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Posts posted by Piney.3076

  1. Cool, some more thoughtful posts there, happy to enourage that discussion. 

    But it's quite simple. Objective rewards aren't working. Spawncampers don't want em. Spawncamped can't get em. And this is for Anet really: hey good try, it might have worked. But I think we see it ain't that.

    Something is needed to make the fight more interesting and rewarding. And it's the spawn camped that need it, they are the ones that need to be convinced to play.

    Maybe joke: charge campers 10g to enter spawn. Give that 10g to each camped as they get killed. Then boot the camper out and charge em again. Hell, I'd get camped for that, probably for a while. 

    More serious: do something, ANYTHING to make the fight MORE even not LESS. Allowing campers to cover the spawn in siege... in fairness who could have foreseen anything that bizarre. But continuing to allow is tacit endorsement. And that's on you. This problem will continue in alliances, I will bet you 10k gold. 

    SO as per post #2, put in the blue shell. Permanent airship at the spawn, expanding right up to the keep door. Stops only once the home team takes back their keep. Or equally or more crazy stuff. Both teams will be thrilled. Campers will want to brag and demonstrate skill, or so they say. Camped will find it hilarious. Won't change the outcome but might get a bit more play going. 

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  2. 29 minutes ago, Corabelle.3254 said:

    There's no fix for people not logging in to face a certain opponent.

    Apparently true if you try nothing. Why not try something? Easy fix like throwing in a reward. They've already done that, but, feels like not working right? The exact same spawn camp. I mean, why even have the rest of the map? Just keep the spawn area. Because for most that is sooooo borrrrrring. That they don't play.

    Mix it up a little. Start with an outnumbered buff, say 200 to all stats. If that gets 2 more people to play, keep going. Blaming the bored not-players, how's that working for ya?

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  3. Simple question, do the added rewards encourage more participation? 

    All the nitpicks are pretty easily dismissed. 1. yeah they are working on alliances... but they added this rewards patch. Obviously they feel something should be done soone. 2. ok sure, maybe they spawncamp camp in delighted bliss. But they obviously have no interest in rewards for taking objectives, or they would do that. 3. sure, let's say it's because you are the most skilled player in existence, that's why others don't play. But shouldn't we want players to... play... the game? Who will you be more skilled than if no one is playing? Do you fear an even fight?

    If it doesn't feel like the rewards address participation, then hey, got a suggestion in that first post at the top. 

    I'm on in wvw every night, hoping for something, anything, to do. All too often there is nothing. It *could* be the glorious chaos I remember and enjoyed. But currently stuck in the same kitten boring nothing, with no one playing. 

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  4. Heck, there is even a game design term for this solution. Rubber banding! It's the blue shell in Mario kart. As the distance between the first and last players increases, put in some crazy stuff. It won't matter, one of the top players will still win. But the last player blue shells the lead, and can still affect the game outcome if the top two are close. 

    Don't let the first and last get so far apart that it's a boring wait for the game to end. The top player gets mean, the last stops playing. Put in a "rubber band" that pulls em closer and keeps em in the game. Even the 3rd still has fun gleefully nuking the top player. E.g. something like smc airship defense, but only the 3rd side can call it, and only the top team is affected. 

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  5. The spawn / camp siegers don't want these rewards. XP, karma, badges, pfff. They'd much rather prevent someone else getting em. Maybe they are bored, maybe they are bullies with no irl victims, I dunno. When I tell these players "let em have it then u can take it back", they angrily respond no.

    For the rest of us trying to get those rewards, it's lipstick on the pig. It still ain't fun starting from scratch against a fully claimed, sieged and fortified map. Many give up, the numbers difference becomes worse. And it sinks in, a bunch ain't ever getting those rewards. A bunch don't want, a bunch can't get. Pointless. 


