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Posts posted by Chaarliee.2307

  1. I wasn't going to post anything but this is soooo upsetting. I've been traying to do the "Hidden arcana" part of LWS2 (which has a terrible playability tbh), and everytime I've come close to finish it , the game loses the connection and I got kicked out of the instance. While it is true that a "bad connection" (which only applies to gw2 btw) is not anet foult, it is their foult that the instance doesn't save the progress already made. Like this is so basic.


    You ain't gonna do anything so whatever, I just needed to say it.


    (Btw, well job on messing up the war with the new specialization... is just ridiculous)

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
    • Confused 3
  2. @Daddy.8125 said:Really only human? I see maybe 1 bot in the game the rest are fairly responsive. I'mma guess the further down the ladder you are the more you will encounter this though

    Anet do ban waves on them. The problem is the bots will find another way.

    The mistake was making gw2 f2p. This is the problem with F2p models.

    Yeah, that ain't true. The time that I've been back I've seen the same mesmer bot (can't really post the account name in here apparently) in tons of matches, I can't report him anymore

    @Decapitated Bunny.8532 said:Some of the bots have Op as kitten builds, the bots running 1-shot Mesmer build are terrifying.

    And yes, the same mesmer bot that I'm talking about is broken af. So frustrating

  3. Yeah so I've been playing gw2 for almost 3 years now. I really like pvp, you could say is my favorite game mode (well, was my favorite anyway). Last 2 years I saw an alarming increase in bots in pvp, so last year around april or may I decided to leave gw2 all together cause I couldn't enjoy pvp anymore.So silly me tried to return to the game this month, thinking: "It's been a year, anet should have solved the issue by now". I played 10 matches recently, not kidding when I say I'm sure that I was the only human in my team.I mean, wtf anet ??? At this point I honestly believe that you (anet) are the ones putting the bots just to sustain a game mode that is pretty much dead. I honestly appreciate the work you guys put in the balance patches, seriously. But maybe, just MAYBE, you need to make changes to the core of pvp, and perhaps more players will join/return to pvp. I mean, when players join pvp just to get the loot in ranked, you now that you have a problem.Yeah so, there is that, and please buff warrior .. that class is dead. Also, please don't ban me.

  4. @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:Hi everyone,

    Tomorrow’s release will include a few PvP balance changes, some of which we discussed in our post two weeks ago. We’re back again to provide some context behind these upcoming changes. We’re still evaluating the impact of the previous PvP balance update, but at the end of this post we’ll talk about a few areas we’re keeping an eye on for future updates.

    4/6 Changes to Build Items and Support Heals

    • Removed Mender Amulet from the PvP Build panel.
    • Removed Marshal Amulet from the PvP Build panel.
    • Added Sigil of Transference to the PvP Build panel. In PvP, this sigil grants a 20% increase in outgoing healing effectiveness.
    • Elemental Bastion (Tempest): Increased heal scaling from 0.4125 to 0.55 in PvP only.
    • Selfless Daring (Guardian): Increased heal scaling from 0.6 to 0.9 in PvP only.
    • Call of Valor (Warrior): Increased barrier attribute scaling from 0.5 to 0.82 in PvP only.

    As previously discussed, we removed Mender and Marshal amulets from PvP and added Sigil of Transference to compensate for the reduction of allied healing to support builds. While Marshal is currently overshadowed by Mender and not as much of a problem, we wanted Transference to be powerful, and we were concerned with how high it could push outgoing healing in combination with a 1000 healing power amulet for builds that are less reliant on the extra health that Mender provides.

    Removing Mender amulet serves 2 purposes: it forces high-sustain side node builds into more aggressive amulets, and reduces the self-sustain of support builds. Mender amulet side noders are much more prone to stalemating fights and generally slowing down the pace of the game. Similarly, by reducing the self-sustain of support builds, we hope to see an increase in kill potential in fights and a general increase to overall pace. We still want support builds to be able to support their allies well, and targeting their self-sustain lets us keep a lot of their other skills at the same power level.

    Our goal with Sigil of Transference is to keep support healing to allies around the same level that it currently is with Mender. Elemental Bastion, Selfless Daring, and Call of Valor stood out as three sources primarily used by support builds that are most heavily impacted by the removal of Mender, and so we’ve preemptively bumped up the healing coefficients to bring their allied healing with Avatar amulet and Sigil of Transference closer to where it is currently. Looking over other allied heals, some sources will heal for a bit more than they currently do with Mender and some will heal for a bit less, but overall output should be similar. We’ll keep a close eye on healing values as the meta develops without Mender and will make further adjustments as necessary.

