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Novus Angellite.6589

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Posts posted by Novus Angellite.6589

  1. A friend of mine pointed out that the insane amount of XP the adventure guide gives potentially ruins the self imposed Iron Man Challenge (A no deaths challenge for those unfamiliar) for those who wish to give it a go. One of the things that makes the challenge interesting is figuring out where to get good XP without being defeated, and if you should risk it all anyways on that Champion who just spawned because hey... it's good XP! 


    It would be lovely to toggle it off/on account wide or even just per character. Either for the challenge or because I'm tired of my "Recently completed" being nothing but the adventure's guide as I jump character to character and keep pinging the new "achievements" as I play naturally.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 1
  2. As much as I adore the bauble effect of Aurora and Coalescence on my main toon, I'm not fond of it on EVERYONE. I'd very much love for Anet to consider a toggle option for ALL trinkets. If not immediately when the Armory is released, then some time in the very near future. I'd rather not have to craft the Slumbering version because: see my first personal point.

  3. You won't fix the audio bug that makes combat grunts and groans and various /emote sounds overpower actual in-instance dialogue (Because it's on the dialogue slider instead of the effects slider), or just annoying in overworld combat (Such as the obnoxiously loud grunts and groans during the Svanir shaman chief world boss) but this was of dire importance?


    This is the equivalent of refusing to respond to someone's argument/question/general comment, and instead just replying:



    • Like 8
  4. I have been redirected from CS to this forum to complain about this issue that's been bothering me for some time now.

    It appears there is an inconsistency with Chairs in the Raid Wings that allow for mounting up. Chairs that are earned through Ingame Rewards seem to work just fine, as well as a few Black Lion Trading Company purchases, like Dwayna's Throne are confirmed to work perfectly fine.

    However, two purchases of my own--The Bough of the Grove and Mystic Lotus--do not work in Raid Wings.

    First world problems, I know, but I purchased these items primarily for the aesthetic of them for victory poses in Raids, or for AFKing in style during breaks or the Raid Commander teaching new people who the boss in question works. Due to the fact that some purchased chairs work, while others do not, leads me to believe there might be some sort of flagging issue where the game does not recognize specific chairs to be Mounts in these Raid Wings, but instead tonic transformations (as those do not work in Raid wings).

    Attempting to use the Bough of the Grove:

    ! K81u4jX.jpg

    Attempting to use Mystic Lotus:

    ! qzbc85L.jpg

    Witnessing a Squad Member using Dwayna's Throne:

    ! yin2K8O.jpg

    So...Can someone check the way chairs work and please allow for ALL chairs to be used in the Path of Fire Raid Wings?Thank you

  5. For some reason a friend of mine is also unable to log in, despite being on an NA server instead of EU. She can't even log in on the forum.

    The usual 42.1001.9001.XXXX error

    related perhaps?

    EDIT: I should add that they physically live in EU but choose to play on NA serverse.

  6. Well, I'm genuinely angry.

    We had absolutely no way of knowing we'd need to hold onto these weapons for another stage. Not a single solitary word was said of it in the descriptions or from the NPCs. Nothing.

    And as previously pointed out, Berserker Inscriptions, and T6 Blood Vials in general, are not exactly cheap.All this does is send a message from Anet to not actually DO anything. No collections. No Achievements. Do absolutely NOTHING until everything is done.Because they very well may just pull another fast one.

    "Oh you completed a collection for all 3 weights of an armor set? Well, we're introducing another tier of it. Hope you actually KEPT the armor and aren't actually using it on anyone right now! Would be a shame if you put expensive runes on it too!"

    I am absolutely entering an angry ticket about this later. It's bad enough finishing The Moot went on hold because of how much t6 blood I used for the collection. This is just a sticky loogie to the face, followed by a slap.

    Update:I did submit a ticket and GM Fiction restored the weapons to my account, so I am quite grateful for that.It doesn't make the situation any less annoying, as now I have to paranoidly wonder if there are other armors and weapons in the future I will need to hoard in case this happens again. Bellecoso is practically full up on hoarding overflow. Time to assign another toon.

  7. I was pretty surprised to find we don't get a Portal Tome yet... I purchased another Shared Slot specifically for the new Saga so that the chapters can be easily accessed through all the characters.

    As it stands, only my main has easy access to the new maps and the shared slot just has the portable mystic forge sitting in it instead.

    If this current map is meant to be expanded on later, I am hoping we will get our portal tome then. Because as it stands, as many have said, this is a bit inconvenient and a waste of inventory space.

  8. ArenaNet, just because the staff do not use the reduction trait doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Especially in WvW where that fall reduction can really save your neck in a hairy situation in enemy territory. You know. Where you can't glide? Also where the mount doesn't actually absorb your fall damage but just insta-kills you if you take too much?I don't like this. I'm just returning to WvW and in the past I have heavily relied on the damage reduction to get away from the enemy in the Red Borderlands.Will you be removing speed boost traits next?

  9. Husband compared it to an adult sitting in a chair specifically designed for toddlers. Sure you might just barely be able to fit in it but you're not comfortable.

    He's not even as into the game as I am and he agrees there's something wrong when the chair you get in a Raid looks better for Charr than one you actually pay for that was designed FOR the Charr.

  10. Can't say I'm all that hyped after Boss Rush week. Most of the bonus boxes contained the lowest possible tier items that could be dropped in it for me.

    I understand it's RNG and all. But after 4 days of materials you could have just gotten killing random mobs just passing through on the way to the next harvesting node, the urge to participate drops.

    At most I'll probably take this as an opportunity to open up some legendary collections to take advantage of actually populated Orr maps rather than looking forward to the box.

  11. @Ashen.2907 said:

    Nah, those threads were far more energetic.

    And probably not in a good way...

    New as I may be to the fandom but there are two things that I am already quite exhausted of.

    1) Seething hatred for certain characters (and by extension people who LIKE the character they don't like)2) Character deaths that hold no meaning.

    I am still not over Trahearne, and Taimi has been my favorite ever since Season 3, feeling like the only character who fully supports and has the commander's back while everyone else is just up in the air. It's hard for me to have ever imagined so many people hating a child character who tries her best with her intellectual gifts to actually make an impact (without her credit being Phlunted from her) but yet... here we are. People demanding the outright death of a child character who's been a fine assistance to the commander, has been going through her own struggles, and genuinely cares for the commander and trusts them.

    ! And despite what I know from the recent chapter, I really hope there is some way of saving her. I am so tired... No more pointless character deaths. Trahearne's death was in vain mere chapters after his murder. And if she does really have to die, then give her some recognition for the work she's done that the Arcane Council can't take from her!

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