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Posts posted by SdoRy.6839

  1. On 6/6/2022 at 4:57 PM, Caliboom.3218 said:

    Do toxic elitists really think that all OW players do is 111?

    I wish they would. The harsh reality is that at least 50% of the player base would deal more damage if they only auto attacked. Skill cancelling, using useless skills at the wrong time, not finishing auto attack chains.... Most people are worse than "1111". So no, they don't think that literally, but figuratively in the sense they don't contribute a whole lot to the fight. Have you ever looked at a ArcDPS log in an open world meta event? There's 2-5 people doing 80-90% of the damage, theres 30 people doing <3k dps. That's okay, but that's the reality.

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  2. On 6/6/2022 at 4:45 AM, Chichimec.9364 said:

    back when it was RNGeesus, not skill, organization, or anything else that determined who won and who lost. Highly organized raid groups were still mostly failing.

    This is simply false. After the first few runs and figuring out what to even do, well organised groups NEVER failed, REGARDLESS of the rng. Yes, terrible RNG made is significantly harder, but never impossible. Hardstuck had like 30 consecutive wins before the nerfs.

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  3. 21 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:


    This whole post is just laughable, and ignores reality.

    The majority of players don't play GW2 for 16 hours a day, and don't have the free time to be able to.

    The majority of players have never seen the amount of gold you're throwing around in the entire time they've been playing.

    It's so out of touch and a mirror of real-world capitalism, where those in a position of privilege have no idea how the rest of the world works.

    It's just tragic.


    The only thing laughable here are your takes. You can play one Dragon's End meta every day, which takes about an hour on average, and it'll only take you a little over a month to get a LEGENDARY weapon. Do one every other day (which would literally equate to 3-4 hours per WEEK) and you're still there after 2 months. Calling that unobtainable is delusional.


    The difference between real-world capitalism and this game is that everybody starts on equal footing here. You're not born rich. Ethnicity doesn't matter. Everyone starts with nothing. Yes, some people are privileged and able to play more than others, but if ANYONE wants a legendary they can EASILY get one. No one gates you out of anything, you can do anything you want to, unlike the real world. The majority of players just spend their obtained gold on random kitten they don't need or really want and then pretend like the game doesn't throw money at them. The majority of players could literally find 500g+ in the material storage with materials they'll never need. The majority of players who feel they can't ever obtain a legendary have half cost in materials already obtained. Pretending you need any form of skill or privilege to get a few thousand gold in this game is a pathetic take.


    You pretend that power and QoL are equal, they are not, in any shape or form. Having less QoL doesn't prevent you from competing with other players in any type of content. Having less QoL doesn't exclude you from playing any type of content at all. Having less power ABSOLUTELY does. Gating QoL behind a paywall is scummy at worst, and we can definitely talk about the kitten practice of creating QoL problems to sell QoL solutions. But gating power behind a paywall is exploitative. You can choose not to get any QoL feature and still play the game just fine. You cannot choose to not get any competitive power level and still play the game just fine. These are vastly, vastly different aspects and cannot be compared at all.

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  4. I had to take a double look at the grandmaster traits. Rofl. All 3 traits literally do the exact same thing, which is passive blade generation. WTF. That's literally the most uninspired, boring "design" I've ever seen. Holy hell. Who comes up with this and everybody involved thinks "wow this is a great idea!"...
    Also having the Bladesongs aka Shatters with cast times as opposed to the classic Shatters makes the whole class clunky af to play. It's genuinely so bad and makes the otherwise possibly interesting spec completely unplayable for me. It just ruins all of your rotations, once you reach 5 blades you have to immediately stop what you're doing or risk getting overflown with blades. Also it just feels like an artificial delay, just overall terrible.
    But seeing as basically none of the feedback for any spec was genuinely adressed I'm not surprised. Rushed expansion with good story but terrible everything else. Classic GW2 in 2022.

    • Like 5
  5. While I like the idea and the implementation of it can't be hard, I very much doubt Anet would do this. They've distanced themselves from dungeons quite clearly, years ago. There are many, easily implementable things Anet could have done to make dungeons more viable, more populized and generally "better", yet they choose to do nothing.I like dungeons, always have, always will. But the harsh truth is: They are dead and are not coming back, ever. They will stay exactly as they are, as they have been for the past years.

