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Everything posted by Cernunnos.1365

  1. Hi, I haven't had the chance to play the beta version of the spear and so far I've only been able to try the necromancer's spear... the damage seems low compared to other weapons... and most importantly... hasn't the dear combat developer realized that for 12 years the necromancer hasn't had a damage-on-condition combat weapon?? did it have to be a direct damage weapon like the greatsword? like the dagger?
  2. Obviously it is worse that imbalances become entrenched for months or years and that is not an option but you have to adjust a skill that we are arriving. Obviously there are things that are inherent to each game mode and this is complicated but with a few lines of additional traits as I have mentioned that assume typical contingencies and some insignificant modifications that make traits and classes that seem to be designed for a specific type of game. are universal, for example a trait that eliminates blessings you rarely put in pve... Well, systematically make the mobs have periodic blessings, in this way you dynamize the game and make sure that you don't give so much of the pvp or wvw since for example This is something difficult to standardize. Example of trait lines, one that makes it so that when you are stunned they give you a barrier in pvp that recharges 5, for example... so you don't eliminate the damage from stuns... it seems silly, doesn't it? Well, this led to the elimination of several game modes in pvp with massive elimination of stats, massive sale of healing, etc... then the modifications are made on these traits in the game mode and not in the skills in general... which It is a short recharge time, it is reduced, which is a lot: it is increased, which is excessively beneficial in healers, a conditional is placed if you receive a lot of healing... that increases the recharge and so on with everything that can potentially be implemented. In fact, a substantial modification would also have to be made in the coveted blessings of alacrity and quickness because they tie you to some traits, to a class... not all of them are viable although it was tried... all of this has an easy solution with some lines of traits special for pve mode.
  3. Honestly, it makes me anxious to be reformulating all the builds every time you make updates, far from encouraging a player to enjoy the experience in wvw, pvp and pve, what you do is that each time you have to study a manual for each class, for each build for each thing in each game mode... there are much easier ways to solve the problems caused in competitive modes without having to convert entire skills and traits into their functionality, it is totally absurd, limiting and excessively complicated what you do From my point of view you crossed limits a long time ago that should not have been touched and every time you play one thing or another they seem like totally different games... balance? no... sorry, every time you touch those things you realize that it affects others positively or negatively and since you touch many things then you are forced to change many others and so on... All this would be solved in a much simpler way creating some lines of additional traits in each game mode so that you have extra advantages that you can select tactically and that allow you more versatility in the game and also avoid the large changes that you make in the skills. I have several ideas in mind but since I doubt they will even be heard I am not going to waste time presenting them. Summary: so many changes, so frequent and that they separate the gameplay tremendously between one game mode and another and adding to that that the skills and equipment saving system is not separate for each game mode (that is, with an equipment or skills box have a triple option... for each game mode... since you make them so different...) they make this whole experience suck.
  4. Banner of tactics should break the stun and it doesn't.
  5. My honest opinion is that all artistic work must have a contribution and be able to help the development of the game, however this price is quite abusive, I think the skin is quite simple, it is not something that is used or can be seen much in the game ( like a mount), you can't even dye the skin and on top of that the animation itself is pretty simple too. I think a fair price would be 700 gems and as long as they were skins that can be dyed.
  6. Thanks for your opinion mates. It would be nice if other ideas were contributed by you. By the way, the remodeling of the textures of the bosses of the world of initial zones has been good, do you think there are others that need it too?
