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Posts posted by SmokingLord.6108

  1. On 12/5/2023 at 2:46 PM, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:

    WvW has been ruined 4 or 5 years ago with the implement of hiden tags, since then wvw become horrible and il explain why.

    First of all guilds, guilds are ruining the wvw because they do not play wvw, they likes to fight other guilds on open field, boring fight without any reward, they do not fight for own server or own team, they only fight without a reason ingoring wvw mechanics like attack/defend/Upgradinng.

    Second: Some wvw servers are completely dead during the day, no one play it to attack/defend, those servers usually are the server where guilds are stacked, those players on those "wvw" guilds are not real wvw players, they only want fight other guilds so they play ONLY when their guild is going to make a squad. this thing will keep the population of a server very high but in fact the server is not high, only during prime time you see queue on every borders for a couple of hours, then wvw is dead again. is boring to be on those servers, is boring to fight against those servers.

    Third: Nowdays since hiden tags mostly of the players left on wvw want play only on hiden tags and closed tags that are on discord, is common to see a server completely dead and 5 mins later 20 que on the border.

    Wvw is not anymore wvw, the ppl that likes wvw left the game since wvw is not anymore wvw.

    To fix this problema and have wvw back the only solutions is that: Remove Guild Tags on wvw, Remove Hiden Tags on wvw, Remove points per kill. Give more reward for winning a match-up, Expand the wvw Team chat to PvE too, Make enemies name visible (Is not important for the wvw itself but is good since guild tag removal )

    This is the only way to fix the wvw and have wvw and players back. Ive analyzed other options and they will not works. The only options to fix wvw are those and must be done all togheter. 

    OR... you could just quit WvW and play something else you enjoy and spare us from your nonsense proposals. Bye, and don't let the door slap your * 🙂

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  2. I insta pre-ordered the "Ultimate" version of the expansion before read the relic/rune change. I never pre-order anything, but I did because I trusted ANET. Reading their response just made me lose interest in play the game because it clearly looks like some sort of damage control. And just to clarify, the idea of move rune effects into another piece of gear is not inherently bad, but the way ANET did it and like others pointed out, makes a dangerous precedent to the game.

    Can't say GW2 is the MMO that respect my time. Not anymore.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

    Stop being so overly dramatic; you can still choose all the stat bonuses - AND, do I need to point out again, that Rubi on behalf of Anet, have already posted they are looking into how they will ensure those with legendary runes are taken care of.

    Everybody is jumping the "oh, my investment is devalued, legendary runes are COMPLETELY useless"

    No; the set bonus gets moved, your legendary runes will still function for stats, just like before. And they will have a solution for the set bonus.

    I'm just getting kittening annoyed by the community being so toxic about this change when they don't have the full picture yet. It's a game for kitten's sake...

    Don't be such a kitten and stop trying valuating other's time by your ruler. The important part about the runes are the bonuses not the stats, also the ability to change them whenever you want. They are removing a functionality already earned.

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  4. The sepulcral silence on ANET side for the community concerns regarding this matter is really disappointing, specially with the latest statements about better communication and transparency, but the fact that they can't give a quick answer means they didn't expect (or overlook entirely) the problem., which make it look worse every hour.

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  5. 13 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    Hey all, I want to give you a quick response on this since it's of interest to so many of you! We're working on some more in-depth information to share with you, but in the meantime I can let you know that we are aware of your concerns that the Relics mechanic devalues Legendary Runes. We want to make sure we address those concerns, and we're finalizing a plan to compensate those of you who spent time and energy acquiring those Legendary Runes.

    We'll be back with more details soon--thank you all for your feedback on Secrets of the Obscure and your excitement for Tuesday's announcement!

    I really really hope the "compensate" here is something directly related to the functionality being removed and not some silly skin/box or whatever. Like others pointed out, maybe the bigger reason to have legendary runes is to gear up new characters and not have to worry about the upgrades (runes/sigils).

    To be constructive, here some ways to solve it (sure its hard to guess since we don't really know how it'll work):

    - If the relics are buyable, give enough "tokens" so we can have the functionality back. I this case I'm assuming I only need one of each relic PER ACCOUNT.

    - Put the relic effect functionality in the runes like a dropdown similar when we pick gear stats.

    - If the relics are earned by achievements, just give them once a player get their 6th leggy rune.

    • Confused 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, MechanicalMind.9126 said:


    Ok.. could you please ask the person that pinged it where they got the recipe from then? All of reddit, the you tubers that have been on this case, and all of us.. would LOVE to know.


    You don't need the recipe to ping, just paste the code everyone already knows in chat: [&CQ82AAA=] to see the recipe. So, we must wait until the actual recipe gets available somewhere... sometime lol

  7. 22 hours ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

    Hidden tags and hidden allies period is one of the worst elements of playing in WvW. And this Alliance beta showed just how bad this will become with more guild focused gameplay that we see with Alliances. Often times Guilds will run hidden tag so that non guild members can locate them and play with them. This could make the population seem faulty because some hidden squad is somewhere on the map while everybody else is centralized around certain key structures since there isn't any organization.  


    Alliances were suppose to be the ultimate solution to the community building and organizing.  But I am not seeing that. See more private hidden tags. Get rid of this. Its no longer needed, since guilds can already pick who they want to play with in the Alliance feature. 

    What about no?


    Why a closed comped squad should care about trash rally-bots trying to join or following them? Why they should be forced to pick randoms in their Guild/Closed/Hidden squad? If you want a visible tag, TAG UP yourself and make it non-hidden if you wish, and don't try to push your bs on others.

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  8. @Astyrah.4015 said:EDIT:can confirm. compiled wine 6.5 with staging and tkg patchsets and the game logs in just fine. no issues playing whatsoever with just a very very rare crash after a map change/loading screen whenever i run arcdps (no crashes if not running arc even after long hours of play) -- this could be more of arcdps not playing nice with the latest dxvk build

    I'm having the same crashes when I have arcdps installed, but for me it isn't so rare, doesn't take more than 30min on WvW to crash. Its quite annoying since crash on WvW means waiting on long queue to get in again lol. I may give a try with dxvk 1.7.x to see if there is any difference.

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