  6. So I've come across a rather annoying bug recently:If you have two different legendary weapons equipped in two different equipment templates and you want to use the same type of infusion (e.g. 2 +7 agony infusions, not the identical one +7 infusion, 2 different infusions of the same item!) on each of the two weapons, they infusions kind of get... mixed up. Sometimes, when you unequip one of the legendary weapons, it throws one of the infusions out into the inventory, sometimes it keeps both in the items. Sometimes in throws one out only on re-equipping the weapon, sometimes unequipping both weapons leaves one infusion still somewhere(?) but not in either weapon, OR the inventory.I don't know why this happens, all I know is that it is super annoying. I play dps chrono a lot, I regularly swap offhand sword with focus for pulls and stuff. I have a legendary offhand sword for that template, and a legendary offhand pistol in ANOTHER template, both of which have a +7 infusion in them (again, two different ones, not the same one!). Everytime I swap my offhand sword with focus and back I "lose" the infusion, have to manually socket it again. Often it gets thrown into my inventory for no reason at all. It's frustrating as hell.I have screenshots to try to paint a picture, but I don't really know how to upload them here.

    Detailed scenario: Legendary pistol with +7 infusion in equipment template 1 equipped. Legendary sword equipped with another, seperate +7 infusion equipped in template 2. I swap out the legendary sword in template 2 for a focus. I swap the sword back in, now the sword does not have a +7 infusion in it anymore. Sometimes this infusion instead gets thrown into my inventory again, and sometimes the game says that +7 infusion is still equipped in some other weapon in some template (though it is not, and cannot be).I manually put the +7 infusion from my inventory (after it gets thrown out) in my legendary sword, and then my sword actually recieves a +7 infusion but I still have the +7 infusion in my inventory. I presume the game instead prefers to take the other +7 infusion that's equipped in my legendary pistol in template 1, even though I have no idea why and its really kitten annoying.Now, if I manually put the +7 infusion from my inventory into the sword again then the infusion from my inventory actually goes into the sword infusion slot, essentially I have to manually put it in two times. If I want to swap in my focus and re-swap my sword in again I have to this all over again. I know I can use just one +7 infusion for both weapons, since they are legendary, but I don't want to manually insert the +7 infusion into the sword again after each swap. Therefore, I have a separate +7 infusion just for the sword so I can simply swap focus and sword quickly as often as I want to - or so I thought.

    Trying to find out why this happen I came across several curious findings. If after swapping in my sword again and not getting the infusion dropped into my inventory, and I unequip my legendary pistol in template 1, I'm left with both weapons unequipped in my inventory, but only the pistol has a +7 infusion in it. The sword, doesn't have the other +7 infusion in it, and this infusion is also not in my inventory. Where is it? The game says, when clicking on another legendary that's equipped, that there is a +7 infusion I could equip that's used for other equipment currently. But for what equipment? The sword and pistol are both in my inventory. So, to recieve the second +7 infusion, I have to swap the "missing" +7 infusion into a third legendary and out again, only then it gets dropped into my inventory again, which then leaves me with 2 legendary weapons and 2 +7 infusions in my inventory.If I now manually insert one infusion into each weapon and equip both weapons again, essentially meaning that each infusion is ONLY used for it's designated weapon, and I start the swapping around again I come across the same bug again: one infusion either gets constantly thrown into my inventory for no reason at all OR it gets lost on a "ghost weapon" that doesn't really exist.It's hard to explain it properly without pictures, even with pictures it would be hard. Easiest would be to physically show someone via stream or whatever.

    PS: I've had a similar (probably the same) issue a while back with two legendary weapons and 2 separate superior sigils of energy. When swapping around the weapons one sigil was constantly thrown into my inventory even though it should not happen.

  7. @Fueki.4753 said:Why did you think it was a good idea to put so much of that's hated by many players into another fractal boss?Wasn't the overwhelmingly negative reception towards Warden Amala, Arabella Crowe and The Voice enough evidence that it's better not to do such bosses?

    Talk for yourself, I absolutely love the new fractal boss and its design. And it's vastly different from cluster-effs like Amala and Siren's Reef. And most people I talked to who regularly do fractals and/or raids very much enjoyed the fractal just as much, especially the cm.The whole update seemed to be directed more towards the high-end-pve-players, weekly fractal achievement, weekly raid achievements, weekly cm's... those are, I would assume, players where most of them do enjoy the new fractal.

    @Andy.5981 said:Why was the decision made to class this as the level 100 Fractal when it is appears to be far easier on T4 mode than Shattered Observatory, Nightmare, Mai Trin, Twilight Oasis and Siren's reef?

    I would assume because the CM seems to be quite a bit harder for the average pug than the other cm's (and ofc, nm's). So 100cm is still the hardest encounter after all.

  8. I've said it before and I'll say it again, until maybe Anet listens:Wells are designed terribly and force very clunky gameplay in the way they are now. They should just make the wells not be a dropped AoE field, but instead you just activate the skill and the well "pulses" around your character model. This way, people don't have to stick to a certain place, but to you as a player. This way, a moving boss or having to clear trash is not a problem anymore and Chrono's are - finally - useful outside of static raid boss scenarios.

