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Posts posted by kroof.5468

  1. List of tooltip suggestions for visualization: Necromancer Sword Ideas

    Overall I enjoyed my time with Necro Swords. I did find some of the cast times and animations to feel slow. My biggest area of concern was in the sacrifice flip-overs as they felt very underwhelming for the most part. Buffing these sacrifice skills could make it worthwhile. I also enjoy the concept of leaning into Strike Damage Over Time instead of purely Condition Damage. The use of this on the 5th skill is cool, and could maybe be implemented on the main-hand sword as well. 

    Satiate: Have this sacrifice skill apply damage over time, to keep damage rolling while cycling through all the animations and cast times tied with these skills. 
    Gormandize: Needs a bigger punch, maybe in damage or adding an additional condition. Could also see this generate Life Force.
    Consume: Having this refresh the ticking damage on the 5th skill would just make it more worth while to press. Though, I do love the fear on this ability.  

  2. List of Tooltip ideas, for visualization: Revenant Scepter Ideas

    I like the support direction for the scepter, and find it to be a nice pairing with the shield. Though, the range disparities feel off. Increasing the range of the auto-attack and making it a projectile would give something new to Rev that was never there before. Also the "ribbon" visuals on the 2nd ability could be a nice motif throughout the weapon.  The 2nd ability is nice, but feels a bit bloated with the tooltip and difficult to understand at a glance. The 3rd ability is where it really bloats to a confusing extent. 

    Suggestions Abridged:

    • Serene Cut - Acerbic Cut - Motivating Whirl: Add an Ally Target function so that the scepter can empower Skills 2 & 3, no matter the playstyle one is focusing on: Enemy Targets or Ally Targets. 
    • Blossoming Aura: Damage could be improved a bit, but could feel more flexible if you could target an ally as well. With an auto-attack having ally target functions and Blossoming Aura -- one could really dive into that support playstyle. 
    • Otherworldly Bond: It just need to be simplified. Feels complex for the sake of complexity, and the outcome of the skill is lackluster when compared to the overwhelming tooltip. Also have the tether function with the entire Revenant kit -- not just scepter. With it being an upkeep, it wastes its potential of flexibility for it to be entirely focused on the scepter. If the tether could maintain between weapon swaps, and just disconnect if out of range or empty energy, it could be used flexibly. Though, one could run into the issue of weapon swapping with lower energy and be locked out of canceling this ability -- perhaps a "skill-cap" potential for the weapon. 
    • Thanks 2
  3. 25 minutes ago, Roadkizzle.2157 said:

    It looks to me like they wanted to get rid of Ancient Seeds because it was annoying people playing other classes and they just didn't want to come outright and say their goal was to remove Ancient Seeds.

    Adding a pitiful amount of conditions to CA really doesn't seem like it would add DPS. 

    Mmm I don't necessarily agree with this assumption. They have, in past, outright said when they wanted to get rid of something for the sake of design/philosophy/meta. So, when they lead with wanting to develop a DPS route for Druid, I take that at face value. 
    Just, from what was show of the changes, the conditions are not that exciting from a damage potential. 

    • Haha 1
  4. Hi y'all, 
    So, I've really warmed up to the idea of Druid - thematically -  dishing out more damage. However, the balance preview left me with a mild excitement of this fantasy. Granted, we have not play tested this yet, so I give all the information about the changes a bit of grace. This being said, I do see some alternate directions the Druid could have gone down, to really give players agency to shift the spec in a totally different vibe. All while still holding true to the celestial themes of the Druid. 
         I'll post my Imgur album of tooltips I talk about, if you want to have it in a more familiar format to visualize what I'm talking about. 
         Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/ZRsUbfg

    Core Changes
    Staff 1 & Staff 2 could use a bit more damage for any type of Druid, healing or DPS. Taking inspiration from the way Specter splits its scepter skills, I believe the best way to add more damage while keeping a balance would be to differentiate Enemy Target and Ally Target effects. I also believe this mentality and skill design would *really* benefit the CA auto as well. (And almost every class. :P)
     Solar Beam
    : Focus a beam on a foe or an ally. 
               Enemy Target: Damage and Burning to foes. 
               Ally Target: Healing. 
       Astral Wisp: Send a wisp to a target 
                Enemy Target: Pulse Damage and Confusion to foes. 
                Ally Target: Heal your target and then pulse healing around them. 
       [CA] Cosmic Ray: Call down cosmic energy. (150 radius)
                 Enemy Target: Damage and Burning. 
                 Ally Target: Healing around target. 
       [Non-CA Glyph] Glyph of Stars:  Summon a Star at a location, burning foes and granting might to allies. (Really split non-CA to damage, and CA to healing.)

     CA auto-attack having a target choice to also deal damage would feel great for PvE druids, and not make it to where your only damage option would be to use the 5th skill. 
    DPS Druid Traits
    The traits are where the Druid could really shine in the DPS department. The traits shown off on stream didn't scream "Oh we really are allowing Druids to hold their own in combat scenarios to take down targets." The traits felt more focused on providing them utility --which isn't bad, but it doesn't feel like DPS. Also, I am very fearful of traits dealing damage on interrupts and control effects. What happened to purity of purpose? So I thought switching the ordering and tailoring them more tightly to DPS could be more fulfilling. 

