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Posts posted by Atelia.4852

  1. inaho.2046 posted about this back in July, but I wanted to bring it up again- the custom music playlists don't seem to work on mac. I've been trying over the last week to put in a MainMenu playlist, but it never plays. I've tried both .m3u (extended and non-extended) and .pls playlists, and I tried sourcing the files from a nearby directory (I put a "tracks" folder on the same level as the "music" folder) as well as from the iTunes music folders.

    Yes, it's not game-breaking, but it would be really nice to be able to do the same things on mac that can be done on PC. If you could fix/implement this soon, it would be much appreciated.

  2. I'd love a glider that allows you to use your equipped weapon skins, like I posted on Reddit: https://redd.it/99ygn7I could see scepter skins being scaled up to fit a broom size, staff skins being used as riding brooms, and maybe some sort of connecting rod that allows you to use main hand/off hand combos? The possibilities can get pretty crazy.

    Also, an upgrade to ride sidesaddle on mounts would be wonderful. I'm not sure if it would fit as a gemstore item, though.

  3. I've been messing around with keybinding, and I think all the different ways you can set up your key binds is really interesting.So, what have you changed from the default key binds?-----I usually leave my raptor on x to mount, and I bound my other mounts to shift+(a,s,d,x) (for springer, skimmer, jackal, and griffon, respectively.)-I added target nearest enemy to c.-I've found that, in general, it's easiest for me to have combat skills on the left side of my keyboard and menu skills (inventory, trading post, scoreboard, etc) on the right side.-I usually use a gaming mouse with buttons for my profession skills, but I also stuck them on the arrow keys for the heck of it (left for f1, right for f2, up for f3, and down for f4)

    • Thanks 1
  4. I'd love to go to Cantha. Considering how it's said that the elder dragon S made his home in the Unending Ocean, I feel like investigating and attempting to pacify the deep sea dragon could tie in to Cantha very well. I'd also like to see Cantha's perspective on the elder dragons, considering it's known as the "Empire of the Dragon" and separated from the same devastation the Tyrian continent has experienced.

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