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Posts posted by CharonXeno.4869

  1. @saerni.2584 said:

    @"Widmo.3186" said:To fix deadeye you have to delete it from the game. This spec shouldn't exist from the very beginning. Period.FYI when i ever had issues facing a certain spec or build i spend Hours dueling it and learning how to counter. If you aint up to that task,you shouldnt be complaining.

    Ok, I'm willing to learn:How do I counter a (near) perma-stealth Deadeye? What profession and build would you suggest to win against one in, say, at least 2/3rd of all encounters (as you can fine-tune your build specifically against that one type of opponent, while they obviously need to run tradeoffs to deal with different types)?Mind you, counter/win here means "kill the opponent" and not just "don't get killed myself", so please include details on how to keep the Deadeye from escaping (be it via stealth or other means) when they notice they are outmatched.

    It really depends a lot on what profession you are running and then also on what kind of build they are running.

    Some genetic advice that's a bit more specific:

    DE is vulnerable to reveal + unblockable range damage (or non-projectile based range damage). It can't generally trade shots while under fire.

    Thief is also vulnerable to CC. If you CC and burst they will use Shadowstep to get away. Don't chase them until after the return circle expires. Now they likely don't have stunbreak and are vulnerable to a stun before their Shadowstep comes off cooldown.

    Otherwise, don't stay still. Try to line of sight and keep moving. If you are open field try to kite them out and lure them into spending resources chasing you. Then, hit them back while they are low on ultilities and initiative.

    For a high stealth opponent just remember that most of their skills after bursting on you are for maintaining stealth. Save a cc to stop them from restealthing from certain abilities like Hide in Shadows (longer cast time) or from a smoke field combo (harder but interrupt is possible with good timing/positioning).

    Thank you very much, I'll try those out (though I'll need to double-check what skills/talents in my primary professions apply the revealed state). You've helped me quite a bit. Thanks again :)

  2. @kash.9213 said:

    @"Widmo.3186" said:To fix deadeye you have to delete it from the game. This spec shouldn't exist from the very beginning. Period.FYI when i ever had issues facing a certain spec or build i spend Hours dueling it and learning how to counter. If you aint up to that task,you shouldnt be complaining.

    Ok, I'm willing to learn:How do I counter a (near) perma-stealth Deadeye? What profession and build would you suggest to win against one in, say, at least 2/3rd of all encounters (as you can fine-tune your build specifically against that one type of opponent, while they obviously need to run tradeoffs to deal with different types)?Mind you, counter/win here means "kill the opponent" and not just "don't get killed myself", so please include details on how to keep the Deadeye from escaping (be it via stealth or other means) when they notice they are outmatched.

    Why should another player have to tell you what class or build to play? Other classes can nope out or tank also, when I can't kill them that is all, it's not a win or loss it's just fewer bags. If they're glass then grab them when they come out of stealth so they scramble then hit them with stuff while they're in panic stealth, should be case closed. If they're tanking you, do whatever you do to other classes and builds who tank.

    Apologies, I sadly have trouble going beyond draws (at best) against most even halfway-skilled Deadeye players. I am admittedly a generally rather sub-par WvW player, I am sadly aware of that myself.Since the other poster stated they have hours of dueling and learning how to counter I was hoping to get some hints on how to do that from them. Ah well, I shouldn't have hoped for more than generic tips like "just kill them and don't get killed".

  3. @Caedmon.6798 said:

    @"Widmo.3186" said:To fix deadeye you have to delete it from the game. This spec shouldn't exist from the very beginning. Period.FYI when i ever had issues facing a certain spec or build i spend Hours dueling it and learning how to counter. If you aint up to that task,you shouldnt be complaining.