    Blood Moon: Celestial Avatar becomes an avatar of destruction. CA spells no longer heal, but apply damage and more deadly conditions. 
       Cosmic Ray: 2 Bleed
       Seed of Decay: Damage, Torment & Poison 
       Lunar Impact: Damage and Confusion 
       Torrential Tides: Damage, Bleed & Slow  [grants might still.]
       Natural Convergence: Burning. 
    Natural Balance: While in CA, deal more damage. | Take reduced damage when leaving CA for a limited duration. 
        (+15% Outgoing Damage.)
        (-20% Incoming Damage. 3~ish seconds?)
    Eclipse: Burning you apply deals more damage, and grants you Might. (CD on this?) | Burn foes when entering CA. 
       (+10% Burning Damage.) 
       (CA Damage: 450. 2 Burning. 300 Radius). 

    [Additional Trait Idea because we are already getting Alac in the GM]
    Lingering Light: While in CA, healing to others is increased. | Leaving CA summons an orb of light at your location, healing allies. 
      (+20% Outgoing Healing.)
      (Orb Healing (6x): 1,500.  300 Radius. 5s Duration.)

    This is all for fun, and I really have been enjoying the balance as of late [scourge redacted from this], but I just wanted to contribute a lil. (probably another place to post this, but I just felt I had a lot on me mind.) 

    • Like 4
  5. 2 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

    No thank you and i think i said the same on 1 of your vids very long time back when you were putting similar staff changes after which i stopped watching your content. (if you are the same person)

    But anyway why should Necro be getting 760 barrier just by doing auto attacks?


    To assist in support healer playstyles ~ a la Scourge ~ and such levels of barrier are quite low when you compare it to other applications of Ally-Target barrier on Specter. Specter get into the thousands of barrier very comfortably on ally-target barrier. 
    Just always thinking of ways in which support playstyles can be more active and opening up options. 

    • Confused 1
  6. Hiyo hiyo -- so I've leisurely spent some time ruminating about the Necromancer and all of its class fantasy elements. I've felt that Minions have been rather passive in terms of playstyles, and the traits that interact with them are JUST left to Death Magic -- and increase survivability. So, I wanted to expand beyond this and entertain Minion traits in other Specs to play to that minion's strength. Additionally, Death Magic's Specialization feels too "elite spec-ey" with its Carapace. I'm wondering if this idea could be put aside for now and saved for a more "brusiery/tank" elite specialization in the future? Maybe even a "Lich" elite specialization? And then Lich Form could be replaced with Grim Specter ... lol.  As for weapons, I would love to see Staff be given another pass to make it a more active weapon, rather than a weapon kit that just has traps. 
    This is purely for fun and shooting out some ideas. Also, this is VERY PvE focused -- and skill splits would be expected for the various gamemodes.

    Here is the Full Slide Collection to just scroll through.

    Staff Rework Slide -- Condi DMG + Support Ally-Target Options. More active, but retained the format of the current Staff.  
    Axe/Focus Rework Slide -- Inspired by Virtuoso with the autoattack. Buffed up the Focus 4 to be more consistent and not a projectile.
    Scepter Update Slide -- Added some Life Force gen. on the auto-attack. Devouring Darkness becomes the normal attack on Scep. 3. 

    Utility Skills

    Minion Update Slide -- Gave more love to a couple of the active abilities for the Bone Fiend and Flesh Wurm. 
    Spectral Update Slide -- Added a Heal Spectral skill, and pushed this to be more of a brusiery/classic tank idea. 


    Spite Slide -- Swapped out renewal for movement speed and increased crit damage. Shadow Fiend. 
    Curses Slide -- Rearranged condi transfers & Focused on condi damage a bit more. Flesh Wurm.

    Death Magic Minor Slide
    Death Magic Rework Slide -- Rid of Carapace for a more straightforward specialization design I would expect of the core spec. Heavy on minions with more choice to make, and bruiser traits. 

    Blood Magic Slide -- Purity of Purpose for group support. Blood Fiend. 
    Soul Reaping Slide  -- Minor buffs. 
    Enjoy zee slides.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 4
  7. I really agree with you on the Axe and Focus -- especially with the Focus rework, as it just added another basic "necrotic claw" spell effect. Taking away a unique spell effect of the bouncing scythe was so sad. With Dagger however, I tend to disagree with adding group support to weapons that are focused on SELF-sustain.

    Defensive weapons should focus on yourself and not allies. Many elements of healing in GW2 feel OP as it does not just provide healing/support to allies, but also to the player. Keeping this as separate as possible would be better for balance. If you are looking for more support ideas -- as I am as well -- we could look to other weapons. 

    Here are some of my ideas: 

    STAFF REWORK - Condi DPS + Supportive Utility + More Active 

    1.  Hex -> Blood Hex -> Necrotic Grasp:  A quicker chain of fast projectiles, with the Grasp being a spell at the location reaching upwards, rather than a projectile. (DMG+BLD | DMG+BLD | AoE DMG+BLD+TORM). Ally-Target function as well. (Barrier | Barrier | AoE Heal). 