  9. @Zok.4956 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @Ayrilana.1396 said:Because that’s not how it works. Servers generally do not pick and choose who has issues and who doesn’t. If there’s a series of input lag issues caused by a server, it for the most part affects everyone connected to it. The fact that some players consistently do not experience any issues when on the exact same map instance doing the exact same meta means that it’s unlikely to be a server issue.

    There are from time to time software/systems bugs in GW2 that cause that one version of a map is in a buggy state, and other versions (different IP) of the same map are not and only players that are on the buggy map (IP) experience problems.

    Because that’s not how it works. Servers generally do not pick and choose who has issues and who doesn’t.

    Well, of course servers do this. There could be a lot of reasons, why only some users have issues/server problems and others don't. And the more complicated the server structure, the more complicated it could be to find the reasons and to fix the issues. The hardest issues to find are the ones that do not happen allways. And sometimes, the servers "pick and choose" in a nondeterministic way. Example: race conditions.

    I unfortunately read that entire wiki page and don't see what it has to do with the topic at hand.

    You wrote, that servers do not "pick and choose", and I gave you one example that they can actually do that, even if their behaviour seems random to the persons involved.

    And with "servers" I always mean a black-box (a combination of hardware and software). No server hardware runs without software.

    Be aware that this reasoning of yours can also be used against you saying that it's the servers. In a few posts in one of these threads, I suggested it could be an issue with the maps themselves; not the actual IP instance/servers. I'm still unsure though how certain players can consistently be singled out while others remain completely unaffected. If anything, it's more likely to be a software/programming issue than a hardware one.

    Well, the "maps themselves" are the (virtual) servers, that handle the specific maps. :)

    I do not believe that the server-hardware itself is faulty. Of course it is somewhere in software or maybe sometimes the server-capactity (this includes hardware and software capabilities) is reached/exhausted and there is some overload-situation. It surely is more complicated because Anet uses Amazon "servers" and Anet probably has not their own/exclusive hardware anymore.

    It also looks like the route that packets get sent back to you isn’t necessarily the same route you see when you sent them. They may go an entirely different route which could be the cause of latency.

    true. But the packets that the "Amazon-cloud-gateway" (for lack of a better wording) is sending me as responses to my UDP/ICMP requests will likely travel the same way through the internet the packets from the GW2 servers travel. But of course, to make sure we would have to need access to Anets servers, or a public "looking glass server" from within the Amazon network. Which I do not have.

    Perhaps there’s a way to test using the same protocol that GW2 data goes through? Possibly with similarly sized packets?

    Well, there is a possibility, that the packet-sizes could be related to this. GW2 uses TCP as communication protocol between client and map-server. So I did more tests.

    I did now make further tests to look at the TCP-packet-flow between the actual game-client and the game-server (the map-server).

    To make it clear: I did NOT look into the GW2-packets (the TCP payload) because that would probably be a violation of the TOS and I do not want to violate the TOS. I just looked at the traffic pattern of the TCP-flow. Thats allowed.

    I first wanted to establish a feeling and a baseline of the traffic-flow-pattern between client and server with several maps (home instance, core-maps, Special Forces Training Area). The base pattern is:

    Result/baseline is: When I am idle (my character is standing still and no skill is used) the game-server still sends the client several packets per second (probably with updates about changes in the game world, moving players/npc etc). Only when I am idle and nothing happens/moves in the world (like in the "Special Forces Training Area" instance when I do nothing) there is a pattern of regular intervals of 3-5 seconds duration, where the server does not send any data. Of course if I move my character or use skills, there are a lot of packets per second, that are transmitted server->client and client->server.

    I then went to Thunderhead Peaks map and landed directly before the last boss fight of the north meta (so the map was not completely full). I did not experience the large lag spikes of several seconds but it felt like I had a few smaller skill lags.

    Afterwards I looked at the tcp-packet-flow I recorded with Tcpdump/Wireshark. Because a lot was going on during the meta (a lot of other players were moving, fighting and using their skills, a lot of mobs moving etc...) I expected to see a constant flow (several packets per second) from the server to the client.

    But actually I found a few locations in the flow where the client did not receive any packets from the server for more than a second each.

    If the client does not get packets from the server he can not update its own skill-display and the movement of the game-world. etc. Which is one cause for skill-lag.

