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Posts posted by dly.2485

  1. 35 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    I have followed that. Defeated both 5 times now as done it again about 45 mins ago with M-PEC activated.

  2. Hi all,


    Just wondering if someone could help. I only need this item now to craft pre and ultimately craft HOPE. However I cannot get it even though I have tried multiple times.


    The tasks states 

    Activate the M-PEC before defeating a Champion Stonehead near the Griffonfall Pylon in Auric Basin to gather its salivary stone.


    I have Killed the Alpha and Beta with M-PEC enabled and active 4 times now and no item received. I notice the type with Champion Stonehead (although there is not one in Auric Basin). I feel like this is bugged for me now, How did other people get this?


    Many thanks


  3. Hi,


    I know this has been brought up a few times in the past and ANet do not usually comment, but it is becoming frustrating to farm Crystalline Ore due to DS Meta event participation.


    I have been looking to create some Gen2 Legendary's which do not support Desert - i.e. HOPE. I have managed to do a single meta in the past week, most nights I am online only one or two other people show up.  I know this is more to do with the time I play but I do not think it would be detrimental to the game.

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  4. On 10/17/2022 at 4:30 PM, Chaba.5410 said:

    Yea, it won't change after the deadline.

    Please check these things:
    1) Selection needed to be made before Thursday Oct 13th at 11:59pm Pacific.  (I assume you did this correctly.)
    2) You've participated in WvW prior to the beta recently, like within the last 30 days.  The automatic placement requires recent participation data even if you selected a guild and they don't exactly tell you that or how recent it needs to be.  If you got the option to manually select a team (see my screenshot), you would know you didn't have enough recent participation.


    Then use /bug to report incorrect placement.



    Yeah I will report, I had enough participation and had selected the right guild etc, was really looking forward to completing stuff with guild, we did not know this was happening at first and one of my friends even moved from Gandara server to Gunnars Hold just to play WvW together. Then it put me in the wrong team, its so frustrating.

  5. Hi,

    I am currently on Visions of the Past (Forging Steel) on an alt character and also completing the return to achievements. My next story title at top right says "use the Scrying Pool to relive Aurene's vision of the past.", When I try to progress Forging Steel it puts me into the Strike Mission (Public), When I complete that I have the same message at the top. It won't progress and I have completed the Strike Mission twice now.

    Thanks for any help

  6. Hi,

    I was wondering if the Storms of Winter event in Bjora Marches has changed or whether my map was bugged? I am sure on release you had to defeat the Ice Construct before you were able to loot Asgeirs?

    Additionally, has the amount of Eternal Ice Shards from each node increased? I am getting 6 or 7 on every node now. I am sure this was less. 

    Being in the map today to complete the returned to missions felt so nerfed compared to release it was kinda sad.


    • Confused 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Patsoor.6425 said:

    Yes ppl should be able to play what they want, but this guy doesn't like pvE content, then I wonder why do you want the mount if you don't play pvE? If you want the mount, you have to do a strike mission on top of the meta, not the hardest. But yes it will require you to play or do some mechanics you're not used to. its not the end of the world.
    Other way, if you ever want a legendary... the force you into WvW which I dislike & would not play if it wasn't for the gift of battle. So any wvw player can't complain about doing pvE content in order to get something.

    LFG groups asking LI:
    Don't you guys have at least one guild that does strikes or raids?
    I'm sure they would help other guildmembers if you would ask them to organize (and maybe even helpout with dps/rotation/build/whatever) some runs on strikes to get achievements done.

    An other question, you say you're a dps banner and pretty good in open world, how do you know you're good in open world?
    I mean, I speak for myself here but after my first raid, which was succesfull. I thought my dps was good.
    Untill the commander(thanks Endaris) contacted me on discord after to explain some stuff to me bc my dps was maybe 1/3 from what I do now, I had the correct gear, i just did stuff wrong (and still learning mechanics).



    I am only in a guild with 5 friends 3 of which do not play any more. I am sure there are many other players out there in the same situation.

    I say I am pretty good i open world as I can solo nearly everything without help, I also run arcDPS and when doing any events / meta bosses I am generally in the top 5 for DPS ~20k - 30k damage sustaining.

    I do not mind wiping in open world as I can respawn, but wiping in an instance where I then get hassled by idiots is not fun.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, difens.1326 said:

    I admire your willpower to even try playing as bannerslave. I refuse to do it and I will have to accept the fact that I will get kicked out of potential strike groups. I do not consider placing kitten flags around as fun gameplay.


    I have tried and run a mostly raid build in open world purely because I want to get good and get into doing stuff like strikes. although its not what I consider fun and its not something I am very good at. I would like to be good but really do not have that much time to accomplish it.