    2. Mark of Blood -> Blood Funnel:  Siphon blood from target, applying bleeding and gaining life-force. (DMG+5BLD+10% Life-Force.) Ally-Target: Funnel healing into your ally, and grant allies around them regen. (Heal+AoE Regen + 5% Life-Force. 360 Radius). 

    3. Chilblains: Send a scythe in a direction in front of you, cutting a path of frost to inflict foes with conditions. (DMG + Chill + Slow + Life Force).

    4. Putrid Mark -> Putrid Land: Befoul the land at a location, tormenting foes. Allies in the area have conditions cleansed. (DMG(5x) + Torment + Poison. Condi Cleanse.).

    Reaper's Mark -> Terror Hex: Conjure a shadow orb to explode in an area, fearing foes. (DMG + 5 Vuln + Fear + Life Force). 



    1.  ... -> ... -> Putrid Curse: Add life force generation to this spell. (+2% Life Force). 



    Soul Reaping

    Soul Marks Soul Soothe: When you use your heal skill, heal allies around you. (Heal: 400. Radius: 600.)

    • Like 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, Falseprophet.1502 said:

    Don't we already have a "modernized" charge mechanic with Dragon Trigger on Bladesworn? I fear the charge mechanic could be a nightmare in WvW situations, especially with a lot of the stability being taken away on 11/29. 

    In a way yes -- with the concept of waiting for an effect, and being able to use it at various strengths. I don't think it would be an issue at all as it is a trade off to sit in it for longer, for a more powerful effect. Plus with that line of thinking you might as well call for no cast times on abilities. 

  9. I have played around with a way to rework Mantras so that they feel more unique in the lineup of utility skills, and not just like Cantrips. This rework would also see the return of the casting animation and voice lines. Additionally this would extend to Mesmer to bring those back. 

    Solution: Charge Spells. 
    And, not like the way they originally were, where they were a bit of a pain to use between maps/deaths. This "charge" idea was originally in GW2 with Alpha spells/skills (ex. ALPHA Staff Elementalist Ice Shards), and is still in game via trebuchets. 

    Video Example of Charge (13:13): 

    TLDR: Mantras could be spells that you hold down, and gain increased power the longer you hold them. Brings back the casting animation, voice lines, and adds a balance edge to gain more effects if you choose to complete the cast. You could still make the choice to go for a more "instant" pop of the skill. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

    There is quite a limitation for how much flexibility you can give to a class with just a three skill slots. And in case you failed to notice all of the classes considered "flexible" at any point in games development, had something going beyond 3 utility slots. Engineers have kit skills, Elementalists have attunements, Revenants can swap whole heal-utility-elite bar between two presets, and Firebrand has it's tomes.

    No, that's what I'm getting at... I agree with their balance philosophy of "Holes in Roles" and "Purity of Purpose" but it seems for various specs (FB & Mech most notably), they seem to not want to adhere to it. Though, with specs existing outside the philosophy at such a degree, we will still see them as mainstays in a way that other professions are not. The strength of FB and Mech also has to be considered -- it's not that they are versatile in the way of being a "jack of all trades and a master of none" but rather they are a "jack of all trades and a master of all."  

  11. 6 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

    Also please note, we already have multiple classes, that are being balanced around shared resource, specific resource recharge, and skill cooldowns. And yet I didn't see anyone that has put out a claim that those classes are extremely delicate scale that just has to be perfectly balanced.

    I can see a very clear vision behind this rework: it's mantaining flexibility, increasing the cost of exercising this flexibility, and still providing room to specialize into specific subsets of general kit.

    Revenant. It started out with such extreme costs (could be analogous to FB Page costs), and throughout the years the balance has always been reducing and reducing the energy costs, along with cooldowns being reduced.  Having so many elements to use a skill increases the chances of getting the balancing of the skills wrong. Too quick and it becomes too strong -- too slow and it feels underwhelming to play. 

    For the flexibility angle, I don't know why we are forgetting the existence of Utility skills -- that is where that flexibility should be stored, and maintaining the responsibility of player choice. So from my personal perspective I don't feel a profession mechanic needs to exponentially increase that versatility with very little trade-off.  

  12. 5 hours ago, KingJake.6529 said:

    I agree with pretty much everything except with the idea of Archivis t of whispers. Firebrand as a baseline should have the 6-8 pages with a recovery of 5-6 seconds per page. 

    I have a feeling this will make the FB even more powerful than it already is today. This shared page, page recharge, & skill cooldown combination is an extremely delicate scale that has to be perfectly balanced. My gut reaction is that this entire rework is overly intricate without a clear vision. It's giving: Owning the bakery, making the cakes, and eating them all too. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
    • Confused 2
  13. 5 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    I'd prefer that heal quickness remain a viable option. Adopting an 'all healers are alacrity' paradigm will kill alacdps completely, and I don't think that would be good for the game overall. One of my biggest concerns is that this might well be what happens if HB underperforms and neither heal herald nor heal scrapper rises to replace it.

    Well, with that prospect it would lead any AlacDPS providers to swap to Quickness generation. (Willbender = Quickness. Renegade = Quickness. Herald = Alac. Mirage = Actual Quickness Traits etc.) This wouldn't be concrete but would structure the end-game more concisely so that people could understand what to shoot for. This could even lead to a more proper LFG system, if these boons are wrangled more consistently. Of course, when you are playing with your own friends, it inherently increases the flexibility of taking "different" approaches. 