    4/6 Changes to Scourge

    • Sand Cascade: Reduced barrier attribute scaling from 1.0488 to 0.77 in PvP only.
    • Sand Flare: Reduced barrier attribute scaling from 0.75 to 0.45 in PvP only.
    • Desert Empowerment: Reduced barrier attribute scaling from 0.77 to 0.62 in PvP only.
    • Harbinger Shroud: Reduced barrier attribute scaling on detonation from 2.0 to 1.65 in PvP only.
    • Transfusion: Reduced pulse heal scaling from 0.1 to 0.08 in PvP only, when the Scourge specialization is equipped.

    Scourge has continued to show strong results in both ranked play and automated tournaments, providing strong defense to itself and allies through barrier generation and healing while also creating a good amount of pressure through boon removal and damage. While Scourge sustain is affected by the removal of Mender amulet, given the current power level of the build we were concerned that the move to Avatar amulet alone wouldn’t be enough to bring it in line, so we’ve made additional shaves to the healing power coefficients of some of Scourge’s barrier generation and Transfusion.

    Feed from Corruption is the most notable omission from this list. It’s a very powerful trait, granting Scourge access to a wide range of boons in potentially large quantities to enhance both its defensive and offensive potential. We are considering reducing some of the stronger boon applications in a future update, but we want to see how the removal of Mender and the reductions to healing and barrier coefficients play out first.

    Looking AheadWe’ll be evaluating the impact of tomorrow’s changes in addition to the recent March update on the side node meta and support builds. We still want dedicated support builds to be a viable option, and we’ll be paying close attention to how the meta develops following the removal of Mender and the addition of Transference.

    Sigil of Transference has the potential to enable stronger healing from non-support builds that can afford to run Avatar or Sage amulet and may end up being too powerful for an individual sigil. We’re not opposed to enabling this type of build, but if they end up pushing dedicated supports completely out of the meta then we may reduce the outgoing healing granted by Transference and roll more outgoing healing into support traits or support runes to create a greater tradeoff for non-supports.

    We’ve also considered the possibility that moving support builds from Mender to Avatar amulet could end up making them too squishy due to the reduction in self-healing. This is something that we’ll evaluate on a case-by-case basis, but we’re prepared to make further adjustments as necessary to find the right balance between squishiness and support power. This could involve buffs to more selfish survivability skills, or possibly further increasing outgoing support potential to justify the level of vulnerability.

    That’s all we have for today. Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you in the mists!

    -The Systems Team

    Great. Now what will you do with all the bots and hackers in the game ?

  5. @Linken.6345 said:

    @Chaarliee.2307 said:So I just finished crafting The Ascension, which is a legendary item that costs 500+ gold, plus a lot of time enduring toxic pvp. How is that this item is not dyeable ? At least make it worth my time and gold.

    It was made before dyeable backpacks were a thing none of the other legenaries are dyable eiter.I agree they should become dyable, but your asking them to recrate the item entierly mate and that probabely wont happen.

    Well ... If that's what the players want ... maybe they should

  6. @Tharan.9085 said:

    @"Chaarliee.2307" said:Omg are you guys serious ? Warrior is one of the weakest class right now, even with the "buffs" of the new balance patch.I'm sorry op, but if you died 1v1 against a war it doesn't mean that war is OP, it just means that you are not that good yet. Warrior damage with GS is garbage, and not to mention that the damage skills are totally telegraphed

    You got it wrong, he died 1v2 against engi and warrior. Warrior is truly op

    lol, then what the fuck are we talking about here ? Of course he's gonna die 1v2, no matter the class he's playing with or againstOp, are you trolling here ?

  7. Omg are you guys serious ? Warrior is one of the weakest class right now, even with the "buffs" of the new balance patch.I'm sorry op, but if you died 1v1 against a war it doesn't mean that war is OP, it just means that you are not that good yet. Warrior damage with GS is garbage, and not to mention that the damage skills are totally telegraphed

  8. @Balletboy.2704 said:Hey Arena net when are you going to finally balance PVP?

    I have been playing guild wars since Guildwars 1. I love GW2 and have been playing for years. I recently came back to the game and decided to go into PVP.All I have to say is what is going on? I main mesmer and I love mirage, but in pvp we are way too nerfed. How are you going to take away our dodge and yet let Theif keep perma evade.Yes I know mirage is stupid strong, but without that second dodge we only have once chance to evade or escape every three seconds while so many other classes can evade for days. How is that fair? I recently stopped playing mirage pvp and went back to core mesmer and found I was surviving better and killing more. what is the point of my elite spec then?I think all classes need to be nerfed in pvp. But taking away the second dodge from mirage was not the way to go since the entire spec is based on that evade. I still have great games as a mirage dont get me wrong, but when a theif can dance around me with perma evade...kitten.Not to mention the mass amount of boons that so many classes can create just makes it very hard to out play against. Give mirage back our second dodge, and find another way to nerf us.

