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Posts posted by Numnumnym.8649

  1. I've been playing WvW for years, I'm no stranger to disconnecting in WvW, my normal routine is to:: accept it, processes it, and move on. Lately, I'm noticing a recurring scenario which leads me to think there is either a problem with the system or something else which is why I thought to express my concerns here. So here it is, I've noticed during WvW when I engage in player vs player against any Bronze Rank players with "no guild", I seem to be disconnecting more frequently in the middle of fights. Lately, I've been avoiding them when I see them and I've not being disconnecting, which leads me to an unfavorable conclusion that something is happening. 

  2. @Yasai.3549 said:The only reason I've ever hated Thief in WvW is ever since they gave them Shadow Portal.

    Nothing is more infuriating than a DE is endlessly Stealthed in inner keep only to open a free path into the keep minutes later for a easy cap without defenders even realising they were around.

    Even if yu realise there is a DE in the keep, they are extremely difficult to catch because of all their stealth applications and 2 charges of revealed removal.

    Yu can literally blanket the entire inner with Reveal skills and not find the DE.

    This is why these days it's pretty much a MUST to slot and activate Radar upon capping a Keep, just for the primary reason of outting pest like DEs still hiding.

    And doing so prevents other useful anti siege tactics to be slotted in its place.

    In all honesty, I find this method to be more of a balance, as it's about providing opportunity to small groups and servers with a lower active population in WvW that can't fend against servers that have a high active population.

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