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Posts posted by belognom.3685

  1. And convo went to leg armor again.

    Lemme get it back. On the subject of raid bosses being hard to learn. I was just thinking, one of the games I used to play, introduced a very nice system.

    A person that was doing dungeon had x3 self resurrections for first x5 completions of any dungeon. Meaning then can go attempt, die, res, try, learn.

    First 5 completions after that game assumed you know enough to go do it. No more resu. I was thinking that it's something Anet could look at really. Cut those LI drops from those x5 so it won't be abused and this should work really nicely imo.

  2. @Feanor.2358 said:

    Lowering its difficulty to enable players who never were its target audience serves no purpose.

    Nobody talks of lowering the difficulty of the current raids. What is this all about is to INTRODUCE a slightly modified versions. Not nerf current once.A version bit forgiving to mistakes. Just a bit, not a one-shot bosses but enough for this community to stop being stresses.

    In any other game i would go do easy mod 5-10 times till i know the mech by heart.In any other game I would grab a fresh guy/girl with guildies and carry then trough easy mod, explaining basics and letting them to see what is all about.

    In any other game easy mod raids would drop low tier cap gear (in this case it would be exotic) for fresh guys and girls and we as guild mates would help them to get it thus building that feel of being in a right guild.etc etc etcThere are so many things game is missing by not having an easy mod for end-game raids.While I say this I still support the opinion of 'if you are not abbe/willing to do normal mod, why on earth you need leg armor?'Devs already made that top-tier gear isn't a BiS i's juts a convenient item with cosmetic effects. I personally find this really funny. I am one of those old-school gamers that are sure there should be BiS and it should be 'bragging rights' as well as I'm sure there should be easy, hard and dead wish mods to any content.

    We don't talk of anything but to ADD an easy mod, where people can learn. And if devs would be kind enough to add exotic gear drops( acc bound and salves to nothing but dark matter) to those. I would be that guy that will carry fresh 80s trough them for a chance to get a drop

  3. @Ohoni.6057 said:

    Hear me Arena.NET please. Mark those bosses with start/colors/takos something visual and understandable for an average player. That simple twik will stop so many people to be afraid of raids and give it a try

    The problem being, even if
    people can do
    of the encounters, they still are no closer to being able to clear the remaining encounters. It's not about finding the few encounters that are easier than others, it's about being able to beat ALL of them at a more casual skill level.

    One step at the time, i'm no rush. I don't see any problem here.

    I'm playing to have fun not to compensate.All I'm saying is give people a visual sign of difficulty .

  4. @"Grogba.6204" said:

    No, you are missing everyones point. You want to clear a raid? Look for a raiding guild/squad/group. Take initiative and just. do. the. content.The challenge is part of the experience, if you cannot grasp that than I am not sure if raids are suited for you in the first place.

    Alright, you guys and girl know what? scratch all my previous statements. What happens is i got couple of guys and then we got another 7 person.

    After 3 days of checking content here is my conclusion and new statesmen.

    Raids DON'T need easy mod. What raids NEED is simple difficulty starts of bosses ( 1 star, 2, star, 3 stars,4 stars, dead wish).

    Because there are easy mods and somewhat gear progression in those things hidden under scary "wing #number" names.

    Hear me Arena.NET please. Mark those bosses with start/colors/takos something visual and understandable for an average player. That simple twik will stop so many people to be afraid of raids and give it a try

  5. @"Grogba.6204" said:"I don't need the loot. I already have what i need and even more. Thanks to SW and Istan yes. If i need something else I will swipe the card, I can afford that."

    Nothing stopping you to buy a clear from a selling guild then.

    I'm gamer, I farm for my gear and clear the dungeons. Do you see the difference between swiping card for convenience items and raid clearance at all?

    I don't don't need the gear from raid drops as i already have 6 crafting professions and 3 chars packed in ascended with arsenal of weapons. Anything else my chars need i can craft/farm easily.Don't try to play that card with me.You are missing my point. If I needed raid clearance I would buy it like ummmh, when i need my place cleaned I hire a cleaner, that agrees to do that job for me for that time and that money.I don't need raid clearance. I want to clear a raid.