    This was not normal behaviour. To have no update for over a second during boss fight is bad. What could be the reason for that? I can think of three possible causes:

    a) one or more packets from the server to the client were lost somewhere on the way (LAN, ISP, Internet, Amazon, etc...)b) one or more packets from the server to the client were delayed somewhere on the way (LAN, ISP, Internet, Amazon, etc...)c) during the time no packets were send to the client from the server (Anet, map, map-server, Instance,...)

    For a)
    I looked into the TCP-flow in detail around the locations with the delay and looked (because TCP handles it, if packets are lost) if there are sequence-gaps, retransmissions etc. (thats simplified, it is complicated to make sure I miss nothing). There is nothing that indicates packet loss of the underlying IP-layer. To make a time-consuming process short: There was NO packet loss involved.

    For b)
    If the server sends constantly 4 packets per second (as an example) and all 4 packets are delayed in one second, they would be received in the following second. But in the following second the client would not receive only the 4 packets from the second before, but also the 4 packets the server sends in the next second. So there would be some receive-pattern like:

    second 1: 4 packetssecond 2: 4 packetssecond 3: 0 packets (here is the packet-delay for a second)second 4: 8 packetssecond 5: 4 packets

    But with all my examinations I could not find a pattern remotely similar to this. So: A packet delay during network transport is NOT the cause.

    Because I can exclude (a) and (b) it has to be ©.

    : The map-server (hardware, software, virtual-system, etc.) sometimes does not send data-packets to the game-client, this is not a normal server behaviour on a map where something happens and it results in a client that can not update its own state (skill activations, position of other players/npc etc...) during this communication-silence and this is a reason for skill-lag.

    In my own actual, last test the gaps were a little bit longer than one second, but I am sure If I would make the same test on a map where I would experience a large skill-lag of several seconds, I would see that the server does not send packets for this several-seconds to the client. This would be consistent and probable.

    Why is the "server" (hardware+software) doing this (sometimes)? I have no idea. It is Anets job to find the "why" and fix it.

    Thank you for your efforts!

  10. @"Thornwolf.9721" said:No mods should exist, close the back door and removing the hackers from the game and show you care about the game in general.

    Hackers? That doesn't have anything to do with QoL mods.

    If it were meant to be here, they'd of implemented it. If its not in the game as it is then it doesn't need to exist;

    So no game ever should implement any new feature ever, because, if it's not implemented yet it doesn't need to exist? Way to go, who needs innovation anyways right?

    This is becoming a "nerf buttons" fiasco like in Warhammer online where you could bypass the GCD and fire multiple of the same skill regardless of cooldown.

    Sounds like macros, which are forbidden, even in GW2. Anything 3rd party related that gives you an in-game advantage over other players is forbidden and a bannable offense.

    the toxicity due to meters existing is at an all time high.

    Any source on that or just another ridiculous claim that just gets thrown around everywhere?

    Either implement these abundantly used mods into the game as core features and QOL or come out, and say you dont support it and are closing the back door to prevent people from messing with the code and to do so is an instant ban REGARDLESS of who you are.

    Well they went ahead and gave the okay for arcdps. Which is essentially the same as if they developed it themselves - except it doesn't cost them time, or effort. And messing with the... code? Do you even know what a mod is or how it works? ArcDps just reads game files that the game gives out already anyways and just displays them in a more ordered fashion. It doesn't mess with any code whatsoever.

  11. @SeikeNz.3526 said:

    @SeikeNz.3526 said:btw: i will keep kicking bad players who dare to say the word dps on the party chat, guess what it's not against the rulesWithout the numbers showing their actual performance how do you know they are bad?

    if someone say on chat that party failed because of the dps you already know he is bad, simple as that, the party always fail because of failed mechanics, the only way to fail because of bad dps would be with a timer to kill it.

    True, but sometimes having superior dps makes the fight a lot easier, so why settle for a hard fight when I can have it easy AND quick

    if someone say on the chat the dps is bad and trash talk to someone change build is auto kick for being bad.

    If you play a dps role in fractals and do less than 10k dps you're bad. Sorry to break it to you, but it's true, and it doesn't make me bad. Trashtalking someone is not okay, neither from "high-dps-players" to "low-dps-players", nor from you to someone enjoying meta and speedclears.

    you don't need arcdps to see if someone is auto atking a.k.a leeching

    True, though you can be leeching and do terrible dps even with a perfect rotation, for example if you have ministrel gear. That is still leeching, if my group lfg asked for a specific requirement. (lfging for a dps player usually means looking for a player that is capable of doing acceptable dps numbers, somewhere between 20k and 35k)

    you don't need arcdps to see if someone keep dying because he can't do mechanics.

