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Posts posted by mrfrostybeer.9328

  1. THANKYOU so much for the random wardrobe thing, this made me suddenly think HEY, how about we get 'wardrobe outfit tab' not unlike the equipment tab, give us a couple for free and then we can buy em from the gem store. I have some FAVORITE looks for different things..like a WVW FB look, and a WVW DH look, and a FRACTAL guy look. you get what im sayin,. anyhow give it a think...wow im a fashion diva after all!!! hugs <3


    oh incase its unclear. a favorite outfit so i dont gotta go lookin for the gear and dyes all the time.

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  2. I am a longtime guildwars 2 fan.  I love the hard work the teams put into all the aspects and with shortcomings here and there it and knowing and understanding  that you can't please everyone all of the time. The  Birthday Cake Feast. This ought be reconsidered and converted into a additional stack as many have already indicated (similar to the guildhall buff) heck it even LOOKS like the guildhall buff as it is right now.  If you must take off the + cele stats thats gonna be ok but leave the XP as a bonus. Let me explain my thought on this. Those of us who have been here for 9 years...we have lived lives, been through so much loss, so many challenges so many defeats and victories. Its very rare to live and grow with a game and more rare to have longtime friends GOOD friends we have never met in life but love em all. Those of us 9 year veterans, ought to really have something which mirrors our OWN XP life with the game. let us wear it and share it. we want to be proud and show our pride. lets face it....ascended feast of Steak and asparagus..? or birthday cake...cant we have a fine steak AND cake?...please reconsider this take your time mull it over. Allow this years bday gift to truly reflect the experience we have acquired and learned through enjoying this great game.

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  3. the fact is, i run into many many new players and they don't go to WvW, because the skill level is imposing. I've seen it over and over, i go to a BL, and a couple new players get absolutely pulverized by a thief. New people wont mind getting defeated, but i see them get assassinated from a thief who pops out of stealth and one shots them. Thief class doesn't belong in the game because the people that are really good at thief all gravitate to single target assassination (which is cool, don't get me wrong) but NOT a good way to give new players the time needed for them to find something to love about WvW. Every encounter I see, a thief will employ the ooc regen 'ability'? skill doesn't matter what it is or how it works, or its 'moral' etc. ..bla bla bla. The issue i speak of is we NEED new players. thiefs that have no goal other than to find some single roamer and grief him as he is trying to take a camp or a monument for his daily is cheesey and underhanded. Mostly that dude is gonna say 'forget wvw, ill go play something else'. They have nothing invested in the game and many of these predator thieves are too ego-centric to realize they are killing off the very thing that makes wvw fun..LOTS OF PLAYER. your like lions eating all the zebras or some shit..your gonna go extinct. so cool your shit, if u see a single dude with NO rank..leave him be unless he attacks you first. Employ some honor if you can.

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