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Posts posted by Roquen.5406

  1. @rng.1024

    Neither of us know the actual numbers. Only Anet knows that. The playerbase has declined because of neglect, one of those being the lack of policing in their own game. You say policing pvp will help kill their own game mode but it can also do the reverse.

    Your next point is where you lose me. You condone cheating because it’s more entertaining. I do not agree with you here but to each their own.

    What double standard? I said cheating is bad. I never said it’s okay to cheat if you still end up in last. You are the one that keeps throwing out, winners, number one, high rank people. All I’ve ever referred to is those that cheat.

    I think it’s pretty clear now why you defend this behavior, so I’m gonna call it quits. Best of luck to you and thanks for the civil conversation.

  2. @rng.1024 said:@"Roquen.5406"

    Atleast we managed to separate wintrading (illegal) from metagaming (legal).

    So it's just a principal issue for you - how can you then claim it's rampant?

    We've all had matches that were thrown for whatever reason, but they have always been in the minority so as far as "healthy competitive environment" this rings true the closer you play to prime time. This is a population issue - not a wintrading one. Even if there was just 1 wintrader in the game you would be exponentially more likely to run into them during off hours.

    My point was that wintrading doesn't affect your progress in any way except waste 5 mins + queue time, which I can openly admit is annoying but far from as detrimental as people make it out to be. I would also get it if it applied to 50% of games, but it really doesn't and for the vast majority who plays during prime time it's not an issue at all.

    The goal of the game is to manipulate the outcome of matches. The devs can't ban anyone for being immature (afk) or having an isp dc, and there is no way to separate those except ticket investigations. As such, this is just as much a community issue as it is developer leniency, so as long as good players aren't bothered enough by it nothing will be done.

    Again, it’s not about me or my progress. Cheating should not be condoned even if it’s on a “smaller” scale.

    The point you seem to be missing is that cheating is another thing that pushes players away. Fewer players equals less support for a mode that really has not gotten much since its inception.

    You can argue that we just got a big balance patch but it didn’t really change much seeing as most of the changes are flat number adjustments, rather than addressing core issues or changing up mechanics.

    We’ve mostly had one game mode in PvP for the entirety of GW2. The one mini moba they threw in, they abandoned almost immediately, and TDM was also pulled quickly. So conquest and mostly the same maps for how many years now? More recently you get TDM in 2v2 or 3v3 as an off-season option. But that’s it...

    Would you be okay with professional athletes using performance enhancing drugs to compete? It is cheating after all.

    If your answer is no, then I’m not sure why you apply the rules differently here, unless you partake in said cheating. Then it would make sense why you defend it.

    But if your answer is yes, then I guess cheating is okay for you and there isn’t much else to say.

  3. @"rng.1024" said:

    It doesn't sound like everyone is aware how the mmr works, so I'll briefly explain it:

    • In order to be most efficient you need to queue off-hours with a duo. Since the game doesn't have a huge population, high rated players get put with lower rated ones. This automatically means that by queuing off hours (to avoid good players who can still win 4v5) you end up with an mmr way higher than the enemy teams average.
    • This in turn means you gain less rating on winning (since you are expected to carry) and lose alot more on aloss (because you were expected to carry).
    • The closer your mmr is to the enemy team, the more rating you gain and lose less. This means a good player can gain 10 points on a win and -12 points for a loss during prime time f.ex. The wintrader? 2 points for wins and -20 on a loss. You risk alot more.

    Most people are very aware how mmr works. What you just described is what others refer to as meta-gaming. They play the system rather than actually competing in it. It's not illegal but it is pretty lame.

    My point is people make it up to be alot bigger of a problem than it is regardless of what the developers do about it. Removing them all from the game won't make the rest of us better players, you'll still have your relative ranking unless it's about leaderboard spots - which apply to less than 1% of the population. And every season there are players not wintrading that destroy those that do, so it's not like it's impossible.

    Again, it's not about "me" per-say. It's not that I or others mainly think that if we remove the cheaters then we will take their spot. No, instead its about promoting a healthier environment for everyone to play in. What you have now is pretty far from that and the cheating does not help.

    We all have to deal with wintraders. Nobody is unique, and all can report them. Yet still somehow there are players in higher ratings than us. Which is why thinking wintraders are holding us back from our "true potential" is simply ridiculous.

    As I mentioned above it's not about "true potential", it's about the environment that the developers provide.

