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Posts posted by Scrib.9207

  1. Figured i'd get some insight from others before going ahead and making potential bug reports.Basically I think the 6th piece bonus of this rune might not be working as it should with skills that hit multiple targets at the same time. An easy example would be Vault - if you have low crit chance (like say, with valkyrie gear) and you do your dodge roll, follow up with a Vault and hit 2 enemies with that Vault, the crit from the runes will only apply to 1 target, 2nd enemy is not gonna be crit.Can anyone confirm/deny if that is how the runes used to work in the past? I know there was some problem with the runes as well when they used to give all crits for 3 secs like vision sigil, maybe after that fix, runes just went into another bugged state.I'm just thinking that if this is the intended behavior of these runes, they really are kinda underwhelming tbh.

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