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K THEN.5162

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Posts posted by K THEN.5162

  1. We have now entered year 5 since the unreleased Alliance system was announced by the former Anet employee, Gale Gray, back in 2018. A half-decade is a very long time, and any number of life-changing things can happen in such a period. So my fellow WvWers, what significant life events did you experience since we were promised a rework of our beloved game mode?


    Here's how my life changed:

    2018: Started my undergrad degree, moved countries

    2019: Stopped regularly playing gw2 (thanks Warclaw)

    2020: Start of the COVID-19 pandemic

    2021: Completed my degree/started my master's, moved countries

    2022: End(?) of the pandemic

    2023: Completed my master's degree, moved countries

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  2. Left the GW2 when the Warclaw hit the game mode in 2019. Initially kept in touch with the game by browsing the forums out of hope that things would have gotten better. Now, I check out the forums just to fuel a deep bitterness towards how anet has managed WvW. I laughed when they made terrible balance decision after terrible balance decision throughout 2020. I laughed when they went all in on expansion development and basically put the game on maintenance mode throughout 2021 (though apparently the expansion was well-received which I will give them credit for.). I laughed when their balance patches in 2022 had the quality of 2020 GW2 but occurred at the frequency of 2021 GW2. And, the recent fiasco caused by the Solar dev was just icing on the cake.


    I am just dumbfounded that since I moved away from the game 3 years ago, nothing, absolutely nothing anet has done to WvW has been a step in the right direction. Not a single patch note release has made me say to myself "yeah, that looks cool". Balance patches reek of ignorance and lack of experience or passion, it's utterly tragic that it has been 4.5 years since Alliances was announced with no release date in sight, and the pr rats of anet have formally stated in 2020, 2021, and 2022 that WvW development would improve (cornerstone am I right), but things literally regress further shortly after these announcements.


    In game management, there are bad decisions and there are tone-death decisions, but based on what has happened to gw2 WvW since 2019, I don't think anet even has ears at all.

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  3. I used to love GW2, and especially WvW. With the wonderful guild I was in and the equally wonderful people I played with, WvW was the dream PvP playground for me where you could pretty much do anything you wanted and not feel like the game punished you for playing that way.


    But that all changed in spring 2019. For reference, here is a gw2 efficiency graph of my monthly playtime since I started in 2016 (totaling about 3000 hours). See the abrupt drop-off in activity at around the end of April 2019. That was when ANET killed the WvW experience for me in order to sell $25 mount packs. I am of course referring to the warclaw, where once it was released, the mount soured the WvW experience with bugs (permanent mount glitch), exploits (dashing into bay), ridiculous mechanics (mounted enemies preventing capture with no reliable way to dismount), and broken stats (3 dodges, 10k hp, etc.) for MONTHS. Another reason that pissed me off about the warclaw's release is I had just introduced a few friends who didn't own any expansions to the game mode. Just as they started sinking their roots into WvW and taking a liking to it, in one quick March patch, the game treated them like less than dolyaks as they were left behind by the friendly mounted zergs to be ganked mercilessly by the other servers. Needless to say, they stopped their GW2 experience right then and there, and I could not be optimistic about the game mode no longer. As I started to resent the current state of WvW, I could not overlook other glaring issues with the game mode such as the severe lack of balance patches and the incredibly disconnected decisions ANET made when those patches did occur. Although in the past 3 years, I've humored the idea that somethings could have possibly improved due to the passage of time, these returns don't last long as I soon find out that the game mode is basically in the same state as I left it years ago. So, in summary, the terrible release of the warclaw pushed me away from spending time and money into gw2, destroyed my confidence in ANET as a company, and gave me little faith that balance and the WvW experience would ever improve.


    So with my tragic backstory out of the way, for those who quit playing the game or stopped treating it as your main game, what was the reason that pushed you away from GW2?


    TLDR: Warclaw bad! Me quit GW2.

    Also LMFAO, when did ANET remove the feature to add photos to your posts? I guess that's consistent with ANET's style, rendering features from their game unusable and not fixing them for years.

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  4. So you're telling me Anet decided to make Mantra of Recovery a 40 second cooldown spell that only heals for 5k?!? They removed mantra channeling to make firebrand raiders happy, but they didn't do anything about fixing the charge recovery time?!? Now mantra of pain is a 20 second cooldown spell that hits for 600?!? This is such an ANET way of "solving" problems, my god

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  5. Ever since HoT, every time anet put something into WvW, it took away from the experience. Gliding took away strategizing around fall damage and being mindful of cliffs, watch towers took away small groups attacking structures, and mounts took away any threat of traveling across the map (and gave people a tool to pick and choose what fights they want to participate in). These features turned WvW into a follow the tag lootstick simulator with 0 risk as long as you got the bigger numbers

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  6. Doesn't matter what their PR rats say, 3 years with 3 instances of alliances communication is utterly pathetic. I'm pretty much convinced that what's going to happen with this supposed 2021 release is that it's going to be delayed with no proposed alternate date, and then they'll proceed to go silent on it for another 2 years.


    I'll be laughing from the sidelines 

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  7. @Excursion.9752 said:I think it comes down to confidence. People have lost their confidence in Anet when it comes to alliances. I feel at this point if they do not deliver it would be hard to recover from. I personally believe that Alliances and Legendary Armory will be parts of the next expansion. Even though they shouldn't be. But it would encourage people to buy the expansion non the less. If this does happen its bad form on their part.

    Preach my brother! The problem is, 3+ years is way too long to release a promised feature and Anet has built themselves into quite the corner because of it. Releasing Alliances will fail to bring people like myself who quit GW2 back into the game while it will cause mass player drop-off if they do announce that they canceled it. They now have the choice of spending doomed resources for a feature that will not provide the company with great benefit, or they can cut the rope and lose a decent size of their game's player base. There is simply no good option

  8. I actually really liked what they did with the animation change on GS 4 (shows off your gs skin a little bit more than the old animation)! The biggest issue I have with it is how long it takes for the phantasm to turn into a clone after its attack

  9. The roaming meta is the play cheese or get cheesed.We got perma invis deadeyes, dodge and teleport spamming thieves/daredevils, unkillable boon beasts and core necros, 25k damage bursts from stealth mesmers and condi revs dishing out more torment than anyone's childhood trauma...welcome to WvW, pick your cancer

  10. I really like this! It's creative, unorthodox and opens up more interesting gameplay options rather than using the standard ez rez skill off cooldown whenever there is a downed teammate. The issue is, it would make downstate and rezzing less overpowered than it already is and anet would never let that happen

  11. @"jqjazz.4097" said:so nothing new actually changing in wvw yet again :( Raymond Lukes.6305 said "we have made some really good and exciting progress, we are still a ways out from the launch of World Restructuring and Alliances." meaning if we wait as long as we have since the very 1st announcement wvw will be pretty much a dead zone and gw3 maybe on the horizon! oh happy days for us wvw'ers, wrap it in a xmas box and put it under the tree for 2020


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