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Posts posted by Mega.5791

  1. I know, I know! We do not look at this skin. We look at smexy speedos and hot panties.🤪


    But the beach hat looks kind of nice and even has a somewhat usable hair style. Unfortunately, the hair itself is simply horribly made: See the attached picture. And this is not my graphics.


    (Beware, my great paint skills!)



    Anyone else noticed this? Any chance of getting a better quality on this hairstyle?

    I am just a little sad.🫠

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, Sporks.4395 said:

    Catalyst is a problem. The signets and scepter pre nerf was only an issue on Catalyst. Every other spec it was just ok. The issue with catalyst is the way aura's interact with the traits. The more aura's you get, the better you class is. So, we nerfed the kitten out of the weapon and the signets (in PvP) for every spec, while catalyst is still able to run around and abuse getting aura's in all sorts of ways. 

    But I thought Written in Stone was nerfed because of Tempest.🤯 /s

    This guy gets it: Catalyst is the issue. No other ele spec is, while they are solid enough and most ele players don't mind the extra complexity (I keep the jokes on scepter ele players to myself 😄).

    This is mostly competitive modes of course.

  3. 23 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

    You missed the point. Unless people have the ability and/or desire to participate in these tasks then getting those laurels will be really difficult.

    Literally one point below it says, and I quote:

    • Q: Are there still daily login rewards?
      • A: There will be one objective every day for logging in. This objective gives 5 astral acclaim (standard daily objectives give 10).

    It might be a little less than currently, but I do like this incentive to play the game and the objectives seem to be very flexible. Rewards just for logging in does not catch anyone in the game and will not bring people to spend money on the game.

    • Like 2
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  4. 44 minutes ago, Fleckzeck.4673 said:

    The change is bad in the current meta, but good, when the xpac hits. Virtuoso with Shield + this Block whould be op. I hated the change, when they revealed it, but when I played the beta, it felt fair.

    The F5 is still bad, but the reason behind it is okay. Maybe give it more damage?

    Yeah, the reason to take away the block is somewhat understandable (though I would argue not to change the whole spec just because of one new weapon).


    Taking away the block while at the same time nerfing distortion, blade renewal and then giving nothing in return on F5? I guess every mesmer player agrees, that is nonsense and not fair at all, considering how some other classes are treated.

  5. 8 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    ye and all of them are kitten, like sure you technically HAVE them but in practice they are trash.
    its as if I said that warrior can use rifle so warrior is a good range class.
    in theory you can hit someone from range but in practice warrior kittening sucks at it.

    Thanks for admitting to provide the definition of a strawman argument I guess.


    • Confused 7
  6. 2 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    all of these condi cleanses are terrible. EM used to be insane with 2 cleanses but at only not enough.
    null field stationary, AT misses 50% of the time. EM only on dodge and 1 cleanse, prestige cleanses 1 every 30s XD. shatter/midnight is in inspiration which means you are useless if you take them.
    Reality is as follows. Mesmer builds will AGAIN build 0 cleanse 3dps traitlines and hope to end the fight before they can get hit. if they get hit, they instantly die, no healing, no cleansing, no utility.

    Again, not saying mesmer is in a good state.


    But saying "all other classes can dodge during immobilize" or "mes has no fast (mass) condi cleanses" just shows utter lack of game knowledge. Which I simply had to clarify.

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 2
  7. 9 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    Yes, but others have several built in fast ways to clense the condition, mirage doesn't.







    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Midnight (when traited)

    every shatter when traited

    every single phantasm skill (when traited and, admittedly, rarely used for this purpose)

    most of the (short range) teleports like staff 2, sword 3, Illusionary ambush also help a lot (when used of course)


    Mesmer had it bad with the patch. Barely (any?) new playstyles, nerfs and I still hate the alacrity way of mirage (and still will after the likely changes in July, still forcing double staff/keeping up as many staff clones as possible). I was hoping for some non-troll builds becoming possible but agree about devs seeming quite clueless what to do with mesmer in general.


    But everybody (except certain thief and warrior builds) struggles a lot with immobilize. Mirage still can deal with it exceptionally well when not ignoring the right tools, though, yes, it requires some consideration now.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 7
  8. On 6/29/2023 at 9:20 PM, Salt Mode.3780 said:

    I just realized how crippling immobile is for us. We cant even dodge while immobile, i understand dodging while CC but immobile is something im sure every class can STILL dodge just without distance. Now that I am immobile I literally cannot do anything because its not a stun i cant stunbreak out of it, even if i was to create some distance i am still rooted. I would have to cleanse it off but that is if I can get it cleansed off vs a heavy condi class. If the argument is that oh just use mantra or antitoxin runes and double cleansing well then make it like that for EVERY OTHER class.

    Not sure of serious or not? No other dodge works while immobilized either... never did... at all...


    Not saying immobilized is a fun condition though.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. On 1/10/2023 at 4:08 PM, Willereign.9580 said:


    I have Isle of Reflection guild hall... the wells look really nice in there and there's a lot of places in there that they can go ☺️


    As you have pointed out to me: Today seems to be a well day! (haha)


    Have a look if you are interested, it seems like the decoration is up for everybody! 🙂

  10. On 12/18/2022 at 6:11 PM, xandrella.2953 said:

    All you can do is to check her offers daily, I remember that I also was waiting for the well for quite a long time.

