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Posts posted by Enokitake.1742

  1. @ROMANG.1903 said:

    @"Antycypator.9874" said:Mesmers ARE like thieves, it's all about illusions, to trick people, confuse them, make them think "tf is happening?". Stealth is some kind of illusionary magic. I belive mesmers utilize illusion to stealth themselves, it's not shadow magic like thieves do.

    So... removing stealth from mesmer would be like removing symbols from guardian.

    Lore shouldn't be a reason to give any class too many tools. One thing I would be okay with, would be a shatter skill that applies stealth. That would force the mesmer to choose in which way to be confusing.
    The whole issue is the combination of the two, having several models with no way of telling if the real one is even here.

    @"Delofasht.4231" said:Sounds like a problem with clones rather than stealth. Clones are not even deceiving to anyone who knows any of the various tells that separate the Mesmer from them. It requires some learning and some awareness of when you have lost target. Or you can just roll massive AoE and spam it on the clones and kill them all... you know, like every other profession has access to.

    Clones are easily identifyable in a short time. But the mesmer spawns several of them and goes in and out of stealth evey second, and doesn't have to sacrifice any burst potential to do so. Every other class has to choose between offense and defense, the mesmer doesn't. And if your solution to counter the clones is to waste your damaging abilities on them
    , well, I think you don't exactly grasp what a counter is supposed to be.

    No way to tell if they're even here? Yeah you can. Clones literally either stand still and autoattack or walk up to you and autoattack. Close usually have no buffs, no passive mantras, and no signets. If he's moving sideways or backwards or doing any animation besides the autoattack... he's not a clone. They only ever move in a straight or diagonal line... they don't anticipate where you're going. they don't sidestep AOE. they don't even mouse turn. If it switches weapons. it's not a clone.

    Then you literally contradict yourself by saying "Clones are easily identifyable in a short time." ... then you only have to worry about burst out of stealth... which lasts a total of 4-5 seconds if they didn't VERY OBVIOUSLY use mass invisibility with prismatic? so dodge? Use block? Cast Aegis? Cast a skill that gives you barrier? Use an AOE revealed skill? Use an Aura? Wait 2 seconds and teleport so you're not where you were and the mesmer has to completely re-position for the burst?

    Goes in and out of stealth every second? There's a grand total of like four stealth skills, and 1 trait, and that's if you're willing to literally break your build to take all of them at once. This isn't thief, we can't dagger 5, pistol 5 + heartseek, shadow refuge stack. They also have no reset on revealed.

    Waste damage skills on clones? Dude, they die to autoattacks. One AOE skill will kill all clones in range. And that's if you don't have the sense to block or dodge when 3 clones and a mesmer are running up to you.

    Like, you really sound like you just don't know how to counterplay mesmer and got burst stomped too much.

  2. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @"LucianDK.8615" said:The grow lamp have steadilly been rising in price all day, definitely not exploding. You had plenty of time from this morning.

    ITT: People forget other people have jobs.

    The timegating is stupid and should be removed, promptly.

    ITT: People forget other people have jobs
    who are able to complete the collections

    If people work full time and have a family, yet they're spending 5 hours a day doing collections, needless to say they are either neglecting their spouse (unless both play,) or children -- for an online game and that should not be the case. If you're talking about people who simply go to work and then go home to no-life the game until they go to bed, then yeah, they probably are finishing the collections each day.

    That is, unless they work 2pm to 10pm and the server reset hits at 7pm like where I live. I get home, get maybe 30 minutes to an hour to play, sleep, get up, do morning kitten, run errands, maybe get another 45 minutes of playtime if I decide to, then I have to work again. This is an 8 hour schedule -- what about 12 hours or those who have to work overtime any time their boss decides to call them?

    Just because your Average Joe with nothing going on can finish a collection each day does not speak for anyone but that Average Joe.

    This shouldn't need an explanation.

    There is a reason I never crafted a Legendary, instead I did the Gold Grind to get 2,800g. Time-gating is dumb and collections in collections is almost worse.

    The first day's collection took roughly 6 hours for most people, even with a guide.The second day's collection took roughly 6 to 8 hours depending on your luck, with a guide.The third day's collection took 3 hours with luck or substantially longer, with a guide; Gold or Charged Quartz is mandatory.No one knows what the next 2 collections entail.

    But needless to say if someone only has 30min~1hr of playtime a day to allocate, this would have already taken them
    15~24-ish days
    depending on luck, help from others, or choosing to not use a guide at all (substantially increasing the required time,) - and this is completely ignoring the Gold requirement.

    Add the chance they finish a collection 5 minutes after the Daily Reset already hit -- Add a day to the total every time this happens.

    You're grossly exaggerating how long it takes to do the collections.

    For one, it took me six hours to do the entire first day collection without a guide so you can easily do it in a fraction of the time. It really shouldn't take someone more than three hours to do this with a guide.

    It took me two hours to do the second day's collection.

    It took a total of an hour to do the third day's collection and that's counting the next two days of feeding the mount.

    Gratz on having a low time absorbing job. Outside of that, you've made literally no point. Some of us work four-six hours a day. Some of us, work in industries where you work 8-12 hours a day before on-call, like law, finance (me), LEO, or medicine. If you're in the four hour area, of course you see nothing wrong with spending 6 hours in one day on a collection for a mount.

    "People who think others are lazy just because they or someone else they know can do this while working just come across as really arrogant.While it's awesome that you can, compared to the almost hundreds of people I've seen across forum threads, in-game, and on Reddit, you are the minority."

    That. ^

  3. @Vinceman.4572 said:

    @Vinceman.4572 said:It was just stupid to read the discussion whether there are three or two game modes. Doesn't make sense at all and went way too hard off-topic.

    It's actually not off-topic as this (while just a bunch of nonsensical semantics) seems to be the main argument against having more legendary armor sets.

    off-topic if you argue against each other over 20 posts in a thread where people want to talk about legendary fractal armor. People always find the most stupid explanations helping to support their views.And in this specific case it certainly doesn't matter if we talk about "every game mode has its own leggy armor" or "but
    the PvP area
    (or whatever people call sPvP & WVW together) has 2 armors". It's just utterly bs, nothing more.

    Add to this that trying to hold game mode rewards that should've been in place for years hostage because people won't run the game mode you want them to get legendary armor reeks of pettiness. Players should always have more options. It doesn't matter if its 2 or 3 modes if you can make it 5 modes at relatively the same difficulty/cost/time sink per each mode.

  4. Yes. Should've happened years ago, same as when they put in WvW and sPvP legendary armors. It doesn't have to have it's own skin (but it should, a unique skin similar to the ones that were designed by that one player years ago) but even if it's faceless it should be in game. Fractals is by far the most successful PvE content in terms of people running it.

    The question is not SHOULD we have fractal legendary armor, the question is only how difficult it should be to get said armor. Obviously it should have similar time/difficulty/cost sink as raids. Maybe even a slight premium considering fractals have easier accessibility (in terms of finding a competent group) than raids. You already have Ad Infinitum as a benchmark (on a per each piece benchmark), just add 6 pieces with a slightly modified recipe.

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