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Posts posted by Silv.9207

  1. Frequently who can spam so much burn can do it using a lot of skills, wich make them vulnerable and they're damage poor if you clean the burn stacks or have resistance. An example is the Guardian: you can spam your skills and inflict more than 18 stacks of burn, but if the enemy clean it or have reaistance you lose almost all your dps for a lot of time.

    Burn is strong, but is (frequently) a conditions hard to stack or can't be spammed all the time like a lot of other conditions.

    In 1v1 you can control the enemy stacks using clean skills and fighting the enemy wisely.

    In a 3v3-4v4, if you have a single class that spam clean (elementalist, for example), you can ignore the burn damage at all because it can be removed easy spamming heals.

    The classes and builds able to spam it can't inflict so much using other conditions or have different cooldown to keep an eye on, also using a lot of skills, making them weaker in defence or damage if you survive the "burn burst", fighting easy against them if you use your skills wisely.

    Burn is really strong, but you can counter it easy timing your skills

  2. Make the players able to play with they're friends will make the game more balanced and grant players to make a strategy and play different classes and builds in viable ways.There's diferent ways to make that balanced also for who play alone or with few friends.The MM can use the win/lose and rank of the higher of the team only, that will make people unable to play in lowers and farm killing noobs.The MM can chose premade first and try to don't make premades fight against full pugs but at least against 3+2 or 4+1 teams.Improving the LFG system and suggesting to players to use it should be a big chance to make players do teams and play with players at the same level, making a strategy and finding players that don't go afk at the first problem.There can be a increased reward rate for teams based on how much you are, making players interested to do teams instead of play alone as casuals, even increasing the reward by up to 50% if that will make people play as a team instead of go solo in a Team Based Game.

    There's a large amount of things that ANet can do to make players do teams promoting the game in a more full team way to play.

    If there will be a lot of full teams in sPvP the game will be more balanced and there will be lesser afkers and ragequitters, lesser players that play "naked", that go in the match only for the fun of see they're team lose, and more.That can also be used to improve the game and make players unable to stack the OP class of the moment blocking the log in option for that X character on the player that want to swap before the match start. There's different games that do similar things and they're not big as GW2.

    The Solo/DuoQ is one of the first things that runed GW2 sPvP and made it totally unbalanced and unbalaceable.No one can play his faorite class in the way he want because can't make a strategy, there's a large amount of builds that are strong but need a teamwork to be played and then no one can use them because no one can make a team to play.

    "Force" or grant higher rewards to players to make them play as a Team will highly improve the game, the Quality of Life, reduce the flame that is making players stay away from spvp and spvp forum, will increas the buld diversity by a lot and grant players to play with they're friends, increasing the sPvP community by a large amount.

    Make players play as a team and everything will go better in few time.

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