    5 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    They're a step away from just replacing two tomes with core virtues, but I think the approach they've taken is more elegant - you have to commit to one tome at the grandmaster level, and while you still have access to the other two, they're on a shared resource so it will cost you.

    Framing this as "committing" is a bit of a stretch. I also see many people equating this "It will cost you" idea to the healthy state of "You cannot use it, unless you specialize." If you still have it available... you still have it available. The idea of a page cooldown and skill cooldown is an illusion of forcing the firebrand to specialize. Which isn't that like a major point of the rework?? 

  14. Hey everyone,

    With the preview out, I thought it would be nice to have a place to put some of my suggestions for what was shown. I am more of a PvE player, and haven't been hardcore in PvP for a while, so this will be coming from that viewpoint. 


    I cannot say that I believe this will be good for the actual feel of the spec, I get the impression this will make the skill usage rather clunky and slow. I personally was expecting more of a "choose" the tome you master and use that as your third weapon type thing, but nevertheless. When it comes to the pages, having 5 baseline pages feels a bit rough, especially when certain skills consume more than one.  Archivist of Whispers, the adept trait, will feel SO important to take and might empower the Guardian to fix any problem more efficiently that it already does now. Which, correct me if I'm wrong, goes against the prospect of "holes in roles" in the balance philosophy? I mean I guess having a profession mechanic with 15 skills goes against the Holes in Roles mindset -- 'cause like... utility skills are right there to provide that build craft so players can be more versatile, while actually specializing into it.  

    Some Suggestions: 

    • Pages: Bring base page count from 5 -> 6. 
    • [Trait] Archivist of Whispers: Increase page number by 3  ->  Page recovery is reduced to 5 seconds. 
      • This would take the GM Trait Loremaster and place a portion of it to be more accessible for various builds, while not bloating the pages entirely with 3 additional pages.



    This section could touch on the page costs, but as we have yet to play it, I can't really say if it will feel good or not -- but I suspect healing is going to feel more limited. I want to focus on Tome of Courage, cause that Chapter 1 skill just isn't giving.  Also to note, the amount of healing the Tome of Resolve pumps out on Chapter 1 has always felt too bursty. Which feels like a trend with a lot of healing in recent years for this game. Just to note. 


    Tome of Justice

    • Epilogue: Ashes of the Just: Grant allies Ashes of the Just and Might (5 Ashes. 5 Might[5s]). 

    Tome of Courage

    • Chp. 1: Unflinching Charge: Fortify your allies granting barrier and protection. (~800 barrier, 3s Protection). 
      • Probably allow for more worth-while choice, rather than just protection which is not scarce on Guard.
    • Chp. 2: Daring Challenge: Taunt your foes while gaining Resolution (PvE: Taunt [5s], Resolution [3s]).
      • PvP/WvW Skill Split: Taunt -> Slow (3s).
        • This could bring more value with controlling enemies for a longer duration rather than have it be such a brief stun. This would also allow it to be empowered in PvE. And honestly, I'd be really interested in seeing Taunt be a PvE only condition and to have it filtered through all of the professions as an option for tanks to control mobs in Dungeons, Strikes, Open World. Hell even having it as a boss mechanic for a more reliable tanking approach. Taunt is only available on 4 abilities in the game, and only two of them had longer duration. 
    • Chp. 4: Stalwart Stand: Grant allies in the area a burst of barrier, while pulsing Resistance. (~1000 Barrier, Resis). 

    I wouldn't expect any barrier on this tome to scale WILDLY with healing power -- in the way Scourge is structured with its healing being more about "preventing damage" rather than "correcting damage." 



    This is where a lot of moving around can be done to really nail down this rework, but as it is right now the traits feel a bit "meh." I don't know if I have a lot of lead-in, so let's get to it! 



    • Imbued Haste Mastery: Gain increased attributes for the tome you are currently using. (Justice: +100 Condi DMG. +50 Expertise. Resolve: +100 Healing PWR. +50 Concentration. Courage +100 Vitality +50 Toughness). 


    • Unrelenting Criticism: Axe skills gain a chance to inflict bleeding. Bleeding you apply is stronger.  (Chance on hit: 45% Bleeding Damage Increased: +25%) 
      • This trait has felt unnecessarily CC oriented when the game already has so many CC effects flying around, especially when Axe 3 is already providing CC.  Purity of Purpose for this trait would be nice to buff that condi focus. 
    • Liberator's Vow: Grant allies quickness when you use your heal skill. (360 radius -> 600 Radius. 6s CD).
    • Archivist of Whispers: Page recovery is reduced to 5 seconds. (See above "PAGE MECHANIC" section.) 


    • Weighty Terms: Your Mantra skills slow foes. Deal increased damage to slowed foes. (Slow (2s). +10% Damage). 
    • Stalwart Speed: Granting Regen, Might, or Stability grants quickness to allies. (Quickness[2s]. 6s CD.)
      • This would allow quickness access no matter your tome -- helping Tome of Resolve users just a bit more.
    • Legendary Lore: Healing is improved when you heal allies from a greater distance. (5-10%. 1-1200 Range. Dynamic scaling like Dragonhunter).


