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Posts posted by Queen.5837

  1. Been having fun trying out power renegade while roaming. It's definitely not good, but it's different from herald and it's nice to spice things up a bit.

    There's no way renegade was designed for pvp/wvw. The simple fact that renegade gives alacrity is a telltale sign that it's for pve, and it's doing just fine in pve. Not every class has to be good in every game mode. Spellbreaker, for example, sucks in pve, but it's still a great class for pvp/wvw. So I don't see why renegade not being played in pvp/wvw is totally unacceptable.

  2. This is not a problematic skill at all, because shortbow is a weapon set that is designed for utility and mobility is not only a major part of utility, it is also a defining feature of thief. When you think of weapon skill balance, you shouldn't look at weapon sets of other classes to decide whether it's broken or not. Instead you should look at the role of this particular weapon within the class, eg sword for sustained fights and pistol offhand for controlling fights by blind, stealth and interupts.

    Mobility alone doesn't win pvp games. Good thief players read the map and go to the right place at the right time with the help of shortbow and shadowstep, whereas bad players die in 1v1 and teamfights they are not supposed to be in.

    If you think the utility of shortbow is too much to justify having such a strong shadowstep skill, maybe you should look at the other shortbow skill and tune them down because I honestly think shortbow 5 is a defining skill of this weapon and is what makes thief at least competitive in pvp.

  3. There's no need to change the GS skills imo. No one has ever complained about GS yet they somehow find ways to change it and make it worse.

    I don't understand the so-called rng on power stab. It's an evade, then the damage lands. Where's the rng to it? In pvp/wvw you barely use auto attacks on GS anyways and it's skill expression if you manage to evade attacks with it.

    Removing the GS 4 throw skill doesn't make sense. It does ok damage and cripples but you lose your block if you use it. I don't see any reason anet needs to change it. It's like warriors losing their GS 4. Stripping the only ranged attack on a melee weapon set when it's in a totally reasonable state is terrible balance.

    Changes to dagger offhand and sword are nice though.

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