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Posts posted by CedarDog.9723

  1. 1) It would be nice to have more. Perhaps some reed instruments. Maybe a xylophone? Glass armonica? Honky tonk piano? Dulcimer? Ocarina? Just some additional variety than a few string instruments. bells and horns.

    2) It would also be nice if they made more use of keybindings. Right now they only use at max 10 slots (1->0). A full octave of notes with sharps/flats is 12. So, if one uses 1->0 and f1->f2 for notes, and f3->f5 (or more) for stuff like go up and down an octave and stop playing, etc. The instruments could be more flexible.

    3) A bit more complicated, it might be nice if on instruments (that would logically be able to play multiple notes at the same time) like the lute/harp if we could customize preset chords.

  2. Oooo. How about when one clicks on the "Suggested Locations" link on dailies, etc. in the achievements panel and the game opens the map and shows the nearby POI or waypoint to head to...it actually opens a USEFUL map layer while in the Mistlock Sanctuary. Right now it opens onto the Mistlock Sanctuary layer and doesn't display anything useful nor does it allow us to switch layers in that view, plus it closes automatically as well. Perhaps have clicked waypoint and POI links in chat open to a useful layer too...

  3. Ooo. They could have Braham cloned a bunch of times, like in those Mordrem pods. Then they could kill off all of the main characters. Except Braham.

    Or alternatively, they could clone Braham a ton of times and replace ALL of the NPCs in the game with Braham and make it so the clones can only say "Eirsson"...

  4. Will we get extra guild slots since the changes sound like they'll divide up PvX and WvW orientated guilds? We'll probably have to join a separate WvW guild with the new system. We should get extra slots to reflect that.

  5. @Astralporing.1957 said:

    @CedarDog.9723 said:Instead of making an easy mode (so that players will probably play it once for what will most likely be little to no rewards), why not just make a lore recap with an extended cutscene like they did for living season 1?For the same reason why that recap didn't work out and people are still asking for LS1 to be introduced in repeatable form (even though given its nature it would end up as something completely different). Turns out infodumps are never as good as playing through content.

    Though i do agree that the storymode that noone would have a reason to repeat is not exactly a good use of dev resources.

    I guess I do kind of wonder if having the challenge motes in place in a number of the bosses wouldn't make having a baby mote easier to do though. Like activate baby mote, boss health/cc bar is halved, empty loot table.

  6. @TheGrimm.5624 said:Agree, you shouldn't be able to send or receive from people that are blocked or blocked you and it would make sense that while invisible a toon shouldn't be able to whisper out. I do like the idea of an exception to people on your friends list though. Removing invisible mode though, no there are times you just want to do things and chill.

    Haha, yeah, I wasn't actually serious about removing invisible mode. I'm just tired of all the dumb things we have to "work around" that shouldn't have made it through to release in the first place. And it's not like it's a big thing, but a metric ton of little things can add up to something big. :)

    • Like 1
  7. @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

    @CedarDog.9723 said:In the long-run, it should be fixed and should have never existed as an issue to even be brought up in the first place. They could also just fix the problem with minimal coding by removing invisible mode until the issue is fixed.

    And I'm saying: I disagree; that's not a good use of their limited resources. Fixing a series of small problems with "minimal coding" is harmful to the game's longterm health, in a sort of death-by-1000-cuts sort of way. It's far more efficient to collect feedback and thoughtfully review the entire system instead of making changes to each problem as they come up.

    And that is, in my opinion, especially true in this case, because there's already an easy work-around for us as players.

    This is true. Their limited resources should've had the competence to not have made the mistake in the first place. :) Additionally, that means you should not ask for any QoL changes in which there are workarounds, since their limited resources could be used elsewhere.

  8. I'd be TOTALLY fine with an overhaul to the system as long as it includes that thing I'm posting about. There are a lot of things that could be improved.

    In the long-run, it should be fixed and should have never existed as an issue to even be brought up in the first place. They could also just fix the problem with minimal coding by removing invisible mode until the issue is fixed.

    • Like 1
  9. While I have no problem with people going invisible to avoid contact/being social/etc., I DO have a problem with being whispered to and when I go to respond to them I get the error that the person I'm trying to whisper is not online. It's especially annoying when the person doesn't realize they're set invisible and keeps messaging you and wonders why you're not responding...

    ANet, either disallow whispering while in invisible status, OR make it such that when someone who is invisible whispers someone else, the recipient is added to a temporary session whitelist (good until they either logout or change their status to invisible again) that allows them to respond without receiving the error and having to resort to resending the message via mail. (Or responding via guild chat/etc.)

    Also, it'd be really nice to have a couple of different invisible status, one that's invisible to all, and perhaps one that's invisible to all except friends.

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  10. @ChasingDreams.3250 said:When will we see a fix of mounts and gliders usable in Trolls Revenge in Lions Arch?

    Since it'd be more of a pain to implement mount and glider disabled areas specific to the jp, it'd probably be much easier to just disable/remove all 4 hidden stashes and Rolan's chest (as well as remove the garden for good measure) to fix the issue of people being able to use mounts and gliders on the jumping puzzle.

  11. I doubt that the side saying it's unfair to f2p players that they don't get gliders and/or mounts is going to win. ANet keeps metrics on all kinds of things, and I'm damned sure they keep statistics on the conversion rate of f2p players to paying customers of the expacs. They made the decision most likely because the benefits of showing f2p players "cool" gliders and mounts results in more f2p players buying their product outweighs the number of f2p players who quit. The ones who don't buy the expac after seeing these new incentives most likely wouldn't buy the game anyways.

    A solution to the issue however if it IS such a big problem would be to devote a few server instances per core Tyria map to f2p accounts and shunt all the f2p players into those maps, and direct all the other players into normal maps with gliders and mount enabled. There, everyone arguing can now be happy. Let the complaints about not forcing all players to be in the same maps begin.

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