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Posts posted by nekuxdesu.4796

  1. @X T D.6458 said:Btw nice job anet listening to the elitist crowd so they can have their own private playground.

    I am curious how do you think you can achieve any semblance of population balance, when a bunch of guilds that play in one timezone can stack a new server each time, capping the population, keeping out anyone not in the guild, and not having anyone from different timezones to fill in the coverage gaps?

    How long do you think it will take before server A starts complaining wvw is dead because server B doesn't have anyone on at the same time?

    How long do you think it will take before it turns into a EoTM style ktrain, because you took away any meaning to matches since everything will just reset every other month, therefore you are only playing for personal rewards...hmmm does scouting, defending, roaming, small team play give more rewards or blobbing up and ktraining?

    Oh and I really love the part about ''evaluation''. Forget about being able to jump into wvw anytime you want, the game will now judge you based on how long and how much you play!

    Everything already resets every week. Your server doesn't matter.

  2. First off I'm glad y'all are getting ideas on the table. It feels like there's been too much silence but with the dev interaction in the thread I hope things can change.I've read through everything and have talked with my fellow guildies and once issue I have seems to be the size of alliances. 1000 players seems just too much and seems like itll just create some degenerate gameplay that we see now with BG (not namecalling them, just saying what continues to happen with interactions isn't healthy). I believe having guilds specificy as wubwub specific is important but I believe it needs to be taken a smaller step further and possibly have more restrictions on player limits to help curb degenerate gameplay like trying to build a full coverage alliance but possibly with more rewards from guild missions buuuuuuuuuut I know the guild team may not be ready for such a thing yet.
    Also when will we have some optimizations on wubwub servers? Reset night in EBG is still a nightmare when you have 200+ people fighting inside SMC with skills coming out 10+ seconds later.

    As a community I think we're all mostly happy with basically all the recent changes that are wubwub specific (ignoring class balancing) and we hope we keep hearing more from you.


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