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Posts posted by Kryil.6045

  1. I am an insanely casual player. So much that I only log into GW2 when a story releases and maybe once a month for a WvW evening. After a longer break this time I decided to play some support chrono and boy: this is insanely bad. I know I'm not used to it, but there's no point in getting used to this level of clunkiness. Chrono got nerfed again and again (and often justified), but this level of playstyle destroying changes is not acceptable.Also: 0-clone shatters with Restorative Illusions and Bountiful Disillusionment was your bread and butter for survival, and it's gone without any replacement. But I could somehow get around that with some adapting. But it still plays like garbage.A rework should not turn a fun class into a clunk-machine :/

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