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Posts posted by Slugonaut.9841

  1. Anyone else notice he might have had mace in both hands? It was hard to tell but it looked like it to me, but maybe im missing something.

    Wondering if they havent finished the skill icons for offhand or something

    nvm it looks like its just a weird pistol skin, bummmmer

  2. @Orpheal.8263 said:

    @"Slugonaut.9841" said:How does GS not make sense? It would make total sense if they approached it from a Samurai perspective. Now I'm not saying I want GS on thief but it could totally work. Samurai GS would also thematically fit with Staff as well.

    Id prefer Axe/Mace/OH Sword before anything else though. Since the last two weapons we've gotten have been 2 handers, I would expect a 1 hand weapon for the next elite spec.

    Before you talk about Samurais, I suggest you to educate yourself first what exactly Samurais are, because if you would know what Samurais are, then you'd clearly realize, why exactly they make for Thieves absolutely NO sense at all.But I will make it easy for you and tell you the reasons, why Samurais make no sense:

    1.) Samurais are WARRIORS/ GUARDIANS (if basically translated by word directly from Servant/Protector what Samurai means directly) , no Thieves, which are led by a Shōgun, which comes close as rank of a military "commander" of the Samurai.2.) Samurai is a real world term that has no meaning to the lore of Tyria, because it has to do with asian/japanese culture, Tyria is not Asia/Japan!!3.) Thieves are POOR, Samurais in the real word were of aristocratic status!!! They were simply said noble warriors/soldiers. If there ever would have come out, that among the Samurais is a poor thief that steals from others, they would throw that person instantly out, or just kill that person for putting dirt on the name of the Samurai and their codex of honor, for that is one o the highest honors to protect their land, their emperor and its folks people, not to steal from them....4.) Thieves are no Soldiers, they are Adventurers, so Samurais make for our Class Type no sense at all, they make in fact more Sense for Warriors, if ANet would eventually come to the idea to add Katanas ever as a new Weapon Type for a Samurai-like Warrior-Elite Spec5.) Samurais are praktically only MEN, in the culture of Samurai exist nearly no females, they were forbidden to become Samurai, because it its against the Codex of Honor of Samurai to have women among them. There have been exeptions yes, but they were absolutely not the rule.6.) If theres a Weapon for Thieves as "Samurai", that fits better, then in fact the Longbow, not the big bulky western Greatswords, cause Samurai were well known for their skills (Kyuudo) with the Longbow, they were very skilled and feared mounted archers in battles using their long/big Yumi Bows (Dai Kyuu) while riding on their horses into the battles, having from horseback naturayl a better position to perform killing shots either into the heads or hearts of their enemies. However, points 1-5 make this point moot, Warriors have already longbows in GW2, Guardians also too, and Anet didnt use the chance with that Weapon for Samurais, they gave us instead the crap that is called Dragon Hunter ...7.) Samurais are based on family clans.. this kind of inner political structure doesn't exist for Classes in the game at all.Do I have to continue?

    I guess this alone shows more than enough, why Samurais as class make no sense and only because other games like FF14 have Samurais, doesn't mean that GW2 must have them too, especially not as part of a Class where they make absolutel no sense.If done as some kind of Warrior/Guardian- E Spec it would make at least sense, but Anet didn't make usage of that potential and I'm pretty sure, that they had their reasons for this decision to give neither the Warrior nor the Guardian a fitting Samurai-Spec yet.The only chance that is left for those 2 classes is like said, if ANet would decide to add Katanas as a new Weapon Type and make actually the only one single greatsword skin that looks like a katana actually really a katana in the game... with its own animations, own skills ect. that are different of the big bulky western greatswords and would fit better to a martial artistic Samurai Warrior...