    I completely understand that a lot will not even want this. I am actually resigned to getting the turtle now, which I should not be considering it was a major selling point of the expansion.

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  9. 26 minutes ago, Icaryu.3264 said:

    I'm sorry but I have to respond to this. If you don't want to play the game, don't. You are not forced to do anything !

    Just in case, I've done only 2 tries before getting the meta done. I'm a PvE player mostly, and yes I do raids, and sometimes fractals and strikes. It really bothers me that some players just don't want to play the PvE content. Besides, this meta is not at raid difficulty (I think). You may think that because you have to be organized, but that's not the only part about raids.

    I understand that you are a WvW player, and I, personnaly, don't really like this game mode. For me, it's complicated, and I don't want to put much time doing this. BUT I will play it if I want to make legendaries, such as Vision and Aurora. I won't complain about it, because I think it's important that every game mode has some content related to legendary and such.

    To get the siege turtle, actually, you have to play in PvE. If you don't want to play this game mode, just don't. But why complain about it ? I just remind you btw that it won't, at this time, be available in WvW. Maybe later, but not now, so there is no need to rush. It was said before the EoD launch btw. AND I would like to say that you only have to do ONE strike, and it's not the hardest one.

    Now I'm asking you : why do you want the siege turtle ? Because if you don't like PvE, you won't play it, and then you won't be able to have fun with the turtle ! Furthermore, what do you like about WvW ?

    So yeah, I think that people are just crying because they don't have their turtle, because they weren't able to complete the meta. And maybe they are right ! But I really think this meta is good (just not enough rewarding), and the completion of the turtle collections is good as well (maybe not the first step. I think putting it in the last map but where there are siege turtles would have been better in so many ways but whatever). It's really not that hard, you just have to play the game. The only "hard" thing is really completing the meta. After the 15th, the hardest thing will be the strike, and it's not that hard. Do it when it's on daily and it will be fine. And again, if you don't want to play the game, just don't ^^

    Have a nice day ! 😄


    People should be able to play how they want. A huge part of the fan base is people who come from GW1 which is completely soloable. Even GW2 was soloable when it came out apart from Dungeons which you could complete with a group of 4 friends.

    The problem remains though, I am trying to get into a strike mission on the EU servers. Everyone wants Li's as proof I have raid experience, which I do not. 

    I managed to get into a strike yesterday by saying I was DPS Banner, I am pretty good at it in open world and rarely wipe. But after we got Minister Li down to about 18% I completely wiped and then started to get bitched at and nasty messages by the other team as I failed for the group basically. 

    I play Guild Wars for some escapism from idiots when I am at work, I do not get much time to play as it is, I do not need more stress when playing a game, it's not fun for me at all.

    Yet, I still want the turtle mount as its a nostalgia thing back to GW: Factions.

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  10. I commanded a group earlier and we cleared it, I had the group split into 10 subgroups. I gave the same instructions I have been for the past few days. One thing I noticed though. We had a huge chunk of time we were able to DPS where she was not flying about and when she did her wave move, it fired behind us so we were able to continue with the DPS. I asked for some people group 7 to glide for her tail and that seemed to take it down really quickly while 15 others groups 8, 9, 10 attacked her tail normally, the other groups stayed on her front foot ready to take down CC. it worked well but it was also due to luck. the majority of my experiences have not been as fortunate with the RNG. It's a huge issue which needs to be fixed.

    The mechanics are fairly trivial to people who read the chat, the dps is easy but the RNG is what is stopping this from being completed by the masses. It's only after completing it I realize how much this really is based on luck and not skill.

    One thing I know for sure, I'm not going back to do it again unless there is some reason I NEED to.  It will soon be the case with any patient commander who manages to complete it unfortunately.

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  11. 10 minutes ago, Heibi.4251 said:

    Well, today would be the day that we might see some action. Tuesday is usually patch day.

    I'm thinking the response will be "We're happy with the progress we've seen and will continue to watch the people who payed for this be frustrated." Sorry that's just my pessimistic thought on this. Nothing will be done.

    This META cannot continue on this path. The good commanders will soon stop coming to this event and the players who have their turtles and suffered through the frustration will also rarely visit this event. The map will become a desert wasteland.


    I suspect the same and you are right re: the commanders. I was just in a DE meta with an excellent commander, they gave everyone clear instructions and wanted people to learn and was not elitist. We failed at 2% and they then said that they were not coming back until it was fixed which was a shame as they were actually teaching players the map and mechanics.

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  12. It would be good if ANet released a statement, They put this threat here and 22 pages later we have not a word.

    I would also like to see what data they are collecting. It needs to be weighted based on how many players have completed and how many attempts it took those players to complete. rather than just a "20% success rate", as I am, along with a lot of others I suspect still not completed this and I have spent +26 hours on this alone.  