    True, and has nothing to do with this topic. People who don't do any dps can fail mechanics, people who do dps can fail mechanics. In fact, as mentioned by others plenty of times, if a player fails mechanics he can almost never achieve good dps numbers, so people doing good dps are almost always successfully doing mechanics...

    you don't need arcdps if the healer is not healing enough.

    But in your words, if the healer is not healing enough its not the healers fault but your own fault for not doing the mechanics or dodging attacks, as an elitist toxic dps player? That's what you said!

    you don't need the best dps on bosses without a timer.

    No, you dont need it. But what if I want it? What if I want to do fractals or raids quickly, maybe because I don't have a lot of time? Or because I don't see why I should have to invest a lot of time into clearing them, when I can also do it quickly with competent players? What if I want to push myself to achieve the best I can do? To get better, faster, break records? What if that is what I enjoy? I can't force other people to play that way. But you can't force me to not play that way.

    you only need numbers to see performance if you want to speed run not to clear the content, you can't force people to speed run contents.

    Well here's the thing: you also can't force people to slow run contents. You can't force people to do anything. Which means, if I make a group, I can set my own expectations to that group, and if I want to speed run a fractal, and you join my group, then you either help me speedrun it or I kick you, simple as that :)

    arcdps is not being used to self improvement, people are using it to keep checking others as a harassment tool, trying to force speed runs and saying if don't do the "meta" you can't clear the content what is the biggest lie ever.

    I have used arcdps to see my own performance and self improve, it has helped a lot. And I have never, ever harassed someone for not doing enough dps. Not once. So you're either just wrong, or simply lying. Now, do you admit to being wrong, or do you want to call yourself a liar? Your choice.And again, people have said this countless of times, I don't know if you can read, but here it is again: People don't care if you play "meta" as long as you do your job. If your role is dps, you should deal damage. People don't care whether that is with the "meta" power soulbeast or the absolutely "off-meta" power chrono (believe me, I play power chrono, no one cares. I also have my own build variant, still out dps most other people. So stop complaining and claim that people force you to play "meta" only. It's a lie.)

  12. @"SeikeNz.3526"Oh and by the way, in case you don't realize it and you actually mean what you say: You're the most toxic person here who has commented so far. Kicking people just before the last boss is killed is toxic, it's harassing other players and a lot worse than telling someone "sorry your dps is too low, we want to play with someone else who is better". You openly admitted to doing it, you want to continue doing it and I hope you get banned for it eventually.You are the reason, and people like you are the reason, why toxicity is so prevalent. Why the disparity between raiders and non-raiders is as big as it is. I genuinely hope you're just trying to be funny or provocative or seek attention, but if you truly believe what you say, you have a serious lack of self-awareness. You don't seem to understand that the things you criticize raiders and "dps-meter-users" for are the very thing you're doing to other people.Also, further picking on @Sinful Mustache.3589 because he didn't know something, yet openly admitted to his mistake is just straight bullying and the most toxic you can be. I really don't understand how you are still allowed to post in these forums, honestly.

  13. @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

    Who said you should spend as little time as possible in the instances? Skip what can be skipped? Exploit every boss and every mechanic? If you do not want to play that content, do not play it! The developers made all of these wonderful mechanics to be played, not exploited by some cheap speedrunners.

    Who said I have to carry people through encounters and towards the rewards when they deal absolutely no damage, and I do all the work? Who said I have to play the game the way you want to? Who are you to tell me how to play the game? Maybe skipping and fast clearing is fun for me ? Ever thought about that? Maybe not being able to check dps leads to more and more leechers, and there are so many already? I don't see how it's fair if 8 people in a squad play well and do what they're supposed to, while there are 2 longbow dragonhunters doing less dps than my healer druid, yet they too get the same rewards in the same time.Do you know the time difference between running a raid clear or even t4 dailies with proper dps players and players who only deal half or a third of that?Raid clear: W1-W4 in about 2 hours with a decent group. takes probably 8 hours or more with low dps players.T4: <30 minutes with a good group, easily 1.5 hours with bad dps players.It's time I should not be forced to invest, if I don't have to. Plus, it's very frustrating.

    I'm just gonna say this: If I'm a squad commander doing my raid, and our dps sucks or we wipe because we are too slow (Gorseval e.g.), without a dps meter I will start kicking people randomly. First the classes/specs that usually perform worse, second the people using weird weapons, third AP or LI/KP and fourth: just random dps people. How is it a good thing if I have to randomly kick people because there is no way for me to tell who is failing their job? How is it fair if you get kicked from a squad on a necro even though you were top dps, but the commander can't know it, because no dps-meter? And don't @me with the "don't kick people then" bullshit, if you fail a boss time after time you have to change things up.