  6. @Grogba.6204 said:

    What even is the arguement here? That not every content is equally suited for everyone so we should totally bring it down to the lowest common denominator so it becomes awful for everyone?

    I don't get why every other topic gets to legendary armor. What makes you believe people wanna learn raids for legendary armor?

    I personally would go to training raids event if it drops blue gear and have no achievements etc.

    None was talking of high reward for low efforts. I'm gamer old school one, I believe in the rule high difficulty= high reward.But to get to finish The Witcher 2 Dark_Mode, I played. Normal and Hard mods

    P.S While was typing this i realize nothing will change anyway. I better look for some other game to spend my free time there to have fun. Done most of the things here.

  7. @Sarrs.4831 said:

    @belognom.3685 said:So by your determination t2 and t3s of fractals are wasted resources?

    They're not quite the same, fractals are explicitly structured around the fractal level and instabilities, and the different tiers of fractals tie into those mechanics.

    Even then I'd probably say that FotM has one bracket too many, and T2 and T3 could comfortably be compressed into one bracket.

    That is why i put t2-t3 could have just been easy-hard mod. And structured around the same 'if' functions determining difficulty, mech and agony .

    But the role they play is to let you see and taste the content before you take deep breath and go to t4, you know most things, most mech, you know what to expect. you have experience of clearing content. You have grown over t2-t3 and want to do more challenging mod. It's those t2-t3s gave you that confidence and knowledge.So it's not wasted . Its just right, it's perfect to have.

  8. @Vinceman.4572 said:

    @"belognom.3685" said:Why there isn't less stressful mode where people can go without being stressed ?

    Because you would run it once and never come back again a.k.a. wasted dev ressources.

    So by your determination t2 and t3s of fractals are wasted resources? Then again what you call wasted resources? Adding dozen 'if' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conditional_(computer_programming) functions to already existing content?

  9. @Vinceman.4572 said:

    I call BS. I entered t1 fractals knowing nothing 4 mouths ago and worked my way up to t4s. Learning and practicing.As well as in any other RPGMMO i played there were easy and hard mode (at least) of dungeon/raid . So people can group up go try, learn and progress.Dahell with your drops I get my loot from open world events. More then enough to get 3 chars geared in ascended(by crafting) and made 2 legendary weapons.

    I wanna see the content and I can't for various reasons. Biggest one being there are no way to practice and progress. Not everyone has time and willing to wipe on a single boss for 4 hours. People wanna get a kill, learn a bit, come back next day, learn another bit.

    As a regular fractal and raid player I can assure you that fractals will net you a lot more of stuff to get asc gear than open world content. And it's not a bit, it's massive unless you grind things like Istan or Silverwastes.

    I don't need the loot. I already have what i need and even more. Thanks to SW and Istan yes. If i need something else I will swipe the card, I can afford that. I wanna have fun and see the content, simple. And the end of the day I payed for it, why i can't see what I payed for?Every single game ever solo has difficulty levels why there is no such thing to raids in GW2?

    I need to be abble to open LFG like in any other game and join raid. Saying here is me, my role, my gear and my knowledge of fight. Do you guys and girls mind if it's my first time? If they do I'll drop and join next.

    I don't want to que on 3rd part discords, whatnot etc. It's a bloody game, not a job, I need to be abble to play on times that are convenient to me, not anyone else.

    Again I'm in guild with 4k members, that runs warious events, pve and wvw but no raid training, people are avoiding it as plague. no time. no nerves. Why there isn't less stressful mode where people can go without being stressed ?

  10. @Grogba.6204 said:I'd argue some of the new fractal bosses are above many raid encounters in terms of mechanics at this point. VG, Gorseval, Sabetha, Trio, Cairn, Mursaat, Samarog are not particularly mechanic heavy. Unlike the fractal bosses, only a handful of players even have to deal with mechanics while the rest pummels the boss until the HP bar is empty. shrug

    I see no point in easy modes. As others wrote before they will either end up being deserted because they offer nothing in return nor prepare you for the real encounter...Or the easy mode ends up rewarding too much, making the real mode undesirable for rewarddriven players while still not preparing them for the normal encounter set up.