    Most people accused of "wintrading" in this mode are just people who maximize their chances by utilizing a good duo partner and queue late at night for a minimum amount of games because the system promotes that. Or they are good enough to get several alts on the leaderboard. The ones who blindly queue at the same time with buddies (easier to land in same game) at off-hours are an absolute minority.

    Again, you are describing meta-gaming. You also side-stepped many of the other things that are blatant cheating. These "good" players are avoiding other "good" players and only looking to farm much lower ranked players than them. How could you consider that any form of competitive? And no it is not more efficient to have to play ten times the amount of matches to rank up. The system doesn't promote it but people do take advantage of it. If Anet punished people for this behavior, you would see less of it.

    And with them you forget the most important factor:It is completely random if the wintrader is on your team or not, meaning it's completely irrelevant to your rating just as much as a ragequitter is.

    I'm not sure what your point is here? It's random that I get paired with or against a wintrader, so I shouldn't care that they are cheating? Cheating is cheating and it should not be tolerated.

    You also inadvertently addressed wintrading with your "explanation" of mmr. The population in general is low. That is why when you are queuing regularly, you often run into the same people. Now these wintraders take this further by queueing off hours, making the population even smaller, making it even easier to manipulate the outcome of the matches.

  4. @rng.1024 said:

    You need to end last season high and get lucky with placement games regardless of whether you wintrade or not. This gives you equal chance as anybody else to get whatever leaderboard spot.

    No more unfair than clearing a raid with guildies rather than randoms - some need that buffer to even clear it, because they aren't that good at the game. Some play an OP meta build that takes them from gold 1 to plat 2. But no matter what, if you are good you will consistently stay top of the leaderboard no matter what making it harder for those that wintrade to keep their positions.

    I’m sorry but what? There is a lot more that goes into win trading than that. People have paid gold and cash for spots, they have made alt accounts to boost or punish others by throwing matches. They queue sync with buddies to manipulate the outcome of matches. Your buddy queues with you and your duo and if they get on your team they try hard, otherwise if they end up on the other team they throw the match. There is other stuff that goes on too.

    None of that is skill or luck... it’s cheating.

    I can’t even comprehend how you claim that it is analogous to running raids with a guild? You couldn’t be further from the truth.

    You also don’t have to be the best player to see how bad this is for the game mode. GW2 PvP has been struggling for a long time and stuff like the above only serves as another nail in the coffin.

    Sure, you might counter with, “Game isn’t dead, people have been saying that for X years!” But you can see the population shrink drastically each season. Players already camp rating and only play a match or two to keep up with decay.

    If you enjoy pvp and want it to stay active, you should want more people coming into the game mode not less. And that doesn’t happen when shitty behavior like the above is condoned.

  5. @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:I'm pretty sure this is a side gig for cmc and the team, there's no way one or more people have been focusing on balance as their main job, look at the recent "large" balance pass, its was a blanket power lv drop that consisted of very little if any individual consideration between the classes. It was literally the easiest patch a dev team could drop and the changes over the many months since were very small in numbers and focused on few specs each time in a manner that could have just been one patch, even if the changes were combined it wouldn't have been considered a very big patch. Honestly I think their main focus is expac and other future ventures as was before. They painted a positive picture to keep the revenue coming as best they could after lay offs but I think its players are in for some future disappoints.Gw franchise needs a whole new management and sufficient Capitol to reinvigorate itself from the ground up to be as successful as the now big mmos who it's clear have much larger backing and resources. At least gw3 wouldnt be built on spaghetti code anymore lol.

    Unfortunately, that’s probably exactly how it is. I’m not even sure they have have a game director right now. Pretty sure Mike Z was fired.

    I don’t see anything changing. They keep slapping tape over a leaking pipe but eventually it’s going to burst. Their keep quiet, take people off the main team and push them towards the expansion / other projects mentality is the exact thing that led to the layoffs in the first place.

    From my perspective they never learn from their mistakes and then shit hits the fan and they go, “oh no how did this happen!?”. It’s a shame really because the game does some things really well but it gets bogged down by the rampant issues that never get addressed.

    In the end we (the customers) will leave for a business that better suits our needs.

  6. @JTGuevara.9018 said:

    U think adjusting literally a couple of things or less on one or two classes each month after doing a huge lazy blanket power drop balance patch is enough and constitutes efficient and acceptable support of game modes such as pvp and wvw? That's good I guess to keep the bar very very low.

    Yeah...I do.