  14. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Yeah, I logged on today into the pvp mist area. My normal average ping of 70 on NA was bumping around near 500 avg. I've waited around logging in and out for hours. It's not my ISP. The problem is not on my side. This lag is unplayable.

    How do you know? What you said doesn’t prove that it couldn’t be your ISP.

    Just saw someone post in one of the couple dozen threads that they had an issue that tracked to the AWS servers, they contacted Anet, and it got troubleshooted to be with their ISP.

    As if everyone's home in 2020 didn't have multiple wireless connected devices on, all of the time, that weren't lagging at all.

    ^ This works this way for years on end, nothing lags. Then suddenly at the very same time my Guild Wars 2 is getting 500 average ping, other players in Guild Wars 2 are also reporting that they are getting averages of 500 ping. And mysteriously enough, nothing else in my home that is connected to the wireless is lagging at all.

    Now in theory, 1+1=2, but I guess we would need to examine quite a bit further to make sure that this equation was true.

    I mean, I want to support the game and give the Arenanet team the benefit of a doubt as well, but come on now.

    Just because nothing else is lagging doesn’t mean that it’s not the ISP. The ISP is the one who routes your connection to the servers. Somewhere along that line could be having issues. There are also a lot more people using the internet which puts stress on the networks. This could exacerbate any issues.

    How hard can it be to understand that if dozens of people from all over the world experience severe lags at the exact same time, on the exact same map, it CANNOT be a player side issue. This has been happening for months, even before covid, it ONLY affects GW2 and only a certain set of maps.How can you seriously believe that this isn't a problem on Anets side? I'm speechless to be honest.

    I never said it was player side. You do realize that between the players and Anet is the ISP? How can it be the servers if it doesn’t affect everyone?

    How propable do you think it is that dozens of players from all over the world use the same ISP? Or that several ISPs lag at the exact same time?

    They all use the same infrastructure.

    How do you explain that this issue only affects Gw2? How do you explain that this issue only really affects a specific set of maps? (Anything PoF and newer).

    It doesn’t affect just GW2. If it’s just specific maps then it could very well be a PC issue. I’ve been on maps with people complaining about lag while I’m doing the exact same meta as them but experiencing no issues. Keep in mind that people have reported issues on older maps.

    This is obviously, without any doubt, a problem on Anets side. It cannot be an ISP issue or it wouldn't affect players from literally all over the world.


    I don't understand why you can't just accept that there may be an issue on Anets side. What benefit do you get from stubbornly denying any evidence that this issue isn't on the players/IPSs side.What harm would be done by Anet looking into this issue?You are actively harming ANet by suggesting that they can't do anything about this. There's nothing more likely to turn people off a game than bad performance.

    Because that’s not how it works. Servers generally do not pick and choose who has issues and who doesn’t. If there’s a series of input lag issues caused by a server, it for the most part affects everyone connected to it. The fact that some players consistently do not experience any issues when on the exact same map instance doing the exact same meta means that it’s unlikely to be a server issue.

    I have not once suggested that Anet shouldn’t look into it on there end. I’m pretty certain that they have been checking things on their end.

    The accuracy of Ockham’s razor wildly fluctuates depending on the knowledge of whomever decides to use it. People with no knowledge about networks, computer hardware, and etc will just assume it’s Anet’s fault. Those with such knowledge will assume it’s on the player’s end or with the ISP.

    You are grasping at straws trying to defend Anet. Why are you doing this? You're not helping anyone, seriously.

    Not really grasping at straws. People with different knowledge levels about something will generally come to different conclusions on what is the simplistic explanation for a given issue. This happens quite often when the subject matter has levels of complexity.

    Occam’s razor should not be applied blindly and especially when there’s evidence that the conclusion from it is false.

    I’m also not purposely defending Anet. It just happens that my position aligns with that. I am allowed to think for myself.

    EDIT 1:

    Worth a read.

    EDIT 2:

    There are numerous factors that can impact the performance of your game. This can be graphics lag (frames per second) and network lag (latency). Both of these are often conflated under the phrase "lag" although they're quite different.

    Graphics lag is due to your PC being unable to produce enough frames per second to keep everything visually smooth. Your PC is running a game at settings it cannot handle under its current conditions. There are already numerous guides on how to resolve this but the key thing tends to be to reduce the character model limit down. I've always gotten at least 200-300% boost in FPS when doing this from having max models. Cleaning out the dust is also helpful as well.

    Not what I am talking about, and not what most other people are talking about.

    I'll also want to point out something that I found in an article by NVIDIA. They stated: "Anytime graphics lag happens, you'll typically get a reduction in the responsiveness of your controls. Your actions take a fraction longer to be reflected in the graphics on-screen because it takes your system a bit more time to create each new frame of graphics and send it to your monitor." This is interesting because it seems that what people think is input lag, and then blame the server, could actually be graphics lag.