    Thanks for really clearing that up for me Orpheal, I mean wow, how stupid of me to think that a Samurai theme would go along with the Daredevil theme. I also appreciate the history lesson but you should also probably know that when the Meiji Restoration occurred and totally wiped out the Samurai class and they became unemployed (Ronin) is when long (Bo) and short (Jo) staff use became more popular. So say what you will about warrior/guard being more fitting but ultimately Samurai became Thieves........

  3. How does GS not make sense? It would make total sense if they approached it from a Samurai perspective. Now I'm not saying I want GS on thief but it could totally work. Samurai GS would also thematically fit with Staff as well.

    Id prefer Axe/Mace/OH Sword before anything else though. Since the last two weapons we've gotten have been 2 handers, I would expect a 1 hand weapon for the next elite spec.

  4. Anyone who says scourge isnt broken, go watch any of the GvG NA tournament where almost every team has at least 5-7 scourges with 5+ Firebrands. Come on now, its ridiculous. In a 15v15 matchup almost half the team is one class, hell almost 2/3 of the entire squad is only 2 classes. That's the epitome of broken if you ask me.

  5. I dunno.....I mean I played WOW for a long time and ended up quitting for a lot of reasons right before GW2 launched. I ended up getting GW2 and giving it a go. At first, the game didn't really grab me like WOW did (esp. PVE) but I kept playing and really fell in love with WvW (prob my fav thing in any MMO ive ever played).

    Fast forward to HOT launch and GW2 really started to sour for me and I ended up quitting for a while and not playing much at all for almost 2 years. I ended up getting a real itch to go back to WOW and give it another shot as it had been like 5 + years since I had played (this was about 10 months ago now). I played for about 5 months and WOW just felt so clunky and old/dated that I could not really get back into at all. So many pointless grinds and RNG elements that they implemented, not to mention the community just being god awful (GW2 community is a million times better). Game play and combat was just boring to me, especially compared to GW2's combat.

    I came back to GW2 in October and have really been enjoying it since. I really like PoF much better than HoT and a lot of my friends are still around. All in all, GW2 is a much better game FOR ME these days than WOW is. Once the nostalgia of going back to WOW wore off, there wasn't much left for me anymore.

  6. I think random placement could be fun, especially for a mercenary type roaming squad/guild. Specifically choose not to be a part of any alliance and enjoy floating around to different matchups/fights every 8 weeks. At least in theory that sounds kind of fun to me, a way to diversify any kind of stagnation from either straight up server alliance play or even a way to break out of being stuck in a certain tier.

  7. @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

    @Slugonaut.9841 said:All this talk about alliance caps has me thinking...........Say a guild does have a max cap of 500 players in an alliance, but only 60 of those players mark the guild as their WVW guild. Will the alliance population be based off of the active players marking that guild as their WVW guild (makes the most sense) or will it just be looking at the entire guilds roster?

    They stated it only looks at the players that set that guild as WvW Primary

    With that being the case then I really don't see any issue with having to change the max # of players in a guild. I still think guilds will want to keep their Identity and the paranoia of their being these mega guilds swallowing people up to have an active roster of 500 players all choosing that one guild as their WVW guild seems a bit pointless and way too much to manage. But hey, maybe some will try it.....

  8. All this talk about alliance caps has me thinking...........Say a guild does have a max cap of 500 players in an alliance, but only 60 of those players mark the guild as their WVW guild. Will the alliance population be based off of the active players marking that guild as their WVW guild (makes the most sense) or will it just be looking at the entire guilds roster?

  9. Honestly, I think the change will be good and hopefully the outcome will support the reasoning. I'm not concerned about losing "community" because if there really is that camaraderie between guilds and players on your server, than an alliance should be able to continue that.

    I guess one concern I have with much broader coverage throughout all time slots is map que's. Theoretically, with a balanced population (specifically focused on wvw players), you could have the same que at 9pm EST as 3am EST. I do a lot of roaming and tend to float around BL's and maybe end the night in EBG once the NA que has died down. Not a HUGE deal really, it'll be interesting to see how the coverages play out though.

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