    Thanks! Yaah, well, I'll just keep doing that and hope for the best. 😄


    On 12/19/2022 at 2:12 AM, Willereign.9580 said:

    I've also been waiting for wells to show up.... I've looked every day for the last 2 months now and still no wells. I feel like wells have dropped off the vendor completely at this point. I also have guild vendor 4 and have purchased them without problems in the past. But the last 2 months I haven't seen them there at all. 


    I hope Anet see this post and investigate what could be stopping them from showing up. 

    We've been doing the same for about the same time... maybe there is an issue with the randomizer? Well, I will keep gathering some more statistical data!😆

    I hope it won't come up during Christmas holidays and then be gone for another 6 months...

  11. On 9/8/2021 at 9:07 PM, Altonese.6542 said:


    Amount of time? Effort? not wanting the 'aesthetic', is all disproven with Anet's -recent- work, nevermind legacy. (...)

    They gave severe penalties to Players when wanting to fight without clothes in PVP (anywhere else it was always dependant on armour anyways of course). Seems like they didn't want this trolly behaviour with almost naked characters.

    Or diving goggles or the dressroom in Southsun... which don't allow fighting at all.

    I am happy Anets acts seems to support my wish for it not to become usable infight.


    Does not mean, of course, other options of intrudoction. Like tonics. So while would support swimsuits, I think Anet would implement them accordingly.

    • Confused 2
  12. 11 hours ago, Altonese.6542 said:

    It's not complicated. It's an outfit. Easy peasy. Whoever wants to wear it wherever can wear it wherever. If magical girl outfits, school outfits and weird branch outfits don't wreck pvp/wvw/pve, neither will this. The concept is really easy to understand.

    I guess there is a difference to some people whether there are some people in weird school outfits, ugly stellar skin bikinis, light beam infusion stackers fighting around you than a gazillion swimsuit chars. We don't need another buff to the human female meta.


    I am strongly against it being an outfit. Make it a novelty tonic unable to fight in and I am fine with it.

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 5
  13. As long as it is not seen in PvP, WvW and fights and stuff and just for hanging out (no pun intended)... go for a novelty, make it some tonic which don't let you attack and you're good.


    I'd be curious, but would I spend gems for this? Don't know, but why not introduce it if others care? Still doubt it's gonna happen for whatever reason.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Alpha.1308 said:

    you're right


    my bad

    i forgot, that this game








    actually does not in fact have a game mode called wvw, where people can get fights of 10v10s and 20v20s or more


    i forgot this game is only pve, buying skins off the gemstore, then sitting and facetanking bosses with builds they find on the internet

    and occasionally baby sitting a point in the only small-scale pvp game mode that even exists in the entire game


    i forgot they only just recently, after 10 years, they had an update involving Guilds actually fighting other Guilds for once, in the game called Guild Wars, suRpRiSiNGlY tOtaLlY NoT A coIncEdenCE after a streamer had just said a month prior that he was doing a gvg tournament, added to the game, (in a way that's still p garbo)


    but, you know, having a 1,200 range beam that hits 7 targets (should be 9... for whatever reason that's going on internally that i haven't bothered looking into, it's 7) where almost every other skill has 5 target cap, in a game where damage saturation is a thing due to that fact, is definitely super awful, i know, mesmers don't bring any sort of utility to larger scale fights in the game mode that doesn't exist


    definitely not the ability to pluck 5 people out of an area, or strip boons in a boon heavy game mode that doesn't exist anyway


    nobody uses mesmers in the game mode that doesn't exist, of course, what am i thinking 


    because, you know, even the devs forget that pvp can actually, in fact, involve more than 5 people fighting 5 people 

    how could i expect the community to remember what the devs can't 


    silly me 

    That is why WvW zergs are crowded with mirages already.

    • Like 1
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  15. I don't think anyone (well, except at Anet) disagrees that giving alacrity to mirage was a... well, let's say, weird choice. But I doubt they will just back down and delete it saying "oops, well, we had no clue what would happen lol let's go back to start". So I fear people will have to live with it and "just delete it" is not really a realistic suggestion...


    ... well, then again, I doubt any suggestion on the class forums are realistic...


    (Also lol at the guy thinking mirage with GS would become OP anywhere except in Open World mob farming.)

    • Like 4
    • Sad 1
  16. Dual staff is currently the only way to play boon support mirage and it takes away so much from the excitement. So why not change Dune Cloak to give Alacrity on Ambush skills - potentially reducing the duration a bit so boon mirages have to invest into some boon duration?



    - Mirage can use a second weapon set for more excitement and flexibility.

    - Mirage has to choose between DPS (Infinite Horizon) and Alacrity.



    - Some boons (Might) are still staff dependant...

    - It might become too strong, but changing Alacrity duration could fix that (by having to invest into boon duration).


    What do you think? Any other suggestions, adjustments, ideas? I like the new option, but I am just not happy with dual staff. 😞

    • Confused 1
  17. 6 hours ago, Sonork.2916 said:

    I feel the heal from rezzing should be halfed at least, if not more.  if someone goes down right now, their buddy only needs to kneel next to them for about 1.5 seconds to pick them up.  it's a joke.  

    But regular rezzing is fine. It is just a few builds that do that way too quickly - focus the nerfs on those.

  18. 23 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    yes, taking defensive traits instead off offensive ones makes you deal less damage. THank you for clearing that up for us.
    well, exept when you are tanky as kitten and take no damage you can afford to run into people and lose less time dodging/kiting and can spend that time attacking. Party of why prot holo when viable becomes a stat-check build.
    When its good it out-everythings you and you kinda just lose.

    Congratulations, you didn't read anything and therefore didn't get the point I was making.

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