    The solution is to address number imbalance. The outnumbering side invariably clears maps and heads from home garrison and keeps. Make those last objectives harder to take. Make home objectives easier to take back, for their home team. With naturally balancing difficulty, the fight can be more even, and more interesting for all. The bored players will have more to do, the spawn camped players will have an easier time getting started. 

    There should be some easy ones. Buff outnumbered. Give siege razor "fire keep lord level cc". You just took that away from fire keep, just add it back to siege razor. Maybe add a "home advantage" buff to the garrison and keep, only for the home side? Gotta be dozens more like this.

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  6. On 2/5/2023 at 2:19 PM, coro.3176 said:

    Suggestion: While in spawn safe area, players' participation decays as if it hadn't been refreshed

    Yeahhhhh I'd support this if it wouldn't also encourage the toxic bullying that I'm pretty sure discourages wvw participation in general. Against the more toxic servers all you have to do is stand in invulnerable while 15 ballistas hit you. In such cases there is no tower or keep for you to stand in. Fix that first, then come back and do this. 

  7. Some counterpoints:

    1. Anet won't do anything about wvw. I offer as counter evidence a recent change to wvw. The change to keep supply could arguably be said to make it slightly easier to take back a spawn camped garrison. They tried something, they are concerned. So it's worth posting constructive ideas. 

    2. It's players faults. Yes players are perfectly capable of *not* spawn camping, and also continuing to fight against adversity. In fact both actually happen quite a lot, more than is given credit. But isn't it better if the game nudges this along by making camping a bit more difficult, and trying a bit more rewarding.

    3. The fight can't be made even. Maybe, maybe not, if such a thing is even wanted. But that's not what I said. I'd suggest some kind of real home advantage, for *certain* areas only. We know they fk lord was tough, she got nerfed. So put some of that cc spam in home garrison... *only* for the home team. Then it's a little tougher to spawn camp, and a little easier to take back. Instead of the opposite, against a larger force.

    The fight doesn't need to be even, but it does need to be fun and interesting for both sides. Or players don't play. 

    So huge buffs at garrison, home team only. Big buffs at ebg home keep. Smaller buffs at home towers. The rest, as is, glorious chaos.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    The spawncamping, the "mechanism", on the other hand, is a far more useful discussion to be had and can be identified as a form of play that can be considered to disincentivize players.  I don't think it is necessary to seek some sort of cause in chat for it.  It's something the game allows given current mechanics.

    That's us agreeing then. I care about a solution that does not discourage wvw play. I don't care about the cause, just speculating. 


    24 minutes ago, Dieselface.5193 said:

    Why do you need a "gathering" phase to perform well?

    When facing a vastly larger force camping a heavily fortified spawn, yes, you need a gathering phase. Guy logs on, sees insurmountable odds, logs off. Even numbers never gather. And in fact better numbers are required because the mechanics heavily punish the less numerous side. If the mechanics did not do that, less of a gathering phase would required.

    It's part of every meta. Think silverwastes fortification. Dragon's end. Always a gathering phase. So the mmo is actually massive and not just single player. 

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  9. 56 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    "I want them to quit and never play again!" drools one fanatic.

    If you take offence at this, if you identify with this, that says more about you. Most will eventually realize that this kind of play leads to boycotts and lack of content. There will be short term gains from server transfers, then a dead game mode.

    Relax, not saying to *remove* all toxic elements. Just to curb them so they don't actually strangle the content and mode dead. As I and others have noted

    35 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    Boatload of bad mechanics that ensure it's harder for you to get back up.

    Every single meta includes a "gathering" phase where players group up. This is what makes an mmo interesting. What's the point otherwise, go play Zelda. Actively discouraging that phase discourages participation and ruins the whole mode. 

    Even the toxic players actually want this long term. If no one plays, who will you be toxic at?

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  10. Intentionally did not mention names. Have seen several servers do this, been on both sides. Sounds like we agree the boycott and lack of wvw content definitely happens. It feels good to "win" at first but slowly you realize there is nothing to do. Some more slowly than others so it takes a while.