    It's called being

    I’m curious, you keep telling players to be realistic and that the pandemic has thrown a wrench into things. So be patient and understanding to those affected by it.

    But these guys, CMC, Irenio and whoever else is on the team, still have a job. And I guarantee they make more than most of the general public does. Shouldn’t they be thankful and busting their ass while they still have a job? There are millions currently jobless who would love to be in their shoes.

    Do you honestly believe that throwing in 7 minor number adjustments is worth of 1 month of work? Keep in mind unless things have changed CMC isn’t even the one changing the numbers, they have a separate “balance” team that makes those changes. He would just be pushing along what to change.

    Most people I know bust their ass day and night just to keep their job and yet we go weeks and months with very small changes and people like you pipe up and say, “It’s okay, [insert excuse here]...”.

    I’d be curious what you do for a living because I don’t know any place that allows such a slow cadence of “work”. And unless this is a side side side gig for the PvP Dev’s (Hint PvP - it shouldn’t be), I cant fathom how they are okay with their output.

  7. @"mistsim.2748" said:

    cool man. what druid build?


    You can side node or support. Though you can get bursted down pretty quick if not careful. Mainly knocking people off node and rooting for decaps/caps. The double stealth also helps for getting off revives/helping your team disengage (blasting smoke cloud with CA 3) and then dropping out of CA when Revealed wears off your teammate(s).

  8. I finished slightly above top 50 in NA. I solo queue and played the majority of the season as Druid. Got into the top 30’s a few days before the end of the season but lost 30 points, so I stopped. I’m sure pretty much any class can get into that range.

    I find most of the season I get to one rating bracket then drop 300 rating then slowly grind it back, rinse and repeat. So, I imagine I’m not a great player because my rating is so volatile. Maybe I got lucky with matchmaking in the end or something, not sure.

  9. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @"Roquen.5406" said:

    There are still some pretty bad bugs. For legendary armor, it kicks out runes/sigils/infusions when you swap gear around. So you have to remember to put them back in manually or you run around with missing sigils/runes/infusions if you rely on the templates themselves.This is a known issue:

    Honestly, not looking forward to the armory because I expect it to be behind a multi-tiered paywall, per character. Similar to templates now.

    It’s also another system on top of the underlying system and so I expect it to bring about a lot of bugs in implementation.

    Though I will have to wait to see it’s release before making an actual judgement.

    That still leaves templates with the other issues that players are currently running into.

  10. @kharmin.7683 said:What is there to update? Clearly this is working as intended.

    There are still some pretty bad bugs. For legendary armor, it kicks out runes/sigils/infusions when you swap gear around. So you have to remember to put them back in manually or you run around with missing sigils/runes/infusions if you rely on the templates themselves.

    The templates are still causing pretty bad crashes for people. Can sometimes ruin a match like in pvp when someone swaps a build with templates and it crashes them mid swap. Had a few games last week where it did that to players and they ended up having half a build because you can’t swap once the match starts.

    It also skill flips certain classes like rev.

    I would hope those things, among the rest of the bugs aren’t intended for something that people hail as a “Robust, well-made program”.

  11. @lare.5129 said:

    Honestly, if you have an alt account with a low WvW rank go sit in a map for a bit. Maybe that can help remind you of how different it is.I don't need alt account. But If someone have low wvw tank this is not problem, after 4-5 year play each day the rank is increased. If someone sad that he can't do it per one day - mmo not for him.

    Again, I think you are misunderstanding me. I don’t mind putting in the work but in my opinion it feels bad if I am punished because I can’t dedicate 20-24 hours a week to a mode.

    As I mentioned above it takes 160 hours total to get something like 2,800 tickets as long as you clear every chest each week.

    I don’t mind putting in those 160 hours but over 24 weeks instead of 8. And with the current system because of the resets it would actually take around 200 hours to get the same amount of tickets if you don’t full clear each week.

    But it’s pretty clear I’m in the minority here so I will just drop it.

  12. @lare.5129 said:

    @Roquen.5406 said:Of course but you lose progress each week. And you lose progress if you don’t completely finish a tier. And it actually takes more total hours to get something by not completing it every week.also you lose progress each day if not go to do some meta, and lose progress if non stop play spvp. But this is ok.

    Actually that’s not true in PvP specifically you don’t lose progress. The chest doesn’t reset each week so, it’s not like you have to bulk 20-24 hours or have to restart. It stays until the end of the season. So you can hop in and out without actually missing out.

