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Posts posted by CaldaRaric.6305

  1. @Torolan.5816 said:

    @"Aodlop.1907" said:

    it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want

    Nice, add a "I don't want to receive duels" option, there you go, problem sovled...

    Why add a solution to a problem that has not to be there? And if you really think this would stop people from harassing potential duelling partners, you are gravely mistaken. Annoyance is like life in Jurassic Park, it finds a way too.

    I can kind of understand why people want to duel, but the annoyance potential for morons rises massively when you allow open world duelling. I don´t want anyone to follow and pesker me in map chat because he always wanted to duel a two pistol engineer or something like that.

    There is a block button for a reason...

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