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Posts posted by anonei.2714

  1. As I've read elsewhere I think the hammer having one skill that's a gap closer would be pretty cool and useful, or letting the hammer have a bit of range or AOE in at least one skill!


    Another big aspect I think could improve is the visuals. Right now Untamed looks like a condi / poison spec. They look like a stinky character, enveloped in a stink cloud and growing toxic gas lumps from the ground. Stone or tree bark textures would feel better. Also maybe adding a bit of color, like red or orange would bring home that "untamed" aspect a bit more. 

    The visuals of Virtuoso, Catalyst and Specter fit their respective themes much better [honestly I feel that way for all the other especs, it's just Untamed that feels a bit confusing]

    I'm not commenting on traits and utility skills as others who are more knowledgeable are already doing a much better job than I ever could. But I still think the look is important and such a change would probably be way less likely down the road.

  2. I am so frustrated.. I already bought gems only to realize too late medium armor got the skirt included... now I have no use for that chest skin, which is the only thing I wanted. I thought I had previewed on medium too... I'm so mad at myself for not doublechecking before and at Anet for their way to handle medium armor skins, please give us more options that let us skip the trench coats, skirts and buttcapes already, this is so annoying and limiting.

    Edit - 
    Don't want to remove my comment but it was dumb, I just got really excited to see the really cool skin [because it really is awesome!], but a mayor reason I wanted it was for medium armor characters. Anyway I didn't spend the gems so I was able to get my money back, I just hope they'll eventually make more skins that give Medium armor some variety.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  3. @Image.8630 said:Think the designer(s) of that outfit needs to understand human female anatomy better. Breasts are nor perfect cylinders unless they comes from a plastic surgeon.

    How come my female char turns into a male when I view that outfit? Her lovely fluffy tail is gone.

    Regarding the breasts, I think it's more a problem with the character models rather than the outfit. So... I'm guessing it wouldn't have an easy fix even if they wanted to change it.

  4. I LOVE this outfit so much! I got it somewhere between the 20-25th chest key [i also wanted the mount but no luck there]. It's a really fun and pretty outfit! SO REFRESHING that the male version is just as skimpy, ahhh <3.

    I hope this is not the only answer to "more revealing clothes for male characters" because I'd still really love to have outfits/skins that show Asura Markings/Norn Tattoos & Sylvari glow patterns! [also I'm not the biggest fan of "SHINY!" outfits] If this isn't the last of it, then it gives me hope for future skins!!

    Money well spent, so happy, hope to see more of this in the future! [Though I'd prefer if it was a regular outfit we could buy directly from the gemstore]

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