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Posts posted by Jcyph.2407

  1. Did this meta today. About 1hr 45 mins all things considered I believe. We got into map, got into a discord, running with a full squad with 10 sub groups, we had alacrity, quickness and good DPS classes. We owned the escort and got into the boss fight and did all the mechanics correctly. We failed because she decided to switch sides in the arena 4 times in a row. We had 2 break bars in the entire fight. One in 100-80 which was easy. One in 80-60 which spawned at the same time the tail spawned which is absolutely BS. We did the greens, we did all the MECHANICS correctly. Why are players being punished with rng mechanics where you can't even target her? I am not wasting 8 more hours of my life to try and get a "good rng" run on this boss. Make the mechanics make sense please. Have a break bar each health phase, have her only move on in-between health percentages between phases. I don't get why she has to move 4 times in a single phase and we lose out on crazy dps time due to that and having tails at the same time.


    You know why people run meta events? It's because its supposed to be fun. This isn't fun. Its work. I don't log onto Guild Wars 2 to do 2 hours of work only to fail with no fault to the squad but instead its because the boss is not able to be targeted multiple times in health phases. If I fail something, I want it to be because we did a mistake or failed mechanics or I messed up. Not feel like it was complete an utterly out of my control.

    Meta events are the reason I play this game, but as soon as people fight tooth and nail for their turtle, do you really think their going to do the meta event again? I sure won't be doing it until things get sorted.

    It really says a lot when GW2Efficiency achievement tracker shows only .09% of players have completed the stomping around achievement since launch of the expansion. This isn't a fun meta, this isn't even a mechanically challenging meta, it's a literal race the timer and pray for rng or you are going to lose.

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  2. After my 8th attempt and fail at this meta event in squads that coordinated and literally hurting my wrist pumping out numbers, getting the pre buffs to 10% and all the jade bot buffs, doing 1 green person and everything I have still failed the map. Its so dumb to have a meta event fail because of a timer rather than not doing mechanics. I thought the message going forward was, do the mechanics or die, not skip mechanics so you can dps faster? Im not doing this anymore until this is fixed. Locking content we paid for behind a meta event that from what I've seen has a 90% fail rate is absurd.

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