    Ok, I'm willing to learn:How do I counter a (near) perma-stealth Deadeye? What profession and build would you suggest to win against one in, say, at least 2/3rd of all encounters (as you can fine-tune your build specifically against that one type of opponent, while they obviously need to run tradeoffs to deal with different types)?Mind you, counter/win here means "kill the opponent" and not just "don't get killed myself", so please include details on how to keep the Deadeye from escaping (be it via stealth or other means) when they notice they are outmatched.

  4. In the very beginning there was a system that gave bonus to PvE activities based on how "your" server did. It was really not interesting (PvE players did not really care more about WvW and vice versa) - rewarding or punishing PvE players (who might not even play WvW) based on their server's WvW rating is counter-intuitive at best, discouraging at worst - so that is out.

    Also having the winning/losing affect future WvW battles would only increase the bandwagon effect - players would transfer away from "weaker" servers to "stronger" ones in order to avoid the debuffs or to reap the rewards, essentially making the winner "win more" and loser "lose more". So there is not really a decent system to keep things balanced (you want to reward "winning" - which is done by e.g. slightly increasing the ticks your earn) but you also want to give the weaker side a chance to catch up (to avoid the runaway winner scenario...

    In the previous relink my (and another) server were without a linked server, leading to a lot of people transferring off the servers, further weakening them. The matchups (unlinked vs unlinked vs linked server) lead to the linked server dominating all 4 maps - all objectives had the same color. This was not fun for the weak, unlinked servers (why fight when there is not chance of winning anyway) nor the dominating one (there is nothing left to conquer and almost nobody to fight... people had to earn participation by escorting dollys...)

  5. You make an excellent point - I somewhat saw downstate and rallying as a package deal here:If rallying (though the defeat of another enemy) were to be removed all of the points in the "cons" section would be negated (as well as the first and partially the second "pro" point) while the remainder of the downstate ability would be retained. The downstate skills might need to examined on their interactions if rallying were no longer possible in WvW (e.g. the warrior's "Vengeance" skill).

    Of course I'm only trying to gather ideas and pro/con points here - ANet's willingness to listen to WvW players is legendary (as in some people might have read about it somewhere, but no-one has encountered it in recent memory), but maybe a Dev will silently look at it and see an idea that they think would be worth a try (shhhh.... you don't need to mention you read about here in the forum... just say you were under the shower when it came to you or something)

  6. Let's make a short list of pros and cons of downstate in WvW. I'll start with mine, but feel encouraged to add you own points (as long as you give constructive reasoning for them - "We also had downstate" is not constructive, not is "Downstate sucks" or "Everything would be better without downstate"):


    • Downstate adds the ability to rally (avoiding being defeated) if you or you allies can defeat another enemy swift enough, adding another layer of complexity/strategy to the battle.
    • Downstate is used in PvE & PvP, so removing it might confuse newer WvW players that come freshly from PvE & PvP.
    • Downstate reduces the amount of downtime (no pun intended) as downed players can still use skills or rally, quickly returning to the fight, while defeated players need to use the nearest WP and run back (unless resurrected)


    • Downstate turns large-scale battles into "winner takes all" as downed players of the winning side will rally when the losing side is defeated. This prevents a stronger side from suffering attrition (i.e. losing parts of its members), thus encouraging blobbing (as even a narrow defeat to another group will have next no impact on that group, as most of their downed players will rally)
    • Downstate affects small-scale combats negatively; in e.g. a 2 vs 2 situation with one downed player on each side, the first side that manages to defeat their downed opponent gains significant advantage, as their down player rallies, turning the fight into 2 vs 1.
    • Downstate turns NPC allies into a liability, as enemy downed players can rally upon a NPC ally's death (be it caused by conditions or downed-skills on the player). You having allies should not be an advantage to your opponent.
  7. @kamikharzeeh.8016 said:@"CharonXeno.4869"said "uwu 2 unlinked servers you [KILL]d overstacked WSR much poor very sadgasm;

    kamikharzeeh.8016 you alright? Even if life gets you down you can pull yourself back up, no matter how bad it feels right now.I know many of us are in a pretty crabby place, especially with the pandemic and all, but don't let it get to you.So if you need to mock people on the internet to make you feel better: go ahead, its alright, I don't mind as long as it helps you dig yourself out of that hole.