    I call BS. I entered t1 fractals knowing nothing 4 mouths ago and worked my way up to t4s. Learning and practicing.As well as in any other RPGMMO i played there were easy and hard mode (at least) of dungeon/raid . So people can group up go try, learn and progress.Dahell with your drops I get my loot from open world events. More then enough to get 3 chars geared in ascended(by crafting) and made 2 legendary weapons.

    I wanna see the content and I can't for various reasons. Biggest one being there are no way to practice and progress. Not everyone has time and willing to wipe on a single boss for 4 hours. People wanna get a kill, learn a bit, come back next day, learn another bit.Not everyone wanna get that legendary armor, cut the achievement for easy mods if you must. But almost everyone plays to have fun. Raids are fun, they suppose to be fun, why we are locked behind the wall?

  11. @Deeyra.1476 said:

    Raids are not hard for you because Raiders like you prefer to group with people that knows how to raid and, the only way to learn how to raid is to actually raid.

    Raiders like me want to clear everything fast. And i am helping in a training guild and i know how that works.

    Raid selling exist because it is difficult for a non-raider to find a group that accepts them.

    High requirement somehow doesnt stop people from faking Li which is obvious but most people dont care. Then they get that easy carry and never learn the mehanics in detail.

    You cant learn to raid overnight

    Please do sent me an invite to this raid training guild that actually does raid training. This is the very first mmo im having difficulties to get to see and clear content. And I'm sure cus there are no progression whatsoever. People that ask for easy mod hardly care of those achieves, mastery points etc. Most of them wanna play the freakin game. And they see only this way, Easy and efficient. Cut reward, take achives out, keep masteries to full versions only. Make it drop blue gear. I don'y care personally. But please do get me a way to progress and clear end-game content.

    P.S I alredy made 2 legendary. Currently working on 3 and my asura is cute af. :)) The only end game i have no idea of is raids.

  12. @Feanor.2358 said:

    All these you can learn in other instanced content the game features - the Fractals of the Mists. The actual mechanics you can't learn from a relaxed version, just like you can't learn how to play CM fractals from playing their normal-mode counterparts. The pressure is much different so you need to practice on the real thing.

    I'm doing Fractals, rarely doing 4 tho but i have done them, mostly t3s. See it's not planning I juts go with pugs from lfg. Now how is that gonna help me to get a raid done? Fractals mech are different from what i see on raid bosses on tube videos. General dodging? Alright, I think I can manage that.I wanna see the content, simle and I can't. Tho my toon is geared in ascended (wvw and raid) and has a good arsenal of ascended wepons.

    But the game offered no progression whatsoever. Than content is close to me and that isn't nice. I done everything on my part, that i had to do, how I can go do raids?

    P.S. I would like to state this again. I'm not asking for one shot bosses. Maybe less damage, perhaps 80% -85% of current one, so pugs won't be walking away from raids.

    I'm in biggest guild 2k members only 2-3 person i know do raiding, rest are avoiding it as plague. Simply none has time for preparation and planning and dedicated time to go into raids for 4 hours.

  13. I was thinking maybe we can have 'easy' mods for raids, with less damage and less rewards, where people can go actually try and learn. To have that progress in end-game content. Like any other game i played so far, there were 'normal' mods and 'hard' mods. Don't get me wrong I'm not asking for one shot bosses. I would like to see something else in LFG for raid but 'raid clearance' sellers. I wan't to log and go do the content with pugs from LFG. Learn the mech and decide if i ever wanna see the full version of the raid or not. I don't have that amount of free time to dedicate for planning and preparation and signing in for raids training 3rd part discords etc.This isn't only me. I'm in a big guild 2k members and event being in that guild there aren't many that have the time.No need to make 4 tiers like fractals. This shouldn't be much work (as afar as i understand in programming) several 'if' functions would get it done.

    Forgive my english.

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