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Posts posted by tacomex.8179

  1. The true intention here is not to make people quit, but to actually get better. You will find players that say: "I had 3/6 top stats and you only had one" as a way to shelter from a loss. Not displaying any "negative" stat helps to create mediocre PvPers, because even though they lose they still feel good by getting a "positive" stat and they don't actually focus on what they could improve on.

  2. @PookieDaWombat.6209 said:I'm fine with it in theory, especially with most small groups or even guild groups that don't run with pugs. That being said, I'd be cautious about its use since I will openly mock any commander that screams in chat for support only to have their tag hidden and no one come to help them because they were worried about a rando running with them.

    I mean, look at the server you play on, it's only fair that what you type makes no sense.

  3. I don't understand why people are saying this would be bad for the game. I mean, legendary market is something that will stay active pretty much until the end of the game, plus 2 new season two legendaries still coming out in the next few months.

    Why would increasing the supply of AGs by adding a couple of metas would break the economy if the demand will practically always be there? The price of the components to craft AGS would also self regulate.

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