  8. @Zero.3871 said:

    @"phreeak.1023" said:T5 EU DZ and WSR are DEAD. We have a 370-430 tick for the last 14-15 hours.

    yeah, fun fact, non of the servers has fun with this MU. its just bad for everyone.

    I don't know, Green can have exiting small scale fights like "6 dudes vs a random roamer in PvE build" and also big epic battles where 36 Greens valiantly battle 14 Reds (plus a random Blue roamer) trying to cap a tier 1 tower. The thrill, the excitement!!!!!!!!Not to forget the nailbaiting suspense of "Will anyone flip a tower so we can flip it back" and "If I spawn camp long enough I might get five kills" for the daily. For the horror inclined they even provide "Todays daily is to capture a Keep???" - what more could you wish for?

    And Blue and Red have similar exiting thrills - can you get to Veteran Creature before you a ganked by 4 desperate Greens? Can you even leave Spawn without being ganked? With skill, perseverance and luck you might even manage to capture TWO camps and SAVE THE UNIVERSE finish your WvW daily.


    Honestly, this is bound to bore-out all sides to the matchup, and ArenaNet will OF COURSE do nothing about it (nor do anything to prevent such things in the future) because they really don't care AND every player that desperately ponies up the Gems to transfer to another server is one that earns them money.

  9. ArenaNet: NaW tHoSe MaTcHuPs ArE tOtAlLy BaLaNcEd As WvW sHoUlD bE!1!1!

    Because, you know, NOTHING is more fun than spawn-camping or being spawn-camped, because one team owns all the objectives on all four maps. Personally I look forward to at least 7 more weeks... of not playing WvW (or perhaps not playing GW2 at all) until a possible relinking. In all my years of GW2 WvW I had not yet had to experience such an UNBALANCED AND UNFUN matchup.

  10. As an EU-region player I'd like to point to the Week 32 results for two unlinked servers vs a team of two linked servers: Whiteside Ridge vs Dzagonur vs (Augury Rock + Ruins of Surmia). The two unlinked servers were essentíally unplayable in WvW - (Augury Rock + Ruins of Surmia) scored more than TWICE than both unlinked servers scored combined - most of the time all four maps were one colour... This week (and the coming 6 weeks) things look to be the same. For Whiteside Ridge and Dzagonur it basically means "Don't bother going into WvW: Roamers will be spawn-camped, or ganked 3+ vs 1, and if you managed to get a Squad running - expect to run into an hostile squad several times your size the second you try to take even a tower"

    This might very well KILL the WvW community on those two servers - those that really enjoy WvW probably transfer instead of sitting two months out, and the casual players... well, imagine your first WvW experiences are getting ganked and spawn-camped...

  11. A few issues come to mind:

    1) If you (the player) are part of Guild A and enjoy playing with players from Guild X, Y, Z. Unless those four guilds manage to join the same "Guild Alliance" and manage to get assigned to the same "World" - tough luck trying to play WvW with your friends.2) Server identity: Some players strongly identify with their server (I've been on mine since day one), and this is part of the motivation for WvW - we fight for (Server name here). With fleeting "Worlds" that get destroyed every few weeks, why bother "fighting". Win or lose, there is nothing that ties you to the server, and there is no rank-up/rank-down to fight tooth and nail for.3) Language. There are quite a few language specific servers. (Spanish, French, German, etc.). With both text and verbal communication being VITAL in WvW, you now are in a mix'n'match situation where the most common language may be... English? or Spanish? or French? or German? Can't speak Spanish... too bad, the WvW mix'n'match system threw you into a 85% Spanish "World", enjoy no-hobla-espanol. Oh, you don't speak English either. Lol, good luck in 8 Weeks or so when worlds are re-mixed....

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