    There is a very notable difference between input lag and output lag. Plus, I can see my ping skyrocketing through the roof (only gw2 ofc, I'm plotting my ping to various servers simultanously, every connection is stable - except gw2 on PoF maps).

    Now there's network lag. The network being within your PC and goes until it reaches the servers. There are a lot of possible sources of latency before you reach the servers.

    Your PC itself can be the cause of network lag. This can be because you have too many applications running which then tie up system resource. You could also be running something that resource intensive too. If your CPU is getting tied up, it'll have difficulty managing network traffic. You may also have a failing, or outdated, network card.

    Was never a problem for me, besides, these issues are not affected at all by how many applications I'm running or the extend to which my hardware is stressed. Also, this would certainly cause issues for other games/applications.

    Being on WiFi also affects your latency. You can often have low ping but get spikes because of this. Your WiFi connection is very susceptible to interference. Your router can also be a source as well. If you check the info on your router, you typical see that they're good for up to five devices. Some may be less; some more. If you have the option to, it's best to directly connect your PC to the router.

    Not on Wi-Fi, home alone which nothing connected but my computer via cable.

    After this, your have your ISP's network. This is the network around your local area and through the backbone to where the servers are. The route that your connection takes is determined by your ISP and it is almost never direct. You can have numerous hops before you reach the server. Many companies actually pay the ISPs to create a more direct path for their users. There have been articles of Riot Games doing just this to reduce latency to their games such as League of Legends.

    These networks can get overloaded with video taking up the highest bandwidth. An example of video would be Netflix. With everyone at home more, and many working from home as well, the ISP networks are under more stress than a year ago. ISPs have even gone as far as to throttle Netflix due to how much bandwidth it uses. Forbes did an article about this June of last year.

    While potentially true, how do you explain that other people with the same ISP living 2 houses away don't have any issue at all?

    You can potentially see improvements with a VPN although they do add latency. Anet also seems to be having issues regarding VPN as older articles recommend using it and now some players are saying that support is recommending against it. There are some free ones and others are fairly cheap. It's worth a shot if your connection is pretty bad.

    Tried, doesn't change a thing.

    The last source can be the server themselves but that seems to be pretty rare. Generally if the server is an issue, it'll affect all players on it. There are numerous other online games, such as Rocket League, Lotro, and one other that I can't remember from last week, which have reports of server lag but it was determined to be the ISP. I believe in Rocket League's case, it was primarily due to just Comcast players.

    And here is where, unless you are employed at Anet, you are likely wrong. It's in fact very possible for some of Anet servers to have issues, and these servers are responsible for certain maps and certain players in certain areas. I don't know how they assign players to maps and servers, neither do you. But what you are doing is not saying that potentially there might be issues on playerside, but completely ignoring everything that points towards it being on Anet's side and yes, for some reason defending them over and over. As said in another post, they've acknowledged the (latency-)lags. They should fix them, period.

    As you can see, the issue is much more complex that just applying Occam's razor and blaming the servers.

    Potentially yes. But since I can exclude pretty much everything on my side, there is only one logical explanation left, whether you like it or not: It's Anet. And quite frankly I'm surprised you think it might not be Anet, we've seen the past few weeks how many issues they have with log-in server problems etc., and, since they were able to fix it within a couple of days after officially acknowledging it, it doesn't seem to have been too complicated.Just by the sheer likeliness of things you would have to assume it's Anet. Thousands of players, same issues on the same specific maps under the same specific circumstances. None have other problems with their ISP or other games, none. How can you even remotely say it's not Anet. It baffles me. And as I think I said earlier, i don't really care if it's Anet's servers, Anet's ISP, or the ISP of the server provider. FIX IT!

  15. What people seem to forget these days is, that there have always been means to filter out "good" players from others. Before dps meters were a thing, people were looking at achievement points and only allowed players join with > XY AP, or hard class elitism like "no ranger/necro", which was the norm years ago when dungeons were a thing.The toxicity doesn't stem from dps meters, it has its roots in the inherent difference in player skill and the expectations of different players. Always has, always will be, in every game, ever.Getting rid of dps meters would not do any good, it would only lead to more injustice, since - let's be real here - people would get kicked for other reasons (not playing class xy, not playing weapon or elite spec xy, having too low AP, kill proofs would get more important...) and none of these other reasons are a better indicator for a players skill than their dps (that is ofc, if they play a dps role). People being mad for getting called out over their low dps and not wiling to improve themselves and instead rather blame the "toxic elitists" are the main reason why this topic is so big. I'd rather be called out for my low dps, than not be allowed in a group because I don't play one of the 2 meta dps specs. And don't @me with the bullying, a-holes are a-holes and will flame people for any other reason as well.