    • Stoic Demeanor: Retain your Courage passive effect. When you disable a foe or slow them, fortify allies around you. (Barrier: 580. Resolution[2s]. Protection [2s]. 3s CD). 
    • Quickfire: Retain your Justice passive effect. Granting quickness to allies gives them Ashes of the Just. Burning you apply lasts longer while in Tome of Justice. (Ashes of the Just (5s). Burn Duration: +20%). 
    • Loremaster: Retain your Resolve passive effect. Regen you apply is stronger and heals them upfront for an amount. (Regen: +25% Healing. Heal on Regen: 80. 1s CD). 
      • Heal on Regen would scale dramatically to incentivize this trait for Healers. (Upwards of a 300~ish heal with more Healing Power maybe). 

    I took a lot of inspiration from the Legendary Lore trait that we currently have and infused these elements into the grandmaster to make it feel like you are specializing more than what was previewed for the GMs. 


    Okay so that's that -- this was actually really fun to spend time thinking about this proposed rework, so hopefully this finds consideration in the minds of other FBs. Still would be interested in seeing an actual specialty being required for FB, but ehhh. Also for the fact that there are two PvE roles and two boons that are always required: Quickness and Alacrity. Maybe it would behoove the game to be structured a bit more straightforward with which roles are providing which boons. If the FB had to choose a tome you could place Quick on Tome 1 and Alac on Tome 2. Alacrity isn't purely a DPS boon in the way Quickness is -- and is actually really great for healers.  I digress - ENJOY! 

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    • Confused 1
  15. I would love to see Ally-Target come to the auto-attack to heal someone in need. Also, the 5th ability is kinda meh in my opinion -- I'd much rather have Line of Warding baked into Wall of Reflection to bring that skill up a bit more. Then, the 5th skill can be something new to be a more "spectacular" ability for the healing role. 
    While on the topic of consecrations and wards -- hammer 5 could be baked into hallowed ground, and then hammer gets a different 5th skill to focus on its damage and capitalizing on CCd enemies or something. 

    • Thanks 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    Banner of Defense: Grants barrier and aegis to allies.

    • Banner of Tactics: Applies stability and super speed (and quickness in PvE only) to allies.
    • Banner of Discipline: Damages and applies bleeding and cripple. This skill no longer creates a light combo field, but acts as a blast finisher instead.

    1) Banner of Defense: The aegis application feels a little unnecessary -- with the way aegis is sometimes negated in PvE Boss scenarios, and how random attacks can creep up on players popping the aegis away, it feels like a boon that has really fallen off at this point. To me, barrier is an excellent replacement for the aegis boon entirely -- allowing players to take more hits. So, perhaps up the barrier and remove the aegis? 


    2) Banner of Tactics: This banner feels unnecessarily bloated. Stability would be just fine -- but the super speed feels like it doesn't match up with the theme. And, with the addition of Quickness in PvE, it feels so bloated. This banner feels more bruiser-ey in nature, and with Quickness being a very aggressive boon, it doesn't really fit. (Place Quickness on a different banner).


    3) Banner of Discipline: This is the banner that feels the most deserving of Quickness, so I would swap the boon to this one -- gaining benefits of its more "DPS" focus. 


    * With the shortened duration of Light Fields -- it got me thinking that it doesn't feel very "warrior" to begin with. Perhaps making Warrior Banners grant "Fire Fields (for 3s)" it would feel more in line with the theme of warrior, and allow more build flexibility with might sharing and fire aura application on Berserker. 


    Just a few thoughts around the changes. Overall, better improvements to these Banners and such changes makes them feel more differentiated from Spirits. 

    • Like 2
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  17. Heyo -- just dropping in to discuss some general and specific feedbacks! [PVE]


    General: What was done with the Untamed was VERY impressive, and it feels much better using other weapons while using other weapons. One thing I will point out is the UI art for the Unleashed -- it's the same as the Soulbeast. This could just be in the development pipeline, but it would be good to update. 




    I kind of think the spores on the melee unleashed attacks should be a trait that you take. It feels a bit too "samey-samey" across the board. And, it is a bit strange it is not on the Bow Unleashed Ambush skills -- particularly Shortbow. 


    "Nature's Shield" - Cantrips grant barrier to you and your pet. Unleashed Ambush skills steal life. (1,715 Barrier. 600 Life Siphon Damage. 1,000 Life Siphon Healing. 280 Additional Life Siphon Healing.)

    "Blinding Outburst" - Venomous Outburst deals more damage and blinds targets. Unleashed Ambush skills summon a spore under the struck targets. (+ 25% Damage. 2s Blind. 1 Spore Per Target)


    "Natural Fortitude" - Remove the Life Siphon, and place it on Nature's Shield. 


    "Ferocious Symbiosis" -You and your pet grant each other increased damage and movement speed when striking enemies. Unleashed Ambush skills deal increased damage.  (+3% Damage. 5 Stacks. +25% Damage). 


    • Like 1
  18. [PVE]

    Hey team - Beta 4 was quite fun, and I happened to spend a great amount of time on Catalyst.

    So, here are my general and specific thoughts/recommendations: 


    General: I must say, the changes to Catalyst were quite impressive, and made it feel much more smooth with specifically activating skills. With this said, I felt that while it was smooth activating certain skills, there was a large portion of the kit that I had little interest or ease in using from moment to moment gameplay. Such issues were really on the Hammer. 

