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Posts posted by Arckange.8251

  1. 8 minutes ago, Beddo.1907 said:

    Seed of life skill description show the skill clears 1 condition, despite patchnotes stating a change from 3 to 2. (Unable to check the skills actual effect)

    It's normal since the change is only for PvP and WvW. In PvE it was 1 condition before the patch and it remained untouched. The tooltip has been properly changed in PvP and WvW.

    The Celestial Being trait's tooltip is indeed obsolete tho, true.

  2. Today's patch introduced a new checkbox in the crafting panel to directly salvage crafted items for research notes. The issue is that potions (minor, strong/potent and powerful) which are normally crafted in batches of 2, 3 or 10 give only ONE research note instead of the expected 2, 3 or 10 , for each crafting action.

  3. I play alac heal Tempest and I can confirm that it can get extremely frustrating whenever you get interrupted during your overloads or when something in the fight requires everyone to split right after you started an overload. Granted, these are things you can try to mitigate, but most other alacrity givers don't get nearly as impacted by that due to how they give alacrity.

    I like the idea of pulsing alacrity over 4 seconds rather than giving it all at the end of an overload. As Nash mentioned it's probably not the best possible solution but that would definitely help lessen how frustrating giving alacrity on this spec can be, while sticking to the original design of granting alacrity through overloads. That being said, any other change to smoothen giving alac on Tempest would be welcome 🙏

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  4. With last balance patch, two Elementalist weapon skills, Frost Aura (dagger 4 in Water) and Shocking Aura (dagger 3 in Air), have seen the duration of the aura they grant extended from 4 seconds to 10 seconds. However when the trait Powerful Aura is selected in the Water traitline, auras granted to allies when using these two skills only last for 4 seconds.

    It is unclear whether this is intended or if this is an oversight. Some clarification about how this trait is supposed to behave would be appreciated. Thanks!

  5. Quite a few UI and rendering issues were introduced with last patch (weird lighting, Trading Post blurry or blinking...) and it looks like it's one of them, I've noticed it too and it's pretty annoying when trying out new appearances. I've tried playing around with settings, clearing the cache and so on but nothing fixed it so far. 😕

    • Like 1
  6. Hi,

    I've already reported those in-game but I wanted to post there as well in case other players had noticed other bugs with the reworked fractal instabilities:

    No Pain No Gain: Stripping Might on an enemy only applies one stack of Might on nearby allies, no matter how many stacks were stripped.

    No Pain No Gain: The duration of the boons applied to the enemy scales with the boon duration attribute of the player who dealt the hit.

    Toxic Trail: Blocking the trail doesn't currently pulse Exposed as stated in the description.


  7. To bring some extra info on that one... Taking a Mistlock Singularity then using /gg or dying (party wipe) visually resets the Mislock but it can't be interacted with. Using /gg or dying a second time resets it again and it can be interacted with properly afterwards.

    I've encountered this issue with every single Mistlock Singularity I've tested out. This is a pretty major annoyance and I hope it can get looked at ASAP.

    • Like 3
  8. 3 hours ago, The Urps.8379 said:

    Arkk (Shattered Observatory 99 CM) seems to be unreliable. Mostly between 5-8 seconds exposed.

    That's strange. I've been keeping an eye on it and it always seemed to be 10 seconds for me. I checked some of my ArcDPS logs show 10 seconds too, even after Arkk phased and became invulnerable. Maybe the duration feels shorter because the boss is phasing before the full 10 seconds?

    • Like 1
  9. I think it's a long standing bug since EoD released. I remember the tier with the Roman numerals staying the same after losing the fishing party buff and not visually updating until you managed to get to the previous amount of stacks you had before it bugged out.

    It's a bit annoying but as far as I can tell it's a visual/UI bug only. The fishing power in the Hero Panel and the Fishing Party Catches buff on the buff bar are the reliable indicators.

  10. 44 minutes ago, kenny.7236 said:

    I was only expecting changes to EOD maps.

    I very much expected the same. Making the buffs and battery charges persist across EoD open world maps and open world map instances was the QoL update a lot of us were asking for. Making them persist across every open world map though sounds like a very weird decision to me.

    I hope they'll either go back and make them work only on EoD maps again, or at least make them easier to use outside of Cantha. Also it gets removed upon entering Mistlock (probably because it's considered an instance) but it sucks considering how other VIP pass areas which are in open world maps work fine with it.

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  11. That's such a huge power creep though. Contrary to EoD maps, Core Tyria maps weren't designed with players having all boons and +150 power and condition damage permanently on them.

    Besides it also promotes a very gimmicky open-world gameplay of going back to EoD maps every 2-ish hours to stack the buffs again... If it's indeed intended, they could at least add some batteries and protocols around core Tyria and other non-EoD maps too. 🤔

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