  7. For a long time I have noticed the need for a change in certain aspects related to the game. I will present them below and hope that the community has come up with similar improvements. 1. Single button skill build with an equip. This is a very simple and easy to implement enhancement that does not have to replace the current system. It's great to be able to choose different equipment and abilities with different keys but in most cases (at least for people in my game environment) the ones that are the same number sync up. If you give us the option of a single key, it would also save us time a lot of linked keys, which are already many. 2. Mimap. The improvement of a dynamic interface in which you can choose which elements appear or disappear in a situation is fantastic, but sometimes you may require the observation of an element that hinders your field of vision, such as the minimap, for this reason and as I already stated to the At the beginning of the game I think it is very positive that there is an adjustable translucency option, maintaining full opacity in key elements such as: events, waypoints, points of interest, allies, enemies... This adjustable translucency system could be extrapolated to other visible elements and it would be very positive in the graphical experience and also in the skill in the most competitive modes. 3. Damage and healing indicator. Classically, the numbering system has been used to express the damage in a very precise way and although it is a very good form, it makes people who want to immerse themselves in the graphic environment quite annoying because it is something that stands out a lot when you are in combat . Since the developers deeply know the maximum and minimum damage that the characters can deal (in level 80 environments, WvW and PvP), a relationship of color per damage range (for each game mode) can be established for example the same as weapons from white to purple, but this color must be integrated into the environment as if it were a kind of light that emanates from the target when it is hit and that only the player sees. Condition damage and healing instead of being a light emanating from the target would be an in-game aspect symbol orbiting the player whose color varies depending on the DPS they are currently having. For example in PvP a person attacks you and does 500 damage that hit would be white or probably slightly blue, the next hit is 800 and it's a deeper blue, then he surprises you with a 9000 attack and that attack is bright purple and has also inflicted a bleed on you with almost no damage from what you see orbiting the white bleed symbol. Well, something like that for the rest of the situations, that way the graphic experience would rise quite a bit without losing the necessary information. To see the detail you always have the chat. Of course this would always be an alternative option, not a substitute. Oh, and to clarify the subject of the colors, it would be white, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink and purple, but not being static colors, if there is damage between the orange and pink stripes, then an orange with pink nuances is seen. 4. Library. This has been a lack from the beginning but every time the Lore of the game is expanded it is greater. Although you can easily search for a lot of information on the net, this is still an unattractive way to immerse yourself in the essence of the game, but that's not the only problem, I'm sure there are many people who make achievements in which they give them texts and more texts that in the end end up being discarded for taking up unnecessary space in inventories or that are preserved out of nostalgia or effort, as in my case the Chuka and Champawat diary. For this reason, there should be a section in the hero menu that stores in a classified and categorical way (like the achievements section) all the texts that we have been collecting or transcendental feats that have been carried out. 5. Travel menu. It is about adding a travel icon to the main menu of the game (where is the bazaar, PvP... ), once you open it a window opens with large names of the travel areas classified according to the content of the game, similar way to group finder. All the travel options that you have unlocked in the game will appear there, in the same way that when you unlock something in the wardrobe it appears at the beginning because in this case the same. the ideal look would be you open a category, for example living world season 4 and see the concept art images that are featured in tomorrow's upload next to their name. That way at a glance you know where you want to go. This would include all travel tomes, home access), holiday teleport, teleport items to world bosses and Serva Maguuma, teleport to griffin shrine and shelter from the sun, teleport to eye of the north (from the past), the teleports to the cities of the base game and I think I didn't leave any but if so, it should also be added. 6. One search engine for the entire account. Sometimes you can't finish something in the game and there's a day/days where you can't play and you come in and say where my harvesting tools were? with which character was he doing this mission in which he had this object? where is that infusion that equips me? These are some questions that we can ask ourselves and it takes us a long time to answer looking for every corner of each character, so I propose a search system in the main menu that searches for that object in your entire account, whether it is equipped or not and is in the inventory or in your personal bank or one of your guilds. 