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  13. 4 hours ago, Lottie.5370 said:

    Did you say the same thing when HoT or PoF released? Because they have 4 maps too.


    No, because I was not comparing them to Cantha in GW1 as per the title.

    The maps are not really that big. It takes about 2 hours to map completion on Echovald Wilds. Which looks like its supposed to encompass, Ferndale, Melandru's Hope and Drazach Thicket, They would take longer to explore than 2 hours. a VQ on one of these maps is roughly an hour. I am not saying the GW1 maps are bigger but they have more intricacies and you can sometimes feel like you are getting lost.

    It is most likely that I am just feeling sentimental and nostalgic about Cantha.

  14. Hi,


    The guild that I was part of for the past 5 years has disbanded due to many people leaving the game so I am looking for a new guild.


    My hours of play are unpredictable and while I can be online for most content like guild missions or fractals, I cant guarantee mandatory times due to work and family commitment. I am mostly look for a guild to hang out with, do some fractals and raids (if willing to teach). I use discord, I do not mind being on voice chat. really just looking for a group of people I can enjoy the game with.


    I have been playing GW1 since day one and GW2 since beta. I am very into the lore and I am pretty good at most OW meta's., I have commanded most.


    my discord is: dlystyr#5325

  15. 6 hours ago, Whine and Spirit.4359 said:

    I don't think we have to worry too much about more maps in Cantha--there are a few map areas (Kinya Province, Togo's Estate, Raisu Palace/Ruined Kaineng) that look like locks for LW6, and I'm sure we'll get at least one Jade Sea map too.

    GW1 Cantha was big, but there was a lot of redundancy. I don't mind if we only get one or two map sections per region as long as they're interesting--especially the Jade Sea now that the color is a bit more, glowy. My long shot hope is for a Maishang Hills + Archipelago + Gyala Hatchery map. That would cover a lot of interesting stuff and, more importantly, have turtles.

    I am a little bummed about Old Kaineng though. Why does every old city from GW1 end up as some stony, antiquated pile of ruin? It was only 250 years! Leave it a gross, towering slum the way it was in GW1. Old-old Kaineng had a unique, grungy aesthetic that I think would be cool to revisit. I miss the Xaquang Skyway, running on top of those makeshift skyscrapers was so cool and an interesting map concept for GW2. Undercity would have been a freebie for some sort of instanced content. Maybe we'll get a taste of that if we go to Raisu?

    To be fair, New Kaineng does capture a similar sense of GW1's height and expanse--if only there was a little more to do in there. It's a beautiful area and I'd love to see it fleshed out more, maybe with some LS6 related content.

    I am admittedly very nostalgic for Cantha.


    I am also VERY nostalgic about Cantha in GW1, I still do vanquishes a few days a week. I think that's why I am a little critical about the expansion. I do think 4 maps is on the low end for an expansion even though we will likely be getting more in LW.

    I would like to see more areas open in the Echovald forest, Especially around the Mourning Veil Falls area and as previously said Gyala Hatchery and The Undercity. 


    It is interesting to see others thoughts. I found the story very good and I do love the maps they have released so far. I just hope its not too long before its released!


    • Like 2
  16. 8 hours ago, Debesyla.7102 said:

    GW1 maps were mostly copy pasted plain empty spaces of nothing. GW2 maps are not.


    Yeah they were but they will still areas to complete and explore, which was always part of the appeal with GW. The beautiful map design regardless of copy / paste textures.


    Additionally, do you not think the Echovald forest is a lot of copy and paste from HoT? 

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  17. When Guild Wars: Factions was released in 2006, I was amazed at the amount of content that was included. The map is huge and there is so much to it.

    So, have they done Cantha justice in only release 4 maps? IMO its 3 maps, New Kaineng is a city along a similar vein to Divinity's Reach.

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  18. 49 minutes ago, Aleckohol.4739 said:

    I've done this trash so many times and wasted so many hours, at this point I absolutely detest it. I'm at about 15 tries and have never seen a battle look anything like the videos where people won. I am 1000% convinced that anybody who has beat her at this point has simply won the RNG lottery.


    I would truly not be disappointed or feel like I cheated if I was just gifted the achievement and the rewards after the amount of time and effort I have put in.

    That's what it is at this point, the RNG lottery.

    I am pretty good, I do a lot of dps and use a beserker condo build with full vipers ascended gear and legendary weapons. But I can't depend on casuals, nor do I expect them to be as good when I have put so much time in over the years.

    This meta is so demoralizing, I have logged in 3 times today, but just went to DE and decided to log out. Just can't be bothered at this point.

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