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Posts posted by smilango.5960

  1. Well this was an annoying 2 year old problem I've just ran into last night...love coming back to issues the community have raised years ago that have barely any response on the matter.

    Just add the 24/28-slot bags to the Amnoon vendor to allow people to craft up to 32-slots once they have the materials. Locking these bags from being fully craftable serves no purpose other than to disincentivize players from obtaining larger bags which indirectly promotes bag slot purchases. This is just bad design.

  2. Please see the link for a more detailed response but I found this to work for me with story instances in general. Basically it could potentially be due to multi-threading so:

    1. Go to Task Manager and find GW2 in processes, right click and "Go to details"
    2. On the new list, find GW2, right click and "Set affinity"
    3. Untick everything except CPU 0
  3. Crashes every time at the end of Descent. Managed to get through to the cut scene by playing a video and continually clicking skills (tips I read returning to buggy PoF instances - still from this year) but as soon as the cut scene ends it loads back into Descent platform and freezes.

    Why can't you guys put more checkpoints in these long instances? I wouldn't mind hitting my head against the wall so much if I didn't have to do the fight over and over (same as with The Departing man how many hours did I waste on that with no real resolution/just plain luck getting through). You have a larger problem with your story instances/cut scenes causing disconnects that has been highlighted by people for years now still with no fix.

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