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Posts posted by whoeverxwins.1279

  1. We used to have GW2RP, but Enjin died and that is no longer around, as far as I know. Is there a place where the roleplayers are gathered now? I have roleplayed on and off here for 8 years and was looking to return. My main was a Countess in a Nightmare court until that guild went kaput, but I do have a couple of other characters I could try, since my evil weed probably wouldn't fit in most places. I have a gladium charr renegade and a rather explosive asura.

  2. Mount stealth is helpful. If on a skyscale, barrel roll will dodge it as well. Not sure if you need the jackal mastered all the way for it to be effective (shares evasion with all mounts) because I do have all of my PoF masteries.

  3. @Astyrah.4015 said:

    @whoeverxwins.1279 said:One thing HoT does do is demand you remember that dodge you learn at level 4, then rarely use. When there are AOE marks and sniper trails on the ground it means MOVE. Not many professions can stand there and just take it, if any.

    even those line trails that the flying wyverns leave behind on the islands at the last part of DS meta can easily down any profession if they were caught unaware

    Wyvern pee, look out!

  4. Out of the ones you mentioned, ranger. But easiest, imo, is necromancer. I run full bezerker minion Reaper and she's pretty hard to kill. Minions add toughness, and the more mobs around you, the tougher you get with Rise! I use greatsword and dagger/dagger (for bleeds and healing myself). Giant meta attack that kills everyone? No problem, pop into shroud for safety and use skill 4 to rez folks. Great fun for open world. Soloes most dungeons with ease also.

  5. OMG, the only grind I've seen in GW2 was for legendaries or skyscale. You want grind? Try LOTRO. Grind for your legendary weapon (must have there) and end cap gear. A few weeks later, if you're a raider, new gear! Then along comes an expansion, level cap raised, all your gear is worthless! While I love LOTRO for the world and lore, I much prefer GW2 way of doing things.

  6. I may play more than you, but I'm disabled and have rheumatoid arthritis in my hands. But I've completed HoT, even on the original difficulty. I can solo most of it easily now. Hero point trains still run through frequently, so look for those on LFG. Otherwise, call out an HP on map chat, and people will come. Just not during a meta.

    You do need to know your class. Necromancer can solo almost anything. Check your gear and traits. I run besrker minion master, though mine is now a Reaper (minions plus Rise! is almost unkillable). GS plus d/d gives me extra healing.

  7. @Shadowmoon.7986 said:Needs to work like silverwaste, once the bar fills up, all events on the map auto fails, and the escort to the bridge starts. Add something about efrem and malice sneaking behind enemylines for a desperation attack if village and lighthouse are not taken. If bridge event succeeds give cache reward event, and proceed to north events. If you fail, restart at start.

    This would be a good solution. They did say on Guild Chat they are watching the forums and over two hours was not the intention, so hopefully it will be fixed.

  8. I've played since HoT, and run a few alts through the whole game, barring Season 1 of course. I finally went back to LOTRO after 5 years because the tiny bits of content we're getting at a time has me bored. Not that I have a lot of money, but even I have to agree we need an expansion. I'm not gone for good. Just collecting each part of the Saga to play all at once.

  9. Sylvari can be tricky, as the 'apparently' more common Gaelic names are even taken. In that case, I've added their cycle, ie Dubshlaine of Noon. On other cases I've combined words from a Gaelic dictionary to create names, ie Cranmeathbhan.

    You should see the struggle to get hobbit or elvish names in LOTRO! I was gone from that game for 5 years before recently returning, after a server merge. So glad I was there longer than anyone merged to my server named Pearblossom!

  10. @Skotlex.7580 said:Most is soloable, a few steps require beating champions (I am particularly looking at the magic collecting step), but I think these are mostly metas on a timer, so getting there five~ten minutes early will ensure there is enough of a zerg to clear the content.

    I believe there's only one step which can be troublesome, which is defeating a champion up on the north eastern edge of Vabbi. This one will likely require help, and will be fruitless if you only play at off hours or have social anxiety and are unable to request help (in that case have somebody else arrange the aid while you just wait for the event / people).

    The skyscale treat makes this one easily skipped though, and I highly recommend saving it for this.

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