    What I mean by this is if you fully complete all chests each week it takes ~160 hours to get enough for something like Warbringer. If you only go through about half of them it’s about ~200 hours to get the same amount of tickets. Seems a bit odd to me.this is absolutely ok. Everyone can choose do another half or not.

    I think we are misunderstanding each other here. If you clear every chest each week to get 2,800 tickets it takes 160 total hours. If you instead only do up to half way for example, to get 2,800 tickets it takes 200 total hours. So it takes more time overall if you can’t dedicate 20-24 hours a week to the mode.

  13. @"lare.5129" said:no one say "u should close all"!!anyone can close silver and say "ok, enough".

    Of course but you lose progress each week. And you lose progress if you don’t completely finish a tier. And it actually takes more total hours to get something by not completing it every week.

    What I mean by this is if you fully complete all chests each week it takes ~160 hours to get enough for something like Warbringer. If you only go through about half of them it’s about ~200 hours to get the same amount of tickets. Seems a bit odd to me.

    Also, the pip gain for new players is abysmal. If you are in a bad matchup you are looking at something like 4 pips per tick...

    It’s almost like it promotes finding an outmanned/outnumbered map because you automatically double your progress.

    I spent some hours in a full squad following the commander and barely made any progress. I then ended up in an outnumbered map and was ticking 9-10 and I made much faster progress just by staying in that map.

    It’s such a bizarre system that almost rewards you for avoiding congested maps.

    Honestly, if you have an alt account with a low WvW rank go sit in a map for a bit. Maybe that can help remind you of how different it is.

  14. @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:Wrong. I’m a vet and I definitely care. I typically run through the set at least twice. If this changes so that it doesn’t reset each week then it will take forever for me to build up the tickets I need for my next legendary set. It takes long enough already. Leave it the way it is, or let us get tickets each time through.

    What do you mean you run through the set twice? I thought you only get a max amount of tickets per week (365?) which is done by passing through all the chests.

    ya. I actually meant that I do the whole set and then repeat diamond a few times. I miss quoted what my brain was trying to say :-)

    Ah okay, sorry if my wording confused you.

  15. @Cyninja.2954

    I think you lost me, the point is losing progress feels bad. The only thing I was attempting to propose would be the option to not have the chest reset per week. That way you can trudge along at your own pace. I guess a toggle option would be better, that way those that like the weekly reset can keep doing it but those that don't can have their progress build up over time.

    According to you doing Wood, Bronze, and Silver take about 6 hours to complete. It also only nets a negligible loss per week in total pips based on time. Those 3 net 82 vs 365 per week.

    Use Warbringer as an example, which you need 2,800 tickets for.

    At 365 per week taking 20-24 hours on average. That's 8 weeks to have enough and a total of 160-192 hours.At 82 per week taking 6 hours on average. That's 34 weeks and a total ~205 hours to get enough tickets.

    It takes ~ 13-40 hours more to have enough tickets doing it the 6 hour per week way, which still nets the same problem of losing progress each week if you don't do that.

    Edit: fixed bad math on my part, will fix in the OP too.

  16. @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:Wrong. I’m a vet and I definitely care. I typically run through the set at least twice. If this changes so that it doesn’t reset each week then it will take forever for me to build up the tickets I need for my next legendary set. It takes long enough already. Leave it the way it is, or let us get tickets each time through.

    What do you mean you run through the set twice? I thought you only get a max amount of tickets per week (365?) which is done by passing through all the chests.

  17. Would it be possible to make the WvW Pip Chests NOT reset weekly. Just make it so that you can only go through them all once per week but then let people decide how fast or slow they want to complete them.

    In its current state it punishes people that can't commit 20-24 hours a week to WvW, which for me personally is an automatic deterrent from the mode. It just feels like wasted progress. I never understood why it was implemented this way.

    On average it takes 20-24 hours to complete everything through diamond. Now someone that does that for every week for 8 weeks is able to max out the tickets each week. Take another person that puts less hours in per week and each week they lose progress because they can't finish the chests. So they are constantly starting over and overall they make less progress in the long run.

    I don't mind if it takes me 160-192 hours to get enough tickets for stuff. But as it stands if I put those 160-192 hours over 24 weeks instead of 8 I make much less progress overall.

    I know the veterans won't care because you've been playing so long but I only enjoy WvW in short bursts and this has always kind of irked me. Small changes like the above are things that can potentially bring players back into the mode and some of those may become long term adopters.