    Who is saying mirage is OP lolMesmer is trash class along with the warrior right now. Just do what I did, I got tired of asking buffs for the warrior so right now I'm rolling a guardian (who btw is OP AF)

  9. Trash of a weapon right now, along with multiple others weapons for a class that supposed to be "Masters of Weaponry" (said by the game itself).The only think that I kind of rescue about longbow is the fact that the F1 skill applies "Combo field (fire)". Longbow and torch, are the only weapons in warrior that applies combo fields right now (someone correct me here if I'm wrong), isn't that kind of kitten up ?

  10. @TheAgedGnome.7520 said:

    @Chaarliee.2307 said:Thank you all for your advice. I will get a second gear, you guys are right, it shouldn't be that difficult. @Lan Deathrider.5910 , I was thiking of going knight/marauder, but the sentinel setup is a really good option that I hadn't consider before. I have a question tho regarding "For great justice", is it worth it ? I mean "Shake it off" may be more useful since break stuns. Right now the only stun breaker in the build is stomp, and it has a long cd. What do you think ?

    It all depends on the area you are playing in really. In a condi heavy area? Swap Stomp for SiO. If you find you are able to keep up high might stacks and fury uptime without FGJ then swap it out. FGJ is more useful in competitive play since it is 12 stacks of might and not 6 like it is in PvE.

    I find that Bull's Charge, SiO, and Balanced Stance is a solid utility bar for just about any content. Arcing Slice, Cyclone Axe, and Signet of Rage should keep you covered on Fury, if not then Pack Runes or Firework Runes are solid rune choices to consider.

    How can I keep a high amount of might stacks without FGJ ?

    Forceful Greatsword. As you cleave things you should be getting several stacks of might per swing. Even on axe/axe when you use axe 5 you should get a high might count quickly. In PvE Eviscerate also will give you 5 stacks of might per hit. If you take might on crit food and might on crit sigils on both weapon sets then by attacking, dodging into monsters, and swapping weapons you should generate a large amount of might on either weapon set that way. If you need FGJ then take it. It is a fine utility by itself. Swap either Balanced Stance or SiO for it depending on the area you are fighting in.

    Got it, thanks all !I finished the OW build. This is what I ended up with:
    (sigil of force and strength in the GS, I forgot to put those lol). It definitely has A LOT of survivability, I can now survive in situations where the berserker couldn't, you can survive against champions, and even some legendary mobs (not alone ofc). The only but is that it has no burst, and the damage is ok at best.I was thinking on rolling back to berserker using full marauders gear with either rune of durability or vampirism, but I would like to further explore the build that I'm using now.
    • If you had Assassin instead of Zerk trinkets, it'd boost your crit change to 49.8%.
    • The 300 toughness from Sentinel is pretty minimal and might be better replaced with Valkyrie to bring your crit from 193 to 214%, yet still have 3k+ power and 25+k health.

    Just some ideas.

    Is it worth it to boost it to 49%, seems rather low.I was thinking to bring some Valkirie gear, or some Marauder. Right now the build as it is can spare some sustain.Thanks for the input !

  11. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @Chaarliee.2307 said:Thank you all for your advice. I will get a second gear, you guys are right, it shouldn't be that difficult. @Lan Deathrider.5910 , I was thiking of going knight/marauder, but the sentinel setup is a really good option that I hadn't consider before. I have a question tho regarding "For great justice", is it worth it ? I mean "Shake it off" may be more useful since break stuns. Right now the only stun breaker in the build is stomp, and it has a long cd. What do you think ?

    It all depends on the area you are playing in really. In a condi heavy area? Swap Stomp for SiO. If you find you are able to keep up high might stacks and fury uptime without FGJ then swap it out. FGJ is more useful in competitive play since it is 12 stacks of might and not 6 like it is in PvE.

    I find that Bull's Charge, SiO, and Balanced Stance is a solid utility bar for just about any content. Arcing Slice, Cyclone Axe, and Signet of Rage should keep you covered on Fury, if not then Pack Runes or Firework Runes are solid rune choices to consider.

    How can I keep a high amount of might stacks without FGJ ?

    Forceful Greatsword. As you cleave things you should be getting several stacks of might per swing. Even on axe/axe when you use axe 5 you should get a high might count quickly. In PvE Eviscerate also will give you 5 stacks of might per hit. If you take might on crit food and might on crit sigils on both weapon sets then by attacking, dodging into monsters, and swapping weapons you should generate a large amount of might on either weapon set that way. If you need FGJ then take it. It is a fine utility by itself. Swap either Balanced Stance or SiO for it depending on the area you are fighting in.