    Hammer can be an awesome weapon for Ele, but it feels like there are only 4 skills to use -- and they are all of the #3 skills. Hammer also feels like a pseudo Weaver with the 3rd skill, and because it is such a core mechanic to the weapon, it feel lackluster and unoriginal, as Eles got enough attunement swapping at lighting pace with the last Elite Specialization.  I would like to see these skills deleted from the weapon and put on the Augments. 

    Additionally, the Fire skills on Hammer feel super melee oriented, and I believe would slot better as the 3rd melee attunement for Catalyst. 

    Overall, impressive changes, but there are still core issues with the weapon. 




    Hammer #3 - Remove the Orbs and Grande Finale, and replace the Hammer 3 skill with a unique skill for each attunement. 


    Fire "Phoenix Feather" - Slam your hammer damaging and conjuring a fire field that grows in a road. Prolong Might upon a successful strike. (600 Damage. 3 Targets. Fire Field. 300 Range. 3s Duration. +3s on Might)

    Water "Downpour" - Summon a ring of water above you, crashing down around you and knocking down enemies. (300 Damage. 1.5s knockdown. 180 radius.) 

    Air "Shock Frenzy" - Summon a lighting orb at a location, zapping one random enemy in the area with heavy damage for each pulse. (1000 Damage. 240 Radius. 5s Duration. Lighting Field.) 

    Earth "Mud Bash" - Bash your foe with a hammer head of mud, striking them and spraying mud behind your target. All foes affected are slowed [Later edit: What about Taunt??]. (500 Damage. 2s Slow. 5 Targets. 300 Range). 



    "Singing Strike" & "Surging Flames" - Melee strikes which would send out a bolt(s) of burning behind the target hit.

    "Triple Sear" - Larger AoE around you, dealing all three strikes if an enemy is very close to you. 



    [Autoattack 2] "Water Rush" - Heals you with each successful strike. (80 healing per target).



    "Stonestrike" - Grants you barrier with each successful strike. (80 barrier per target). Also, feels like this should be an auto attack chain. 

    "Whirling Stone" - Give it a Whirl combo finisher. 



    Augments: I would recommend putting the original Hammer #3 orbs on Augments. This would allow Augments to feel a bit more unique, visually, than just a utility pack of Stances 2.0 for Ele.

    "Soothing Water" & "Shattering Ice" - Could grant Icy Coil if used in a Water Sphere. 

    "Relentless Fire" - Grant Flame Wheel in a Fire Sphere.

    "Invigorating Air" - Grant  Crescent Wind in a Air Sphere.

    "Fortified Earth" - Grant Rocky Loop in an Earth Sphere. 

    "Elemental Celerity" - Should grant an aura based on the sphere one is standing in, along with the appropriate boon. Additionally, and on top of the CD reduction, this should grant 10 Jade Sphere Energy upon use.



    Minor "Elemental Epitome" - Reduced cooldown to 8 seconds. 


    Master "Spectacular Sphere" - Jade Spheres deal more damage. When you combo in a Jade Sphere, the effect duplicates for a second combo.  (+25% Damage. Combos Twice in Jade Spheres). This is honestly just a more "out there" idea, as adding boons to a boon field is a little boring to an elite spec.


    GM "Staunch Auras" - Gain Stability and Energy upon gaining an Aura. (1 Stability (3s). 3 Energy). 


    Just a couple extra ideas for possible directions the Catalyst could go down. Honestly, I am more exited to see how it will develop with time. Thank you all for the hard work!! 

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  19. Heyo team -- now popping into Harbinger's thread. Loving the dialogue around Beta 4 -- I should come to the forums more often.

    Here is my general reaction, followed by a specific section going over more detailed thoughts: [PVE] 


    General: The Harbinger was missing a lot of that "fun/interest" in Beta 1, and the changes in this beta definitely lead it down a better path. However, the changes bloat and confuse the kit with the alterations to elixirs. Additionally, the Blight Threshold can offer more interesting design, specifically with traits, so I hope to see more emphasis on this. 

    Last point about Elixirs that I also felt in Beta 1 -- the Elixirs' damage mechanic and Blight generation should be split, and only usable while in shroud. Allowing the Elixirs to be used while in Harbinger shroud would be spec defining, as a Death Shroud has never allowed utility skills to be used, and could add the layer of strategy that Harbinger is currently fumbling around with. 



    Harbinger Shroud/Elixirs: 

    These recommendations are to increase Spec definition and allure. The trait "Alchemical Vigor" should be changed to allow Elixirs to be used in Harbinger Shroud, utilizing their damaging effects. The Harbinger Shroud would essentially allow Elixirs to have their "toolbelt" options, or rather act more like Druid Glyphs. 
    Non-Harbinger Shroud: Elixirs should revert back to previous form where they are not throwable, baseline. These Elixirs focus on self boons, and allows Harbingers to rid themselves of Blight if they use it at certain Blight Thresholds. 
    Harbinger Shroud:  Now, any Elixirs being used in their utility slots would flip over to their aggressive form. These Elixirs would be throwable, and would require aim. These Elixirs would function to burst Blight onto the Harbinger, and would deal more damage at certain Blight Thresholds. 

