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Posts posted by Yailith.4056

  1. Hey Dollbaby.3560! I am "Barbie" and you can verify that I am from Gamers Giving Back by looking at our discord 🙂 


    My Guild Wars 2 Account name is the same as the one I am replying with here. Yailith.4056. 


    A few things to note for past players and new - we are changing our platform for donations this year. We will be using Tiltify to collect donations for the MS Society of Canada. We decided to switch from using the MS Walk fundraising page to Tiltify to have a more interactive  donation process for our Stream Team! As many of you know, we decided to retire our radio team last year and focus on our charity events via our Stream Team you can see here: https://www.twitch.tv/team/gamersgivingback

    Our website - Gamergivingback.org is updated with our donation link, but you can also check out our fundraising campaign here. https://tiltify.com/+gamersgivingback/ms-toga-party

    If anyone has any questions about the event, want to livestream for the event or simply just have questions about Gamers Giving Back - don't hesitate to reach out to myself,  Angel - AngelWriter.3652 or AyinMaiden - Ayin.2106.


    Thanks everyone for your on-going support! 🙂


    Rhonda aka Barbie 😉 


  2. I just want to personally thank everyone who came out to Quaggan Waddle on the weekend! We had over $775 in early donations and so far have gathered 5 legendaries and a really awesome infusion to give out at Pink Day - among other awesome prizes!

    We appreciate all the support and loved the "Waddling" hype that everyone drummed up on NA and EU all day!

    See you all on the 17th! #pinkday2020

  3. On another note, Pride is a pretty inclusive event, so make sure to attend and be part of the event. If you are feeling like a minority in the gaming community...this event really shows that there are so many pockets of people that help you to feel supported, no matter your background! At least that is what my experience has been with this event the last 3 years. It is a positive and supportive space!

  4. Hey Rouien!So I spoke to Angel and we want to see this event celebrated as part of Pride. However, we would be more than willing to support a BLM event if it were created! I think it would be more powerful as a separate event. If you want to get it rolling, definitely let us know!

  5. @Rouien.5234 said:I'm very glad that you guys are all doing this, but I hope this isn't just going to centralized on just LGBT+ considering everything that's going on. I would absolutely use this platform and event to gather black people, LGBT+ and everything between who play this game to speak out and just support our causes as well. We have hard ships (not just IRL as you can see) but, in online gaming communities were even the minority of people barely wants to recognize us or our problems, or just try to denounce it.

    Hey! Thanks for the comment - I passed along your response to Angel. :)

    I am not organizing this particular event - but am the founder of GGB. Just so you know who is responding to you.

  6. So excited to be celebrating another year of Pink Day in LA!

    Did you know - Pink Day is winning a charity award? More details about that will be shared on the 19th so make sure to keep your eyes and ears ( even the Asuran ones ) on all the awesomeness of Pink Day in LA! <3

    Thanks to Arenanet and the whole community for continuing to support this event - see you in 10 days!

  7. So excited that Pink Day is continuing this year! We have a fantastic team of volunteers on both NA and EU side this year and an amazing amount of prizes to give out to those that both participate and donate!

    New this year - Our Charity of Choice : Canadian Cancer Society, will have someone in-game playing alongside us! Her sentiments were: " I am pretty sure I am going to be addicted to this game and this community after Pink Day" She will be on-air with myself during the first half of Pink Day to speak about where the Research Funding is provided throughout the world and some knowledge about the varying types of Cancer, their treatments and lowing your risks.

    See you all there! #pinkday18

    PS - If you want the latest updates about the event, follow us on Twitter @gamergivingback

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