7. Dynamic inventory on/off. Although it was very good to remove the buttons to pack inventory and deposit materials, I would put a few more buttons: the one to open containers (with selectable subcategories: material containers, champion containers, festive containers and perhaps some that I forget) the of consumables (carma vials, bags of shards, transmutations, laurels, and that kind of thing) and those of competitive routes (those that do not contain selectable objects) In addition to these buttons there should be a box next to it that when enabled performs the action automatically, the reason for these things is that a lot of time is wasted unnecessarily organizing the inventory and it is something that nobody likes, I am not saying that it should not be used, obviously, but there are too many containers that have to be opened at all times And it's downright exhausting. Being a selectable option, it is totally optional for those who are satisfied to see the case at home as if it were a lottery that they are giving. In addition to this and as in other games, there should be a button that sorts the inventory by categorizing it into 3 or 4 types of things, for example: - equipment - materials - consumables - others - and their possible combinations, leaving the one that interests us the most selected and this option could also be left in an automated way. 8. Crafts on account. At the beginning of the game the crafting system and its structure made sense, today I see it a bit out of context, so I propose two improvements. The first is that the crafts are not per character but per account, it is absurd that they are per character and it is tedious to have to change from one to another to make things, in some cases. People who have purchased the crafting upgrade upgrade are compensated in some way. The second improvement is the instantaneous forging and not part by part, I understand that there are objects that can be given by mistake and inadvertently spend materials, so a message should always pop up saying: are you sure you want to continue? otherwise. In this way we can forge 1000 silver ingots in a second. In this context, a new type of lucky material could be added that in our forges gives us a chance factor and we can create something superior, for example if I make 1000 silver ingots and add 10 of "lucky material" (could you be the luck essences, right?) low rank so maybe a few iron ingots but if I add 1000 high rank "lucky material" they could give me a good amount of orichalcum ingots. And if I make an ascended weapon with a lot of "lucky material" maybe they can also give me a pre-legendary weapon (exceptionally). All this can be an incentive and a fun way to take advantage of our crafts. 9. Elite zones. Many people have one or several teleportation zones (these places should also be in the travel menu) to places with services such as armistice bastion and others, it is understandable that each one can contribute something characteristic for the commercial interest of the same product but all They should have the basic services once the game evolves, so I think that the services of a clerk and jade robot workshop should be implemented in all these places and also an ability point to commune or the option to fuse quartz in the traditional craft workshops. I understand that I have gone on too long but there are things that are difficult to convey with words alone and there may be things that are not very well expressed but I hope that they are things that bring pleasant novelties to the game and that other players are encouraged to express their ideas about it. Thanks 😊😊😘
  8. Cernunnos.1365


    I don't see the point of using the pistol in the off hand and with a melee scope on "bladeworn", it's quite absurd that with all the combination of melee weapons that the warrior has the third elite specialization also has this type of weapon and the saber-pistol is also a melee weapon in its majority and of obligatory use. From my point of view, the pistol should be from the main hand and have some ability that has a stealth skill to be able to execute the "dragon slash" attacks with a certain coherent combination in relation to the equipped weapon.
  9. Since yesterday's update, when dismounting from the skyscale mount with skill 1, the character takes damage proportional to the height you've reached with the mount, dying instantly in many cases...
  10. Hello, have you had the Legendary amulet added to the legendary armory? it is not added to me
  11. Really? It is outrageous for the player that when there was an independent system of skills for each game mode now you sell me the templates and it turns out that they are common to all game modes. That where does it leave us? worse than before clearly now you have to get into a menu and click to change the template. THE TEMPLATES MUST BE DIFFERENT FOR EACH GAME MODE.
  12. While I think that the added equipment options are very useful I also believe that they are not well posed in the sense that the character cannot customize each armor correctly for the following reasons: Objects that can be hidden or displayed should be independent for each armor set.Each armor set should be able to have its own outfit selection.It should be possible to put a different hairstyle on each set of armor (consuming the corresponding hairstyle kit).Each armor set should be able to be associated with a glider design and a mount.Point 3 is of minor importance (although it would be a way to reactivate the purchase of the hairstyle kit). In short, the character's look is not being respected and it should be noted that the appearance is something that has a high cost in this game.
  13. Again the same mistake, stuck in queue. It is outrageous that these things have to happen. Those who do pvp and wvw are always the last in this game. Since we are, where are the legendary skin of the legendary team of pvp and WvW? It is outrageous.
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