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Evellynn Capone.6584

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Posts posted by Evellynn Capone.6584

  1. @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:"T4 Chaos All Bads Welcome - I Will Carry You" and players join who needed to be carried and I carried them. 39 minute completion while having no competent players in the party other than myself.It's not really a big deal if you are a true champion.

    Its ur choice how to finish T4 Fractals.

    Atleast stop Judge over effective PPL.This thread can be closed. He got enough Answers...

  2. @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    But the majority IS beginning to follow raid meta elite expectation in the casual game mode. Ultimately this will begin to push more players out of fractals who would have otherwise shown up and began to learn, the very same as it did in raids. The higher standard that is set by groups in fractals, the more and more of a turn off it becomes for new players. Again, is this necessary in a casual game mode?"I've done a handful of runs in my time".I guess having the fractal savant titleIt is becoming more and more rare to find casual T4 groups, which is why I post themself usually, to help the newer players waiting.

    First of all ur Title say nothing about how many experience u have in Fractals.U done handful of Runs uhm... nice to hear but how long are u playin Fractals? Thie Meta exists before Fractal Change and u have to know about your "handful runs". Its not hard to find Casual Groups for Fractals (maybe 5 - 10 mins waiting and the Group is full). PPL wont waste his time in Fractals when they know its faster with a "ELITISM GROUP SETUP..." if you have nothing more than to upset you about elitism why dont ignore these Groups?

  3. @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    Trial and error, learning from experience, practice I guessed? Completed Oasis T4 daily ytd with LFG. Took 7-8 wipes for Amala, considering 2-3 is NEW to 87, imo it went pretty well for a 5 DPS team. Had to find replacements after the 3rd and 5th wipe tho. Forgot the original setup but a Reaper and Holo joined in the end.

    I forgot the Sarkasm in my Question.

    There was a Setup with Zerkers: 2 Ele, 1 Guard / Mes, PS Warrior, Thief sometimes 1 more Guard same like Dungeon Groups.

    A short Story about Frac lvl 90 yesterday with 4 man (one leaved before). It was a completly Random Group and was at the Flame Legion Champion. Open LFG a Thief joined and died more and more about the Mechanics and the last words from him "THIS WONT WORK WITHOUT A HEALER CYA". Atleast we finished and a Druid joins at the end.

  4. How PPL done Fractals before without Healer, Chrono, Scourges ect.? There was a Meta before Fractal changes and still exists. If You are mad because of Elitism create ur own Group with some Friends. I Have no clue why PPL open a Thread for every "Im so Disapointed because of xxxxx Situation". The world has no other problems like this.

  5. Dont like Etilism too... but it happens in Fractals If u wont these PPL in a Group create ur own and take 2 Friends with u. Anyway im Running always T4 Fractals with these Group Formation: BS, Chrono,Druid, 2xDPS. Sometimes smooth and fast and othertimes PPL acting like kids ^^. Anyway the first Problem is Read the LfG ;)

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