. But thank you for the kind words.

    As an older player (who enjoys engaging with all the content, not just rushing through as fast as possible for the loot), I just don't even try most content that people run in groups continually, because there is so much rudeness, or if it takes one minute longer than it should they rage quit...I really emotionally engage with the game, and this is not fun.

  14. Thanks, quality of life is important! I have one solid suggestion, and a few general remarks, most of which apply to us older or disabled players. The first is that the "friends" option is a nice gesture, but I have no way to remember someone I friended. Is it possible to add a comments space next to each so I can do what I do in real life and note date and where I met them? This would help relationship building a lot.

    The second is that there seems to be a trend towards more and more time spent doing repetitious "not fun" activities. Some examples....repair spots not close to WPs, having to repeat hearts to talk to vendors, few WPs requiring LOTS of running back and forth for those of us who struggle very hard to get through the game.

    Third, I don't want it to be made easy just for me, but I fall a lot, from aging hands and brain tissue...that is one reason I play the game, to keep these sharp. The maps do keep getting harder and harder...many players like this for fashion exclusivity, and that is ok...they have many game options I do not, but some of us are not here for the skins (most are far too "rococco" for this general designer). We are here for story, travel, and adventure through your magnificent exotic landscapes. My husband and I saved for 10 years to travel now, but are locked down because one of us is immune compromised...what a life saver you have been!

    I don't play pvp, strikes, raids, jps etc. because I am arthritic, and just a tad slower. I am doing my best and someone insults me or tries to "whip" me into going faster. The maps are becoming more "die while trying to harvest a node", "don't stop to look around or you will die", or "if you want to see it you better like JPs". I don't claim to be a great player, but have been loyal and very supportive since GW1 because the sense of movement in the game gives me great joy. I can't even run in RL. I may actually get the skyscale (I think I can, I think I can), because the mounts are SO much fun.

    There is a bewildering amount of things to do and places to see. But because I am a "clumsy" player, most guilds get very impatient with me, so I am looking for places I can solo or play with my husband (who is 73 and loves the game too). Please don't forget about players like me unless you want the small percentage of folks attired in legendaries and the rest of us to drop away in frustration. The loss of the game as an option of something to do with my physical and mental "down time" would cause me considerable grief. Players like me are the group who want to come to the game and have some relaxing places, not just in Kryta.

    Another thought (I have lost count, sorry): I think "flow" is very important...the game did this very well in its first few years...now I feel like the game is more "road-block". Maybe there could be more solo-able events? I am the kind of person who hates letting a team down...and I will leave the team if I cannot contribute, or if I feel like there is a whole group waiting on me to catch up. When you have a job, one of the best things you can do if you are incompetent at it is to leave it, especially if you are getting in other's way.

    Finally, Discord is becoming more and more a requirement, and this is sad, because anonymity is important for some of us. I like getting to know a toon, and don't really want to bore others with my own (boring) backstory Also, I find it very difficult to listen to a lot of people talking at once, much less trying to survive while doing that. Fun becomes stress...not eustress (which much of the game is), but distress, which then becomes a negative impact on my health. You can write me off as lame, I know a lot of people will. But many of us who cannot participate much in real life for one reason or another are here...and they are often the wonderful people who will stop playing to answer helpfully when one calls out for help on the maps, because they are not in such an acquisitive hurry to get the latest skin.

    There are many good nimble fingered ones who are great players...but there are also many who collect from the node you are fighting beasties off of, who will tell you you are not "good enough" to raid or fractal or whatever. You can buy a commander tag, or kill lot of players, but that does not make you a good leader.

    I love you, and the game very much...it is my solace when I can't keep control of the litter outside, or the forest I grew up with is dying outside. It is a non-stop 24 hour masquerade party when I cannot sleep. I know you cannot please everyone. But if a broader player base is what you are after, please give some thought to some of the above...I want you to be here a long time.

    One final suggestion is to make changes in the world that exists...I love some of the things the NPCs say, but maybe change the comments they make in the heavily used areas (like vendors and crafting stations) from time to time to keep it from getting old. I would imagine that would not be too expensive to do?

    Anyway, sorry about the monolog...I thought it would be better to speak before I get too frustrated and give up all the time and stuff I have gotten in the game.

  15. This game is a life saver right now...the thoughtful freebies are a lovely way to show you care about the player base. People need to think less about what is not right, and celebrate this massive artwork we get to play in. It is really amazing how well it flows much of the time, and its longevity is one of the best things about it. Big virtual hugs to you all!

  16. I only get about half of the harvest...I see carrots, cabbages, etc, but only get the fruits. My character starts and "pulls" the stuff with a bar filling up, then about half way through, she just sucks it up without a bar, and nothing appears in inventory. Anyone else having this problem? It is quite a wait to get into the secret garden, and is not worth it if it does not work.

  17. So the best players have weeks and months to do all this amazing stuff...they probably don't work, many like me disabled. Stuck on the Beastmaster with nowhere to go, just not fast enough...SO upset. There ought to be a secondary plot line to allow for those who simply cannot hit multiple key sequences quickly. I believe in you...I fail in real life in spite of my best efforts because of health. The game is my escape...where I feel free from my crippled body. The mounts are awesome, but will obviously not get griffon after tonight. Exhausted from trying over and over listening to same dialogs again and again. Also, instances could contain a time estimate for each, the length impacts my family life...I need to know if this will take hours and will make the quiet time. But they should not be more than 20-30 minutes, because they are physically exhausting, sometimes emotionally too, as the writing in this game is excellent and I get very involved with characters. This is so late, but honestly, physically it has taken me years to master movements and just getting through the maps of HOT is super challenging. Since guilds have zero patience for people like me (just so much dead weight), I appreciate design that allows me or me and my husband to make it through. We want to be loners and map chatting or talking via Discord is NOT possible for players our age and limits (I am 57 with fibromyalgia, he is 73). We love the game...courted and spent time together on GW when physically apart before marriage.

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