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Everything posted by RSLongK.8961

  1. hi looking to mine your shimmering crystals. ty.
  2. Chill. If you are enjoying the story keep doing it. The story journal will lead you, eventually, to HoT to unlock the masteries.
  3. Boa Tarde, Fazem training de raid?(Especificamente Wing5).Por favor, pode mandar um invite in-game. Grato.
  4. Hi @"Ayrilana.1396" I read this very post before starting this thread.Below is screenshot of CS telling its ok as long its in-game <-> ing-game item. Which is what is my intention. no real money involved.https://imgur.com/a/qdHaF @Teratus.2859Iam in NA.I managed to get a guild to run with me Urgoz in HM(yes I got carried hard, pun intended).The thing is... while I will have to grind on most of the stuff(titles, factions, weapons) I wish I could expedite some stuff.Most guilds don't run normal mode, much less on a timeframe that I am available to play. Also grinding for ectos seems rather pointless at this point in the game. Thanks for the reply guys.
  5. Hi, I bought gw1 this year just for doing the HOM alone.While I am 28/50 and not in a rush I realised most stuff is just grind for gold/ectos and I am not enjoying most of this game as I though I would.Now my question is, would anyone here willing to trade some gw2 currency for gw1 currency/ecto? or trade gw2 currency for gw1 dungeon clear in normal mode.Specially, I am trying to craft the Obsidian Armor and I am not being able to farm Ectos with heroes, nor complete the dungeons to get the hom tittles.Any tips also appreciated.
  6. Update that wvw policy, if we have to control attentive why shouldn't it be allowed., it does not give any advantage OVER anybody.
  7. 1) MOST IMPORTANT: NEVER delete character! You will lose the birthday presents. Park it somewhere else to mine a node if you dont like but never delete it. A new character slot in not that expensive and once/twice a week it gets discounted.2) As above, try animations on pvp lobby, some may be off putting. Norn female gs animation is kinda weird.
  8. Tower Shields.Non-trencoat medium armor.Heavy armor with tabards.more platey light armor
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