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Everything posted by Kitty.6219

  1. 12k hours account with all the expansions, also cannot log in, it looks like the servers croaked >.> I'm getting 58:11:5:535 error looks like servers are back up! Happy grinding!
  2. 12k hours account with all the expansions, also cannot log in, it looks like the servers croaked >.> I'm getting 58:11:5:535 error
  3. Sawda was a solid player, an excelent scout, and always the grown up adult in team chat. He will be very much missed.
  4. I was going to post the same thing. Also suggest that we should get a Lore tab to read all our unlocked legendary backstories and stuff <3
  5. Agreed, is way too much better looking than a legendary weapon; and when Fashion Wars is end-game, aren't these skins pay-to-win?
  6. I am also very interested to know if the wins will carry over across seasons. As a non-native english speaker the worder makes my brain go crazy and nobody of my friends can tell me if they will carry over of if i need the 120 wins in only one season. So some clarification from anet would be nice <3
  7. As a charr main, this speaks to me, to my very soul and core <3
  8. Underwater, even a yellow submarine, or a giant friendly whale that might just look like a Wildstar's snarfelynx
  9. ArenaNet, don't do that. That wasn't a bug. And honestly, even if other races looked small on a Charr chair, that would have been accurate to your lore, your world, and the people who have chosen to play Charr and pay for race-themed items like this one. You should recall the item, scale it correctly for Charr, and release it again with a short apology for any confusion. Even if you meant to release the chair this small, it was still not the right thing to do. Don't act like the picture was the mistake; I say this as someone who wants to buy stuff from you. ^^^^ Agreed, so much this!! I like big chairs and I cannot lie!!
  10. I support this, and I would love to see more UW content!!
  11. And it's so incredibly lazy and cynical that they just changed the banner instead of listening to the charr player base community and reach a solution for the chair.No.The just changed the banner picture. UGH!
  12. This situation made me so angry that I made a picture about it!!
  13. My main is a charr, many of my characters are charr, why is it so hard to rework the chair? :cry: Please anet!
  14. Well, that's a chair I'm no longer excited about and I no longer want to buy! Why can't charr have nice things?? I would love to have a different pose, heck, even have a 6 to 0 with different poses for all races would be very nice! But No. :L
  15. Agreed, I think is a much needed tool to figure if someone doesn't know how a system works or if they are just griefing a guild. <3
  16. This, he Aragorned me from my moment of glory, his death was too easy, I would have chopped, burnt and grilled meat on top of his corpse.
  17. A bit unrelated to wvw and probably already asked, but is there a way or plans to use the alliance guild system for guild missions?? Some missions like bounties, challenges and treks are not shared across all guilds and I feel it would be nice to have an allience to do guild missions once for 3 or 4 guilds because dropping & switching guilds is a bit inconvinient with the current system. Thanks for reading this <3
  18. Agreed with OP, we got party dresses, flimsy cloths, outfits that are wedding suits, I would love to have different models of underwear/swimsuits!!!
  19. A 100% agreed, and is a crying shame that the cultural armor is the most clipping, unpleasant to the eye, buggy and glitchy of all the armors, and we charrs are the only ones who can wear that stuff; if I had a copper piece for every time I chose an armor only to turn it around and see how stupid my tail looks I would have enough gold to buy the whole Trading Post, twice. I'm not sure if they are planning on remapping all the older armors, but I do notice that armors and outfits from HoT and forward almost doesn't clip at all and have sensible beautiful tail wards/adorns/armor <3
  20. This isn't new, I remember in dungeons and fractals the LFG filled with quite toxic LFGs where pugs said "Zerker or out", I was terrified to step into LFG or play with pugs for years until I was more confident with my knowledge of the mechanics and not die to a red AoE.
  21. I have been in several organized maps for shatterer and had 0 issues with the breakbars, I do notice that lots and lots of powers aren't easy to see if they are good for breaking the breakbars; I say instead of making an extra chest for doing that mechanic, they should make an easier to see icon for powers that are good at doing CC breakbar damage.
  22. Upgrades to underwater gameplay (Reworked underwater combat, terrestrial skills adaptation, etc).
  23. I'm not happy. While I love the new skins, paying that much for random items seems a little bit too much. I'm more than happy to buy gems and expansions, because i know what I'm buying, but RNG stuff??No thanks.
  24. it happened to me before, specially if I mount near water and I move. I need to wait a bit for my camera to "catch on"
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