    Point is, lack of participation isn't desirable in the long term. So mechanics that *cause* lack of participation should be curbed. It is in no one's interest, game or players. So put mechanics in place to encourage fair fights between otherwise mismatched teams.

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  11. Guessing that wvw participation is down. There was that panic wvw patch hoping to fix... something. Feels like that didn't work. 


    PROBABLE CAUSE: toxic play. "I want them to quit and never play again!" drools one fanatic. Real quote, got an alt on a demented server and read that. That is the intent, and unfortunately it does seem to work. Groups do need a place and some time to form (look at every meta mechanic). Denying that time and place discourages that formation. I know for a fact, my server is split 50/50 on how to avoid a toxic server. It is a terrible long term idea, because participation dries up and then wvw dies. 

    MECHANISM: toxic play is accomplished by leveraging superior numbers to take and fully fortify every objective, then using that siege to spawn camp. Every wvw is specifically designed to make this very, very easy. There is no home advantage. Each side does not have a secret entrance to their own home territory. Outnumbered gives no tactical advantage. Siegerazor and Siegecrusher are jokes, they don't last a second. And! The spawn of the struggling team cannot even deploy siege. It is all specifically designed to give an even stronger advantage to greater numbers. There is no point to adding rewards if one of the sides cannot leave spawn to obtain those rewards. That was a pointless change.

    SOLUTION: just tone it down a bit. Add a home advantage to literally any, maybe all of the mechanisms of toxic play. Have outnumbered pulse buffs and a damage bonus. Give fk lord level cc abilities to siegecrusher and siege razor. Allow siege deployment in spawn (not so far it can be used to defend). Limit siege deployment in objectives when not owned by their "home" server. Make a secret entrance to garrison and home towers that only the home team can use. 

    Basically add "scaling". Add a range of fortification difficulty. Then let the teams naturally move to a more even fight. Make home garrison the toughest. Home ebg keep 2nd toughest. Think fk lord cc, more. Leave the rest, the fight will settle where it may.

    With a more even fight and rewards to be had, more should play.

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  12. Yeahhhh probably best not to boot an offending player or guild out of the match immediately anyway. There could be mistakes or changes of heart. I could definitely see trolls moving to tactics like "player x trolled the ewp" when that player had not, just to troll said player. 

    Still... I feel encouraged. You *will* have some measure of control over your team. Blackgate has this one infamous super troll that keeps getting banned but keeps coming back. Don't really care about getting my tiny guild an alliance, but if doing so means I never play on the same side as *that* creep ever again I may just try it.

  13. This struck me just the other day. I think alliances might add player solutions to two current wvw problems.

    1. Commander tags are kinda broken because of "tag watching". You create a new account on your enemy's server. Follow the enemy tag with that account. Continually report their location on voice. To prevent this you must use a private tag. This almost completely defeats the purpose of the tag feature. And really makes wvw suck for all of us zerg followers.
    2. "Tactic trolling" is even more straight up cheating. Use the account on your enemy's server to burn emergency waypoint tactic. Attack the keep for a super cheap win. Repeat as often as you like with really nothing anyone can do?

    Are these just fixed now? Like, you choose your guild and alliance. Seems unlikely you'd even be playing with cheaters from another server. And even if you are, you can boot the offending player or guild right? Like for tactic trolling, the ewp would go off, and a really annoyed player would announce "player x just trolled that ewp". Right now there is no visible consequence. But with alliances... if we boot that player are they booted from the team?



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  14. Great mount skin, well done. I'll never pay 2k gems for a mount skin, but THIS one... at 1.6k... could not resist.

    Still want the rest of my exo-suit mount set btw. Heads up, I'm patient and will wait for the 740 gem mount select to go on sale to get em. But if you make em, I'll buy em.

    Side note, why didn't it show up under promotions? It was just sitting under the plain old style tab. Usually new stuff appears under promotions? Same deal spell forged stuff.