    Non-Harbinger and Harbinger Elixirs would share a cooldown, forcing decision making. 



    "Alchemical Vigor Mastery" - No longer grants Vitality. Now allows slotted Elixirs to be used in Harbinger Shroud in an aggressive fashion. 


    "Wicked Corruption" - Buff to revert back to the +1% Strike Damage increase per Blight. This is the only feature of this trait, and feels so much worse to use when "Septic Corruption" not only increases condi damage, but also adds more ways to apply conditions. 

    "Vile Vials" - With the concept of Harbinger Shroud Elixirs -- Using Elixirs slows enemies around you. Using Shroud Elixirs applies Vulnerability to enemies struck by the Elixir. (2s Slow. 3 Targets. 5 Vuln (5s). 5 Targets. -20% cooldown reduction). 


    "Twisted Medicine" - Same trait, but now adds the throwable feature to base Elixirs to apply boons in the area of impact. 

    "Dark Gunslinger" - In addition to the current trait, Vicious Shot would apply an additional packet of damage to the first target hit, if the bullet bounces. (100 damage) [Just throwing this idea out there.] 


    "Cascading Corruption Doom" - Name change to keep thematic cohesion of "corruption" usually used to describe condition damage.  Remove pulsing damage area in Harbinger Shroud. Keep Power increase. Now, leaving Harbinger Shroud while at a Blight Threshold summons a shadow column at your location, which collapses after a duration, dealing damage, weakening, and fearing enemies. (Blight Threshold: 20. 600 Damage. 2s Fear. 3s Weakness. 240 Radius. 3 Targets. 1.5s Delay. 15s Cooldown.) 

    "Deathly Vital Haste" - Gain Vitality. Pulse short Quickness to allies while in Harbinger Shroud. Leaving Harbinger Shroud at a Blight Threshold will cause a jade breeze to expand around you, granting allies Quickness based off of Blight. (+180 Vitality. +1s Quickness, 3s delay. Blight Threshold: 15 stacks.+1s Quickness for each Blight (Max 25s Quickness). 300 Radius. 5 Targets. 20s cooldown)

    "Doom Corruption Approaches" - Gain Condition Damage.  Using Vital Draw at a Blight Threshold now empowers it, tearing at you enemies with Poison, Torment, and Confusion. (+180 Condition Damage. Blight Threshold: 15. 3 Poison, 2 Torment, 1 Confusion per pulse) 


    Thus concludes my general and specific thoughts. Take this where you may, and best of luck leading up to EOD! 

  20. Hey team -- lot's of feedback coming with Beta 4, so I wish you all the best of taking it all in.

    I too would like to add some reaction to the Beta 4 Virtuoso, as a none Mesmer main. So, take this at face value.  [PVE]


    General: I find Virtuoso to be visually beautiful, and one of the more spectacular Elites. Virtuoso knows what role it is: Damage, but it doesn't seem to know how it is going to do that.  Is the Virtuoso close range DPS, long range DPS, single target, cleave, or condition damage? I find the Virtuoso to be lacking a "specialty" for the lack of better terms. 
    My impression is that Virtuoso would slot well as a long range DPS specialization, and this would need to be actualized with more cohesive and interesting traits. 

    Additionally, the new change of granting blades outside of combat is not what is truly needed -- I would remove this and bake it into the Infinite Forge trait. This would also make it to where player cosmetics would not be upset. As seems to be the case with the Untamed change. 




    Bladesong Shatters: The projectile shatters should have their projectile speed increased by a bit, to make range more user-friendly. (+15/20%?) 

    "Bladesong Sorrow" - I would get rid of the confusion all together, and change this to be the go-to Fury generator. Sorrow would grant Fury(1s) for each blade used. This would allow more play with the minor trait "Quiet Intensity."

    "Bladeturn Bladesong Requiem" - Name change for consistency. Have the block duration increase for each blade used. (+.20s for a total possibility of adding 1 second to the block). 



    "Flying Cutter" - Projectile speed could be increased by a small amount for more ranged loved. (+15/20%?)

    ALSO, there is still a bug where the flurry portion of this skill will not trigger on a downed body. [BUG] 

    "Unstable Bladestorm" - This ability should be changed to be a place-able bladestorm at a location. This would allow utilization for more consistent damage, rather than trying to hit targets in the middle of the path, and thus making it redundant that it has a distance of 1200 units.   

    EX: "Conjure a telekinetic storm of blades at a location. Dealing damage to foes in the storm." (180 radius. 1200 range. 3 pulse damage. 3 targets)



    "Twin Blade Restoration" - Change this ability to a ground targeted, road shaped, ability to have more agency of where the blades will go; similar to that of Chrono shield 5, or even the "Thousand Cuts" on this spec. This would allow the Virtuoso to use it while moving away from the target, and not make it to where you need a target to fire the heal off. 

    "Thousand Cuts" - Grant 2 charges to this ability. (2 charges. 15/20 second cooldown. 60s ammunition cooldown/recharge). Would maybe need to reduce the power just a touch. 



