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Posts posted by Foxtrick.9758

  1. I pondered this topic and thought of a way Anet could introduce a new playable race(s) without disrupting the previous 8 years of development and storytelling all while cutting down costs of new voice actors. The story for the race(s) would start around the events of the pact and their killing Mordremoth (back in the past). The idea is to discover where the race(s) have disappeared to and why. We begin our story as a lieutenant (to speed up the story and avoid discontinuity) who witnesses a new evil elder dragon or the current evil elder dragon (or insert any tragic event here) consume a large majority of their race. These tragic events propel our character to return to Tyria to warn the Pact of these events and help fight. The commander (in this instance would not be us but an NPC named John Deere - something to this affect) would be in charge of the pact. To keep from jumbling the story too much, they could kill off the NPC Commander in these stories and force the different race(s) to become the commander. 

  2. I would love the ability to transmography equipment such as helmets, cuirasses, or leggings with different sections of outfits


    P.S. to go along with this topic, I would love the option to toggle different segments of armor, for example leggings to show or hide certain parts (ie: medium armor tends to have a skirt or robe attached to the armor. If we could toggle these skirts or robes to not show would be amazing and offer way more customization and personalization).

  3. @ananda.5946 said:None of the above. I’m not sure why people are clamouring to play tengu. They’re just a bird variation on the charr model. Most clothes and all that will look just as bad on tengu as they do on charr. And, isn’t charr the least played race?

    Now, choya on the other hand... Bring on The Pale Cactus.

    You make a very valid point but there's a very valid resolution to that problem as well:

    • Give players a little more freedom in character creation for the Tengu: interesting feather color combos and patterns.
    • A more lenient character height slider.
    • Also spend time with armor models instead of just throwing a sheet with a armored texture over them. Give their cultural armor a Native Indian style or something really interesting.

    The biggest issue with charrs is how insanely big they are, how very bland and dull their eyes are, how terrible their armor models look on them and how unenthusiastic their story is. B O R I N G !!!!!!!

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