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Posts posted by PyrateSilly.4710

  1. @Firebeard.1746 said:

    @carey.3169 said:Would love to see a updated version of contacts, similar to other online games, that friendship be mutually requested, and to remove unwanted followers, without having to change account details.

    What's the issue with the current system? Not attacking, just curious.

    The problem comes in when you have a harasser in game (or out of game) that follows you. Yea ... kinda had a few of those and yes I do block them but if they follow you to try to keep harassing you then, at least from I can see on my lists, they can still see you. The only good thing is since I have blocked them I don't see stuff from them ... others can thou. All because they followed me.

  2. Areanet is based in Seattle. They normally do updates at 9am their time on a Tuesday. You can use the website TimeAndDate .com to figure out time differences. I use it all the time when trying to figure out online concert start times for South Korea .... oh wait, maybe that's just me :)Monday is just after the weekend, Wednesday is 'hump day', Thursday is almost the weekend and well Friday starts the weekend and so Tuesday it is for updates. It also then gives them at least 4 week days to get bugs out of the system before the weekend.

  3. @sorudo.9054 said:

    @Jilora.9524 said:I mean you can easily guess. Halloween. New episode Nov 10-24th. Christmas event . Some rush event. New years event. I don't really need a road map for this time of year. Disappointment if no new episode in Nov but other then that we know what is coming

    which only makes it look like the game is on life support, not a good sign.

    Actually that is about what happens every Oct to Dec/Jan. Not only is there the Pandemic BUT it is also usually the time that they start taking staggered vacations in the office. I mean they do deserve time with family .... I know most have been spending time with family anyway because of the pandemic BUT it is still the normal time for vacations and it is kinda hard to pivot very fast in an ongoing game.On a different note ... I am looking forward to not only the Mad King but also Wintersday. I enjoy them both very much thank you.

  4. @Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

    @Just a flesh wound.3589 said:Minor nitpick

    ● Trading post.

    It’s Gemstore, not Trading Post. The Trading Post is where you sell your loot for gold/silver.

    But a lot of stuff on sale is complete and utter useless, such as a rock for a mini.

    Them’s fighting words. I love my Mini Pet Rock.

    Gem store, right right.Thanks for that....and lol. You actually bought the mini pet Rock?It does have its charm. It's hilarious, I might add.

    Of course I bought it. What sane person could pass up a pet rock with googly eyes‽

    Love mine too! Oh yea and the flopping fish ... mini nut here, my other half on the other hand is a mount skin nut so it all balances out I guess.

  5. We have a Saga coming on the 17th. It will change then.We also have the Halloween festival coming up ... it will change then too.Then there is the Wintersday festival ... guess what? it will change again.Then with the Lunar New Year it will change again.

    Basically it will change with every festival and probably with every living story/saga update. It may even change in between all that too. Major updates are usually on a Tuesday so what till after 9am Seattle time on Tuesday, check the update notes to see what is changed. It's what I do to see if I want to open the chests I have.

  6. A kid addicted to physical card packs might spend their lunch money on them.Ummm I have seen adults order and buy whole boxes, yes that is plural, of MtG cards when the new expansions come out just in hopes that they get the cards they are looking for. So 'lunch money' is not exactly true. Couple hundred dollars at a time ... yes and more than once.

  7. @Shep.4026 said:

    @"PyrateSilly.4710" said:>I have multiple make-over kit's and any other kit in my bank ... I wish I could sell them when I get them as I NEVER use them so this "having to buy them" is just nuts. It is a want not a need. The same with anything in the Gem Store. Want not need. I wanted full shared inventory slots so I bought them ... when they went on sale. I wanted an extra char slot so I bought it ... on sale. I wanted full bag slots so I bought them. Nothing in the game said I had to have them. Pure want not need.

    Yeah, so, what's your point? If I WANT all character-customization options, I HAVE to buy a makeover-kit. With no word did I say i NEED to buy them. I have to have to those options, the hair-styles and colours, the eyes and eye colors, the scars. I have to have them, because I want them. What I don't want is a lecture from you. Are you seriously going to pretend as if you structure your whole gaming experience around needs? Don't make me laugh... As if you've never looked at something that you definitely didn't "need" and thought "I have to have that!"

    As a 52 year old female, no I have not. I 'have to' have food to survive. I 'have to' have water to also survive. That's pretty much it. Shelter? It depends on the environment on if that is a necessity or not to survive. Other people? Not really as I am very much a solo traveler. If needed pretty much all I own can fit just in my car if I want to move and travel anywhere with everything. So no. I play because I 'want to' not because I 'need to'. I get things from the gem store because I 'want to' not because I 'need to'.

  8. @"Shep.4026" said:There is however nothing "convenient" about having to buy additional inventory slots for every single character or a makeover-kit with every character slot. Man, do I miss the appearance designer in SWTOR...

    I have multiple make-over kit's and any other kit in my bank ... I wish I could sell them when I get them as I NEVER use them so this "having to buy them" is just nuts. It is a want not a need. The same with anything in the Gem Store. Want not need. I wanted full shared inventory slots so I bought them ... when they went on sale. I wanted an extra char slot so I bought it ... on sale. I wanted full bag slots so I bought them. Nothing in the game said I had to have them. Pure want not need.

  9. I play because I want to. There is no other reason. If I didn't like it I would not play anymore end of story.To many other things in life to enjoy. Docs say I am not allowed to work so in between gaming (including demoing games at conventions for a company), travel, concerts (you should see my youtube channel, lol, 8 concerts in 7 weeks ...), and now stage managing a show I am having fun. Used to just sit in the house and realized that I was slowly dying that way so I took better control and started getting out there and living more. The only time I don't play is when I do not have my laptop with me like when I went to Europe and backpacked (read wheeled, carry on suitcase) for a month.

  10. When have you ever known ANet to give every piece of information about what is coming in an announcement? They have always said they don't give everything away and want the players to be surprised about some things. They like that kinda stuff and I am happy with that. I don't want to know everything. I want to discover new things on my own sometimes.

    Did that when I did a month long backpacking trip to Europe. Purposely got 'lost' while exploring different cities and countries and found some things that are not 'normal' tourist stuff. But then I have always been told for years that I am just not a person that follows what others do. And that is also why I have been to see over 30 different concerts over the last year across multiple genres. Quite a few people find it hard to fathom that someone could like all the music that I do. I have heard from more than I can count that they only like X genre or only go to see X artist. I just can't do that as there is to much life out there to enjoy.

  11. @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:Well that's you. The ppl that actually came there in person - the last moments of stream, where it showed footage of them leaving the room in dead silence - says it all.Have you ever been in a room with one of the big reveals? I have multiple times and no matter how much you like what is said you don't walk out screaming and yelling. Most just walk out and then talk about it afterwards when you have digested what is said. You talk mostly in normal voices.

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