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Posts posted by Infanta.7045

  1. I think some of the original 'charm' that this GW1-tragic has been missing in GW2 found its way back into the franchise with the release of PoF and LW4.

    I'm not sure if it's the familiar (and so beautifully re-rendered) maps, discovering the fates of old friends (finding out the identity of the Last Spearmarshall in PoF brought a tear to my eye, as did fighting the Awakened version of an old friend LW4, and Magrid's dynasty is just plain amusing), the improved (and unobtrusive) NPC dialogue system, improved writing, or a combination of all these things. Whatever it is, I'm enjoying the look, feel and playability that PoF and LW4 have brought to these latest parts, and the improvements they've made to my enjoyment of GW2 in general - I finally feel motivated to take an alt through the entire game. My disability made some parts of HoT, LW1 and LW2 practically inaccessible for me (a buddy helped me through them), however, I had little or no trouble with soloing PoF and LW4 content, particularly with the saved progress during instances. I really hated having to redo instances right from the start in earlier chapters, when I was unable to defeat the final boss, and often left them unfinished for months. I also liked always having enough MP to be able to level skills without 'burning' XP.

    It's a good thing that developers take little or no notice whether we players like particular NPCs or not. Just as in real life, there are folk who annoy you and others who go our of their way to help out - sometimes both at the same time. Personally, I have no problem with Rytlock and Brahm, other than wishing they were a little more effective in battle. Rytlock's insistence on getting my commander up from downed in some boss fights made them much longer than they needed to be ... he just ignores me when I shout "Enough with the lousy healing - let me be defeated so I can Retry from a Checkpoint"! [Maybe a shout of "Enough with the lousy Healing!" could be downed skill?]

    I am bemused as to why all these new junk items have been added to the game. At least some of them are now worth toting to a merchant, but really? While on the subject of junk items, how much do you think I'd love to have a "sell all minor runes" button next to the "sell all junk" on the merchant screens?

    I agree with comments that some of the boss fights are way too long, how many times do we have to repeat an action for the game to know we've worked the mechanic out? Why do we always have to beat six of these and four of those, then beat them again to get more of their drops to place here and then the others there, just to get a swing at the boss?

    But those are just minor annoyances in recent content that has essentially got my GW2 mojo almost to GW1 levels ... and that's saying a LOT!

  2. Thank goodness I'm not the only one. Not that I'm minimizing the frustration this causes (probably at least another 50 or 100 experience it for every person who has bothered posting), but I was starting to wonder how I could diagnose this seemingly random problem with my PC.

    From other posts, I now know that my PC is entirely blameless and Windows 10 is also blameless. It doesn't seem to matter which operating system or what build of PC you're using, since the problem only became apparent after GW2's Halloween update.

    So now that we've eliminated our PCs and our operating systems as being the source of the problem, there seems to be only one source left. Please sort it out Arenanet, or you'll lose players, players that might spend cash for gems.

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