  18. I just had two games where the game lag spiked like crazy forced me to the loading screen. When I loaded back in it put me in the lobby with dishonor and gave me -13. I whispered another player and they said 3 people on your team d/c and 1 on theirs.

    I face the same player again next match...doing fine until the same thing game forces me to the char select screen, then team gets snowballed. This time it lets me back in..Then towards the end another two of us get d/c again.

    All season connect is fine but then on the last day of the season this happens, twice back to back? I didn't fully disconnect, just booted to char screen.

    Is anyone else having this issue? What the fuck is going on?

  19. @"Tuck.4095" said:I haven't noticed any UI changes, I have been using "hotkeys" the past 7 years D:


    And then the picture above that someone posted...

    @Knighthonor.4061 said:

    @"Mewcifer.5198" said:The new icon looks like a cartoon. It immediately threw me off so I went and looked at some old screencaps and, sure enough, they changed the UI.


    For reference, old:

    I believe they getting ready to release a big new feature in the Gem Store. hopefully an expansion or Elite Specs

  20. I find it funny that no one is talking about the fact that everything the players are asking for, Anet is doing with the gemstore only.

    • Back-end updates to make the gemstore smoother/faster/quicker to access and use
    • "Reorganizing" - I.e., moving it to the right to make it more accessible again...for whatever reason (4 places to the left was too much)
    • They actually redid the iconic lion to make a smiling bear? Lol?
    • It is flowing with updates every week - without fail EVERY week there is an update to the gemstore, whether it's new or returning items, blog posts from the devs about the new items/returning items...
    • It's almost updated too often

    These are literally things that players are asking for...but for every other aspect of the game and yet Anet is only consistently doing it for the gemstore. If you still don't see where their priorities are after this...then I don't know what to say.

  21. @"Jimbru.6014" said:I see that complaint and variations of it a lot. So being an engineering type in real life and primarily an Asura player in game, I decided to do some research to determine if there actually was nothing to do.

    In the last 36 hours or so, I have:

    • Completed two maps on my Deadeye toward another Gift of Exploration.

    • Entered WvW with my Soulbeast, joined a party in EotM, captured all the specials, completed all the one-time achieves and scored a couple of roamer kills on the way.

    • Tagged up on my Mirage in TD and led SCAR meta start to finish.

    • Two days of PVE and WvW dailies. Also spent some Mirage time porting the daily JPs.

    • Did lots of events and gathering in parallel with all of the above.

    • Lots of guild fun time just messing around in DR. Light RP, listening to music, just being with friends.

    Conclusion: People who complain there's nothing to do in this game have no idea WTK they're talking about.

    You realize you are complaining about people having different interests than you? You are also being quite disengenous with your stance.

    • For a player that has made multiple legendaries or has no interest in legendaries, there is no need for a GoE. If they've already done a world completion, why would they do another? Especially if they don't find world completion fun, why would you ask them to do it again?
    • For a player that has been playing WvW since release. It's a dying mode and the competitive scene is mostly gone. This is due to lack of updates and general maintenance on the mode. The only thing they have to look forward to is Alliances. However, almost two years out and there is still not much info about when; also most likely a little bit too late.
    • For a player that has played the Meta's regularly since release, this is nothing new? That's what 1-1.5 hours at most, including idle time.
    • For a player that has kept up to date with each release, what PvE is there for them to do? Also wvw dailies can be done in 15-20 min most of the time. If 20 minutes of daily game time is content to you then I am not quite sure what to say.
    • What about a player that has already done all of these events over and over...and gathering? Not everyone enjoys either of those things anyways.
    • A good chunk guilds are a shell of what they were, I was part of five guilds. Now, its down to one being "active" and there's about 20 total people that log in sporadically.

    You went and cherry picked some things that you haven't done in a while and used it as a blanket statement for saying see - everyone else is wrong.

    The truth is there are things to do but a lot of players have already played them to death and they would like new content/things to do. You don't have to agree with that but it doesn't make their points invalid.

    For those that play the game with each release, they have more and more of a content drought. Today they will get a new episode and achievements to hunt but it leaves out a good chunk of other players. For example, if someone really enjoys fractals or raids, when is the next time they get a new fractal or raid? Or would you tell them to go play the same ones over and over and be happy about it?