  15. Crashing after a couple minutes. Cities, home instance, guild halls. Will try open world if I can not crash long enough to finish gathering from my guild hall. Both my iMac 2017 on 10.14.6 as well as my macbook pro 2013 on 10.15.1. Interestingly I wasn't crashing for wintersday like so many I've read about. But I'm sure crashing every few minutes after lunar new year.

  16. @"Caitybee.3614" said:I have a big problem with how Anet splits up mount skins from previously purchased packs. It's driving me insane because I have to spend a ton of money just to complete the entire sets. The ones I'm mainly concerned about are the Branded mount skins, and the Wintersday skins which I JUST purchased the pack for the original 5 mounts. Then they release the Skyscale Wintersday skin AND the Roller Beetle branded skin. I'm beyond angry, and I wish Anet would STOP monetizing the skins like this, because it makes it nearly impossible to get the entire set without breaking your wallet. The Skyscale and Warclaw skin packs are both 2,000 gems and they each have the Branded skin. I'm Canadian, so doing the math those packs are almost 50$ for me, EACH. Why can't you make each skin available for individual purchase so I can get the ones I want without having to take a chance on the mount license scrolls or being forced to purchase highly expensive packs just for ONE skin? Please PLEASE for the love of God Anet change this! I regularly buy skins, but this is making me not want to anymore.

    It must be because they make the most money doing this random crap. To make them stop, you must stop buying skins you don't want. Money talks.Err nevermind, seeing the "mistborn mount select license" on the tp now. Earlier today I'd seen only the random "mistborn mount adoption license" and was like, really? Back to this? Random only? Get ready for a firmly worded letter anet. But yeah, no, the select license is up for 1200 gems. A bit high for me honestly, may wait for the 700 gem sale price in a few months. Maybe not, will think on it.

    Um but a modest THANK YOU ANET for making the primeval raptor, branded roller beetle and exalted bunny. One step closer to completing those sets, happy about that. And still enjoying the licence preview, thanks again for that.

  17. I'm speechless. This is a known bug with no workaround? It prevents map completion on all mac clients? And you released another living world without fixing this? I just... like...

    Like kudos on giving enough to do that I haven't bothered with map complete til now but. You can imagine I'm pretty frustrated right now. Map complete is a big deal for some. Could you at least post the daily symbols on the wiki if you can't be bothered to fix this?

  18. I sure complained when it wasn't there so I better appreciate that you added it. Thank you anet team! It was so weird to have to buy the license to preview what was available. This is soooo much better.

    My wish list does still include exo-suit skins for skyscale, roller beetle and warclaw. Preferably as a new complete set, but can live with buying them in various licences. Ooh and same for the mad realm set. Snapped that up right away. Hoping it did well at that it bodes well for finishing up the sets I already love.

  19. @Stephane Lo Presti.7258 said:We don’t feel it’s appropriate for your 2v2/3v3 rank to have any bearing on your conquest rank.

    Do everyone a favor and don't worry about this. Throw rating out, it's a garbage, cruel, inhumane system that lets you think you can get a title but only ever gives the exact same reward to the exact same 250 of the entire population. The exact same players have won the exact same rewards for 18 seasons now. Enough. Do better. Drop this garbage and you might lose some of the horrible toxicity of your pvp atmosphere.

    Btw losing the dancing and forcing ppl to treat each others like humans by having to say gg would be better.

    Also enough with the dreams of esports its obviously not happening when you patch random changes a week before the end of a season. Think outside the box. The rest of your game is best in market. Do better in your pvp. Maybe make it fun. Worry about how to monetize it after its fun.

  20. @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:Once it changes to "The season is ending" that means if you started the game before that appeared, you'll still get the points. If you queue after that point, you won't. I get you though, it's a little confusing because it takes quite a bit to change from ending to ended. I agree with everything else besides how you feel about titles.

