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Posts posted by Midnight.7526

  1. The only issue I ever have is with the battlecat mount when coming down an incline, if I want to pounce on an enemy (usually in wvw) it won't let me do the 1 skill. In fact, it puts that skill on cooldown. However, this is the only problem I have ever experienced with mounts.

  2. @Ashen.2907 said:

    @Ghetx.1752 said:Why do people insist on killing legendary mobs multiple times?

    Sometimes one fight lasts for more than 3 minutes,but ok lets say its 2 minutes.15 legendary mobs = 30 minutes,and you get what? 50 bags in total,you literally lose 200 bags.

    Why and how you lose 200 ToT bags by killing lege mobs?Well it takes 30 minutes to kill 15 leges.It takes you 30 minutes to farm 250 bags if you have good group just by killing trash.Even if you don't have good group,you should be able to get 150 bags in 30 minutes.

    So,for those who still don't get it.30 minutes you spend on killing 15 lege mobs and getting 30-40 bags,you lose 210-220 bags for NOT ignoring legendary mobs.

    I saw groups killing legendary mobs and wiping for good 5 minutes.

    Any serious gold farmer would realize you lose about 7 stacks a day just by killing lege mobs.Do a math,20 days of -7 stacks a day = 140 stacks = 1400 gold.

    As simple as that.If you want gold,do not kill lege mobs.And please,don't tell me 'i do it because its fun' No,you do it because you don't know what you are missing.

    I do it because its fun.

    Your claim to possess the power of telepathy is unproven. Until you can prove it perhaps you should speak for yourself.


  3. @Ashen.2907 said:

    @Nuka Cola.8520 said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

    GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

    The choice is clear.

    And many years to develop. It takes a huge amount of time to build s brand new mmo.

    Obviously. But if i had a choice, GW3 would be it and it wouldn't even be a contest. New engine alone would make a much much better experience.

    And as soon as it was out, the engine would be obsolete. Heard this same thing right after gw2 came out.

    GW2 got a tweaked version of GW1's engine, not a truly new one.

    My mistake, ty for the clarification.

  4. @Nuka Cola.8520 said:

    @Nuka Cola.8520 said:LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.

    GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.

    The choice is clear.

    And many years to develop. It takes a huge amount of time to build s brand new mmo.

    Obviously. But if i had a choice, GW3 would be it and it wouldn't even be a contest. New engine alone would make a much much better experience.

    And as soon as it was out, the engine would be obsolete. Heard this same thing right after gw2 came out.

  5. @Spiral.3724 said:I am not happy that mounts will be in all maps. I wish they had restricted them to Path of Fire. I have a hard enough time with lag as it is.I like the mounts they've designed. They are interesting and move well. I got a little nauseated when riding for the first time, but hopefully that will ease. Also, I'm pretty darn clumsy with my mouse and WASD so I kept racing off into the wrong areas. Lag, again, doesn't help when you're going faster on a mount.As for mount suggestion, geez, can I just get a HORSE??

    I don't think I've ever seen a horse in GW2. Guess that would be jarring for me.

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