  16. I think it's either Kuunavang and Bubbles or another unknown dragon. I don't think it's Aurene.And to this:

    @Ooops.8694 said:

    @Ashantara.8731 said:There is only
    dragon present in the End of Dragons logo, though...And the other one is a reflection in the water, mirrored because of artistic freedom? :-)

    It's not a reflection. Both dragons have distinct different features, small, but noticable. They are not the same dragon, therefore it's not a reflection! Or vice versa, however you want to look at it.

  17. I mean all of this doesn't really matter. It's pretty well known that these issues are on Anet's part, whether they officially admit to them or not. I know these issues are not on my end, yet these problems occurred recently (for many many players). I don't care whats the problem, they better fix these issues FAST, or many people will probably lose their motivation to play.

  18. Since not too long ago now I've started to get absolutely ridiculous lag spikes with a ping of a couple thousand ms. This happens I'd say every 10 seconds and results in an average ping of 300-500ms. I don't have issues with any other game or internet related activity, only Gw2. This makes the game literally unplayable, as I can't even play open world/do collections, since I regularly cannot move or press any skills for several seconds, which often results in my death. Seems to be worse on PoF maps.Again, I cannot stress it enough, this makes the game unplayable. Not only unenjoyable, literally unplayable. Please fix...

  19. @snoow.1694 you dont seem to understand. guardian has a full team support elite spec, the firebrand. making another team support oriented elite spec that has access to barrier as its only differentiation towards firebrand is redundant. and hes talking about pvp because you keep talking about firebrand being nerfed to oblivion, which is only true for pvp. in pve, guardian (or more specifically firebrand) is still absolutely in every meta comp for raids, fractals and dungeons, because of its - you guessed it - ridiculous team support boon healing capabilities...

  20. @"senki.1046" said:MightyTeapot got quite a bit of a viewer boost, cause of summit1g. And I'm glad he did, cause teapot deserves more viewers. Underrated streamer on twitch imo. He should get the 10k viewers

    100% agreed. i think if tpot played a more watchable game (fps or moba or something) he would get a lot more viewers. he's just a very cool and super nice lad, while also putting a lot of work and effort into his stream (despite his "low" viewership"). i hope he can make it work full time, he deserves it truly!

  21. @Avatar.3568 said:

    @viquing.8254 said:Mesmer is that op that you can't find any EU streamer playing it.The most beautiful part is how sometimes on top EU stream you listen that mesmer is op and cheesy and that's why no streamers play it :D, yeah yeah yeah. (Maybe it's because at high skill it's inefficient compared to what other class can bring to table but it seems it's not the case listening to some guys :p , shhhttt)

    I agree. The impression you always get is that mesmer and especially mirage is so overpowered, because people in lower skill brackets complain about it quite a bit. But compared to other specs that aren't even all that popular, it's really often lackluster. It loses quite a few 1v1's these days, mainly against the super broken weaver, you basically cant play against a decent thief, and since thief is so viable these days, there's practically one in every game.I personally think ranger is probably the most underrated and lowkey broken class. It has access to basically everything, but no one seems to care, because its rarely played in the top AT teams. Sindrener even said it himself a couple of days ago, that he thinks ranger is broken - but thats another topic.

    Ae aeaeaeaeaeaeaaeaeaeaeaeaeaeae

    Probably the strongest guy I've met (in 1v1) eu mirage, you will get insane cancer

    I mean that's misha right, arguably the best mesmer in the game.

  22. @viquing.8254 said:Mesmer is that op that you can't find any EU streamer playing it.The most beautiful part is how sometimes on top EU stream you listen that mesmer is op and cheesy and that's why no streamers play it :D, yeah yeah yeah. (Maybe it's because at high skill it's inefficient compared to what other class can bring to table but it seems it's not the case listening to some guys :p , shhhttt)

    I agree. The impression you always get is that mesmer and especially mirage is so overpowered, because people in lower skill brackets complain about it quite a bit. But compared to other specs that aren't even all that popular, it's really often lackluster. It loses quite a few 1v1's these days, mainly against the super broken weaver, you basically cant play against a decent thief, and since thief is so viable these days, there's practically one in every game.I personally think ranger is probably the most underrated and lowkey broken class. It has access to basically everything, but no one seems to care, because its rarely played in the top AT teams. Sindrener even said it himself a couple of days ago, that he thinks ranger is broken - but thats another topic.

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