    "Mental Focus" - I'll be brief, this trait makes no sense. I would never imagine a trait such as this on DH, so why give it to a long ranged spec, that has little mobility and needs to stay at range? Nevertheless, here is my recommendation: "Increase Strike Damage, gaining more damage from further distances."(+5% - +10% strike damage. Minimum distance bonus: 5%. Maximum distance bonus: 10%). 

    This would utilize the dynamic range threshold technology which was put into many other traits, just like the DH.   

    "Jagged Mind" -> "Psionic Affinity" - Psionic abilities grant Fury to allies in the area of their effects, or when a Psionic projectile passes through them. Psionic abilities gain a reduced recharge. (3s ally fury. 5 targets. 20% reduced cooldown.) 



    "Duelist's Reversal" -> "Psychic Refrain" - Name change. "Duelist" kinda feels out of place as there is already a Dueling line. 

    "Sharpening Sorrow Storm" - Unstable Bladestorm now fires out blade projectiles, and has two charges. Granting Fury to allies extends the duration of Fury on yourself. (2 charges. 4s cooldown. 12s ammunition recharge. +2s Self Fury Extension. 1s cooldown.)


    "Infinite Forge" - Add: While out of combat, stock blades. When in combat the rate of stocking blades is tremendously increased  (1 blade. 10s out of combat. 3s in combat)

    "Bloodsong" - Each Blade used in a Bladesong will remove a condition. Removing a condition stocks a blade, and heals you. (1 Condition removed per Blade. +1 Stocked Blade per condition removed. 150 Healing per condition removed. 1s cooldown.) 


    hope this finds you all well -- and wonderful work!! 





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  21. Hey team - lots of feedback to go through, so my wishes are with you! 
    Here is my overall reaction with Beta 4, followed by more detailed ideas/thoughts: [PVE]

    General:   I really enjoy the improvements to the movement with the F skills, while still thinking that F2 could use just a bit more distance. The visual effects added to show off which Virtue passive you are currently using is a lovely touch. The Physical skills largely feel better to use. Though, I agree with many posts that the Heal is just not the best.  I also enjoy the Willbender flames as they are not meant to be big damage, but more so a vehicle to proc the passives.

                    I enjoy most of the kit, however I find the trait changes to be unfortunate. As a Guardian of almost 10 years, I loved the idea of the Adept traits focusing the guardian into a specialized form of selfish play. From the years of slotting into the best-in-slot Firebrand, I was THRILLED to see some interesting design with the Adepts. I just felt they needed to be slightly stronger. The current changes, now, feel much weaker as the numerical increase has been reduced, and there are secondary affects that fall flat. I also highly recommend BURNING the "Searing Pact" trait and revert it back to the boon trait. Willbender is not conveying any sense of needing to be a condition spec -- Firebrand exists, and Willbender is just a candle in comparison to the bonfire of the previous POF Elite Spec. 

                   As a whole -- good progress, but the traits need a bit more of a consistent idea. 


    Specifics:  F1  "Rushing Justice" - Instead of Burn on first punch, apply Cripple (1s). 

                       F2 "Flowing Resolve" - Range increased from 450 ->500

                       F3 "Crashing Courage" - This was not applying the initial impact for me. [BUG]


                      "Reversal of Fortune" - Flip a condition into might... quickness? 

                      "Whirling Light" - Remove Weakness. Increase damage to compensate?  

                       "Heel Crack" - Add 4 or 5 second Weakness.  (Just an idea to make H.C more interesting)


    "Searing Pact" -> "Boon Pact" - Gain 300 Concentration. -50% Boon application to allies. Gain stacks of Unblockable when activating a Virtue. (2 stacks)

    "Power for Power" - Gain +250 Power at cost of -200 Toughness. Gain Fury upon activating Rushing Justice. 

    "Conceited Curate" - Gain 300(or more) Healing Power. -50% Ally Healing. Willbender Flames heal you. 


    "Restorative Virtues"  - Return to "While a virtue is active, activating another virtue decreases the initial virtue's cooldown" while adding to it the new weapon cooldown aspect. 

    Ex. "While a virtue is active, activating another virtue decreases the initial virtue's cooldown. Triggering a Virtue's passive effect reduces weapon ability cooldowns."

    "Holy Reckoning" - Triggered Virtue passive effects grant might (12s) and quickness (2s) in addition to their bonuses. Willbender flames deal more damage. (+35%)


    "Phoenix Protocol" - Willbender Flames & Flowing Resolve's passive effect grants you Alacrity. (1/2s W.F & 2s on Flowing Resolve).  The drawback of regen is not needed, as it's pretty weak. Tradeoffs would already be on Adept traits.

    "Tyrant's Momentum" - Get rid of Lethal Tempo Duration Reduction. 

    "Deathless Courage" - Get rid of Courage Duration Decrease (PvE/PvP). Maybe keep in WvW? 

    Then, I would add it to where activating Crashing Courage would grant you 10 stacks of Unblockable. 


    Top Line: Selfish boon uptime. Taking advantage of that "bodyguard" type selfishness. Granting some alacrity and cooldown reduction to trigger skills more often.

    Middle Line: Assassin/Fighter line of dealing strong flat damage, while keeping strikes quick. 

    Bottom Line: More self-sustain focus with healing, boons on shadowsteps, and of course the invuln on the F3. 


    Hope this finds you all well, and once again -- good progress with beta 4. Might see me in other forums. 





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