    Got it, thanks all !I finished the OW build. This is what I ended up with:
    (sigil of force and strength in the GS, I forgot to put those lol). It definitely has A LOT of survivability, I can now survive in situations where the berserker couldn't, you can survive against champions, and even some legendary mobs (not alone ofc). The only but is that it has no burst, and the damage is ok at best.I was thinking on rolling back to berserker using full marauders gear with either rune of durability or vampirism, but I would like to further explore the build that I'm using now.

    Some further tips:

    Sundering mace will make your F1 and Mace 3 last longer and do more breakbar damage. Sigil of Penalization works on both (it works on daze not just stun). That comes out to almost a 5 second stun on core Mace F1.Axe Mastery will make your Axe 4 and 5 build a lot more adrenaline and give you more overall damage than Burst Mastery.

    As you get better with the build try and swap out Defense for another traitline, espec or core.

    When you want to try Berserker then try this:

    It isn't that much more different than what you are running now. If you don't like loosing fast hands then swap Strength for Discipline. Runes of the Tempest will also heal you on a stunbreak along with RR. Break a stun with Headbutt, get healed for 3.6k, break stun with Savage Instinct or Outrage if you are already in BMode for a follow up 3.6k heal.

    I've been running strenght-discipline-berserker for a long time, and I died a lot in open world (using full berserker gear that is). If I swap defense for berserker using soldiers gear, would it has a nice burst ?

  12. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @Chaarliee.2307 said:Thank you all for your advice. I will get a second gear, you guys are right, it shouldn't be that difficult. @Lan Deathrider.5910 , I was thiking of going knight/marauder, but the sentinel setup is a really good option that I hadn't consider before. I have a question tho regarding "For great justice", is it worth it ? I mean "Shake it off" may be more useful since break stuns. Right now the only stun breaker in the build is stomp, and it has a long cd. What do you think ?

    It all depends on the area you are playing in really. In a condi heavy area? Swap Stomp for SiO. If you find you are able to keep up high might stacks and fury uptime without FGJ then swap it out. FGJ is more useful in competitive play since it is 12 stacks of might and not 6 like it is in PvE.

    I find that Bull's Charge, SiO, and Balanced Stance is a solid utility bar for just about any content. Arcing Slice, Cyclone Axe, and Signet of Rage should keep you covered on Fury, if not then Pack Runes or Firework Runes are solid rune choices to consider.

    How can I keep a high amount of might stacks without FGJ ?

    Forceful Greatsword. As you cleave things you should be getting several stacks of might per swing. Even on axe/axe when you use axe 5 you should get a high might count quickly. In PvE Eviscerate also will give you 5 stacks of might per hit. If you take might on crit food and might on crit sigils on both weapon sets then by attacking, dodging into monsters, and swapping weapons you should generate a large amount of might on either weapon set that way. If you need FGJ then take it. It is a fine utility by itself. Swap either Balanced Stance or SiO for it depending on the area you are fighting in.

    Got it, thanks all !I finished the OW build. This is what I ended up with: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAElflJwwYJsJWJOWP7LfA-zxQYhoGrDrMCMCqNE8baEwZE-e (sigil of force and strength in the GS, I forgot to put those lol). It definitely has A LOT of survivability, I can now survive in situations where the berserker couldn't, you can survive against champions, and even some legendary mobs (not alone ofc). The only but is that it has no burst, and the damage is ok at best.I was thinking on rolling back to berserker using full marauders gear with either rune of durability or vampirism, but I would like to further explore the build that I'm using now.

  13. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @Chaarliee.2307 said:Thank you all for your advice. I will get a second gear, you guys are right, it shouldn't be that difficult. @Lan Deathrider.5910 , I was thiking of going knight/marauder, but the sentinel setup is a really good option that I hadn't consider before. I have a question tho regarding "For great justice", is it worth it ? I mean "Shake it off" may be more useful since break stuns. Right now the only stun breaker in the build is stomp, and it has a long cd. What do you think ?

    It all depends on the area you are playing in really. In a condi heavy area? Swap Stomp for SiO. If you find you are able to keep up high might stacks and fury uptime without FGJ then swap it out. FGJ is more useful in competitive play since it is 12 stacks of might and not 6 like it is in PvE.

    I find that Bull's Charge, SiO, and Balanced Stance is a solid utility bar for just about any content. Arcing Slice, Cyclone Axe, and Signet of Rage should keep you covered on Fury, if not then Pack Runes or Firework Runes are solid rune choices to consider.

    How can I keep a high amount of might stacks without FGJ ?

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