    • Like 1
  22. The psychological effect of sub-models is interesting. Most games put that monthly fee at ~$15, sometimes a little more or less depending on how long you sub for. Such as 3 months or a year giving you a rate of $12-13 per month. On average at $15 per month you are looking at ~$180 a year for most likely thousands of hours worth of content.

    If you look at any other activity, you likely spend a lot more than that. If you go out for drinks/dinner, easily $5-10 per drink plus food is another $15-30. So that's upwards of $40 on the low end just for going out one night. Or if you go to a movie, $10-20 per ticket (depending on location or if you go do a $5 Tuesday type deal if offered) and if you get concession items that's another $10-20. Once again you are looking at $20-40 just for maybe a 2 hour movie? Do either of those things even just once a month and in half a year you've already spent the same if not more than your subscription for an entire year.

    Let's say you only get to play 4 hours a month. At $15 / 4 hours is $3.75 per hour of your time played.

    Now compare that to the above - in this case only doing these activities once:

    Drinks/Dinner: $25 (2 drinks at $5 per plus $15 for food) - $25 / 4 hours (in terms of just dinner + drinks ) is $6.25 per hour spent.Movie: $15 (Average ticket cost - no concessions) - $15 / 2 hours (Most movies are about 2 hours now give or take 30 min) is $7.5 per hour spent.

    This is generalized and probably an oversimplification but a quick example of how much we spend in other areas of our life without batting an eye. And there are many other factors such as tax, tip, how often you go out, if you treat others, where you live, or if you purchase stuff in game, etc. However, even on the low end of playtime you are still getting a better value of dollar/hour.

    Yet paying $15 per month traps us into a state where we must do X amount to get our money's worth.

    Anyways, this game will never add a subscription model. The game is that of a different beast - it was sold on the fact of it's casualness so that you can drop in and out as you please without worry with a supplemental cash shop - that does well for them. The amount and cadence of content being released would have to be different to hold players interest enough to justify them paying a fee every month.

  23. It's always interesting to me when I hear that this community is one of, if not the "best" out there. To be honest, most of the time it doesn't seem any better than other online communities. The playerbase says, "The community is so helpful and kind and they help new players". But I see that in other games too. There are always people that help new players, or people that are new to events, mechanics, dungeons, raids, modes. In fact, I've never not seen this in any online game.

    But when you look at any of the "competitive modes", CM Fractals/Dailies, Raids, WvW, PvP, the community is just as toxic if not more than other games. I see people get yelled at, cursed at, trolled, harassed, people throw games to spite others, they boot and call people trash if they don't meet their standards, if their dps is lacking they are often trolled and called garbage, commanders curse people out in discord, etc. In WvW, there are guilds that will pick one person to troll and spam them the entire time they are in WvW because the person said something the guild didn't like. I mean seriously, what's the deal?

    For how "casual" this game aims to be, it sure comes across as pretty toxic at times. Otherwise, it seems to have mostly the same community as other games. /shrug

  24. @Ryan.9387 said:

    @Roquen.5406 said:Also the dude at the top 28-0? He had a 90% win rate two seasons ago and then last season it was much worse and now this again? Does Anet even care??? Matchmaking is too volatile to have ratios like that. Even in my placements I had people just afk outright - you are telling me this person got through 28 matches without any of that BS? Not even top streamers have those ratios...

    Can you guys do something about this???

    This person is also a self admitted silver 3 player who ALSO admitted that he was solicited to pay for his r1 title, and then gets it, which you can see here in post #7 as well as #17

    Now how interesting is it that some one "improves" from silver 3 to RANK 1, on a specifically and well known camped and "gated" leaderboard. I wonder...

    But you are absolutely right, streamers never have that kind of win loss ratio, when people are at the top of the leaderboard, you almost NEVER see them playing, they sync q with their little buddies at lowest pop hours. If you think a 90%+ win rate is possible without underhanded tactics, record a season where you get rank 1 and show every one :)

    The funniest part is they actually think no one sees what they are doing, as if they are the only ones with alts LOL. Shared accounts and sync queuing are as real a problem as win trading and RMT were and are (I mean let's remember for a second all the perma dishonored and banned accounts for these actions), the ones most vocal about these things not existing are exactly the ones that should be looked at.

    Can you look into this at all?

    Pretty sure he was friends with them before he started working at anet. So don't hold your breath.

    Ah, that would explain why Anet not only turns a blind eye but seemingly sanctions this behavior too. Oh well, thanks for the heads up.

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