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Posts posted by Rayko.9136

  1. Is it just me who finds the new elite specs extremely boring gameplay-wise except maybe for mechanist and spectre out of the expansions ES to date, did Anet staff ran out of ideas for cool new specs.

    I find that EoD Elite specs are just added pew pew attacks with mostly same animations, the new necro is a proof of that ☹️.

    Now I understand that some play this game to flex their damage and new rotations/meta and what not, but for me it's about having cool looking innnovative moves that stand out, I have Bezillion (I'm gonna get trolled for this word) of ideas for cool specs and move animations and what do we get instead? 5 potion skills? more wells? just to name a few, I hope that I'M IN THE MINORITY FOR PEOPLE DISSAPOINTED by the new specs because I frankly play expansions only for this reason.

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  2. I don't think the leak is 100% true as Anet has never given a classe 2 weapon at once like new supposed elite spec for revenant, they won't give dual daggers at once, either a main hand, off hand or two handed weapon, the fact that they give two daggers ar once is not possible, total BS for revenant.

    Although I hope the engineer elite spec is the same as described as it would be cool to summon some robots/constructs instead of turrets.

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