    I guess I could post this to the wiki. But even then that still doesn't tell you when that message will appear. So I could post that to the wiki as well (btw for no reason whatsoever the message will appear 30 mins before reset). And props for putting up the wiki. But anet you could also just fix this message. I've been checking it all week and particularly all day expecting it to mention a specific time.

    A timer would do it. And particularly for such a frustrating system where you put your players through hell, you could try a little harder on this item. You just got an attempt at a helpful report (if very angry). Disney would fix this.

  21. (taking calming breaths) Please provide an accurate countdown to the end of the season.

    It's 6pm. I log on to check my leaderboard. Still 246. 6:15 I'm knocked off the board. Fine I queue. Manage to win a game. Get knocked off board again (again by someone else's win). Start another game looks like a slam dunk, some bullshit wipe getting tranq and we lose. Someone from the other team actually says in general tbh we should not have won that. Pretty mad but there is still time right?

    I win the next one but no points. That's weird, the obscure note on reddit said the season ended at reset. Check the pvp screen. Says "Season is currently ending.". Win another, no points. Ok now I'm mad. If you're going to delude your players into wasting their time in pvp, you could at least fix this. Please forgive the rage here but I'm sitting at 1525 when I needed 1526 to get the title for which I've been waiting 18 seasons. And the pvp screen NEVER SAID WHEN THE SEASON ENDED.

    Let me suggest you at least change this to THE SEASON IS OVER YOU WILL NOT GET ANY MORE POINTS. Because of all the rage I feel right now, a good chunk of it is deservedly aimed at you, pvp designer. In a game which has so many brilliant usability solutions (crafting is amazing) this is a huge fuck up. Failing that write on the wiki page for some bizarre unintuitive and frankly outright stupid reason, unlike anything else, the pvp season ends 30 minutes before reset.

    Better yet, please put in a timer that says exactly when the season ends. You put in a frustrating system that only rewards 250 of the entire population. And you won't remove the titles. You can at least do this.

    Side note you could also remove the dancing that promotes the toxic and hateful environment of pvp. Take a note from hockey games. The players are forced to line up, shake hands and say "good game". Instead you let the hateful spawn camping scumbags dance over the bodies of the other team, whether that dancing loser realizes he was carried by his teammates or not. This atmosphere is your design. I know you can do better. Make all this more like the rest of the game, which is excellent.

  22. @MachineManXX.9746 said:

    @Roamer.3259 said:I don't see the problem, you can buy a selection license and choose the exact mount skin of the set that you want instead of praying for rng.

    I think it's more of a case that you CAN'T see what mountskins the licenses include IN-GAME via a rightclick/preview menu in the gemstore itself, BEFORE you purchase it. That includes both the random and the select licenses.

    You have to go to an externaly run site just to find out :/

    Yes you CAN see what mounts are included. Just go to the mount tab in game. Mouse over any mount and it tells you exactly what license or pack that mount comes from.

    Yes its possible but my point is its super awkward. Consider storage expansion. It says exactly what it is and there is a big buy button on it. Perfect. Even the outfit packages break into a screen where you can preview each item. That's be fine. The black lion chest preview shows you all the stuff you can get. That's fine.

    Hovering around in the mounts tab over 50 mounts to find the two that are included... then seeing like 4 way better skins that aren't for sale right now... then forgetting which license it is again... bleh. If there was a buy button on the mounts page that would be something.

    But that's minor. I'd deal with all that. But I want the sets finished. Branded is almost done, that's good. Exo-suit would be nice, I could deal with buying one select mount each for beetle warclaw and skyscale... if they existed. And complete sets for the new cools kins. Like a full starbound or exalted set. Starbound is almost there.

    But yeah minor it'd be nice if the button was right there. Like, cmon, I'm trying to spend money here. This should be super easy. It ain't like a jumping puzzle where I should be frustrated as hell so I get that feeling of accomplishment after. I'm buying something. I should feel like a super satisfied customer. Should really, really not feel like someone who got so frustrated I didn't bother spending my money.

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