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Posts posted by FreshAir.1536

  1. @"TaraAshlynn.9746" said:From the list YOU provided, I'd have to say vT due to the fact the others just aren't qualified by any means to be called the best.

    [QQ] is actually very bad, they aren't "roamers", they don't even respect any duels as well, they only gank people with less numbers, they run in a group of 5+ and that's about it. LATELY [QQ] and [XOXO] have been havocing together in a group of 6-10 people trying to fight anyone who has less numbers than them. QQ doesn't really duel people, um... I've dueled Thiefy the co-leader of XOXO on his third and druid, dueled 2 other guild members from there, and won every fight. Therefore you can't really say they are the BEST when their skill level doesn't match anywhere near that. They're pretty trash evenly, NO SHADE.

    We did 6v6's against QQ 2 weeks ago, beat them twice, so they kept adding more people, they brought 9, so we won a 6v9, so they added 2 more people. Also, did I see you mention Grouto's name in one of your posts?? If you think Grouto is good, you're delusional, he's one of the most ragey, salty people in the whole "Roaming" scene, who thrives off having friends save him.

    Is this tar? Still upset about getting thrashed I see. I’m down for FA mirrors whenever you want the smoke. Holler at me.

  2. @GDchiaScrub.3241 said:

    @alain.1659 said:Finally another mad person who plays a scepter focus ele in roaming. Nice video friend :) You made me want to play my fresh air ele again. Keep on kicking tushies.He play weaver not ele and won't even use off hand dagger.

    Weaver is still ele, just a specialization. And to respond to your comment about me not running dagger, why would I lol. Focus is better in every way. You won’t be landing the cellofrag earth 5 oneshots on good players, and melee distance cc just seems far worse than an unblockable ranged 4 second knockdown. Don’t advocate a worse version of the build just because it is “harder to play”. Dagger offers more dps, but it is not worth the trade off of projectile block/reflect and an added condi cleanse. Especially after the passive arcane shield and twist of fate nerf.

    See his signature first.


    Are you referring to his name being junkpile? ?

  3. @Junkpile.7439 said:

    @alain.1659 said:Finally another mad person who plays a scepter focus ele in roaming. Nice video friend :) You made me want to play my fresh air ele again. Keep on kicking tushies.He play weaver not ele and won't even use off hand dagger.

    Weaver is still ele, just a specialization. And to respond to your comment about me not running dagger, why would I lol. Focus is better in every way. You won’t be landing the cellofrag earth 5 oneshots on good players, and melee distance cc just seems far worse than an unblockable ranged 4 second knockdown. Don’t advocate a worse version of the build just because it is “harder to play”. Dagger offers more dps, but it is not worth the trade off of projectile block/reflect and an added condi cleanse. Especially after the passive arcane shield and twist of fate nerf.

  4. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    @Groutowicz.2984 said:Guild Wars 2 has always been Build Wars 2. In order to play power builds effectively, you need Power, Precision, and ferocity. You sacrifice survivability ( toughness, vitality, healing power) in order to do damage. Furthermore, you only do damage when you successfully hit your target, damage upon landing a skill. There are a few exceptions being ranger war horn 4 and guardian focus 4(?) being that it does multiple hits after the first one landing. Now If we take a look at how condition damage works, their damage relies on 1 stat. Condition Damage. Their is expertise, however that effects longevity. Now in order to do damage, they rely on 1 stat, where power relies on 3. Leaving them able to stack toughness and vitality. Leaving them as a full tank, dealing big damage over time. So to answer your question, condition damage has been unbalanced, and is even more unbalanced due to damage being lowered, thus meaning your 3200 armor condition build, takes even less damage.

    I would love to see a stat like +Condition Damage +Expertise with no other added stats. Let's see how long anything playing that survives against a Power build.

    Hint: It won't be long.

    Cleanses are aplenty in WvW as are damage buffers. A Condition build needs defensive stats to survive long enough to apply lethal damage where as a Power build can do so instantly.

    The stats are not the problem, classes with too much synergy and access to rapid Condition application are. Apply X Condition also triggers application of Y Condition, press this button to apply X, Y and Z. That is the problem.

    I mean noone is using Berserkers either, its all Marauder. Now, a build like condition damage, expertise and 500 vitality? Yeah that would survive just as well as Marauder builds do, while also doing more damage. Yeah.

    Thank you for being one of the only ones here with common sense. God blessed you with a brain.

  5. @Nimon.7840 said:

    @Groutowicz.2984 said:Guild Wars 2 has always been Build Wars 2. In order to play power builds effectively, you need Power, Precision, and ferocity. You sacrifice survivability ( toughness, vitality, healing power) in order to do damage. Furthermore, you only do damage when you successfully hit your target, damage upon landing a skill. There are a few exceptions being ranger war horn 4 and guardian focus 4(?) being that it does multiple hits after the first one landing. Now If we take a look at how condition damage works, their damage relies on 1 stat. Condition Damage. Their is expertise, however that effects longevity. Now in order to do damage, they rely on 1 stat, where power relies on 3. Leaving them able to stack toughness and vitality. Leaving them as a full tank, dealing big damage over time. So to answer your question, condition damage has been unbalanced, and is even more unbalanced due to damage being lowered, thus meaning your 3200 armor condition build, takes even less damage.

    And that's where you're completely wrong in my opinion.Condition builds also rely on at least 3 stats, them being Condi dmg, vitality, armor (well there's some exceptions).

    So why do I state this?First off, a lot of people say, that power damage can be completely negated by dodging the skill thrown at you.But they seem to keep forgetting, that this applies to a Condi build as well. Dodge the skill that applies condis and you won't get damage!

    Also why do condition builds need at least 3 stats. Being vitality, toughness and condition damage (in some cases even healing power but let's exclude that)Condition builds need those defensive stats to get their damage off. You can see that you won't win many duels if you only get this condition damage stat up. Cause condis take their time to do damage, so you gotta stall your opponent.

    Let's get to the exceptions. While some Condi builds aren't that oppressive, because they don't have insane Condi burst, there's definetly some exceptions.Being Condi rev, Condi guard, (thief), ele, (maybe need to add engi as well, but I first have to test this super aids Condi build myself before I can tell).

    Why are those exceptions? Because they all have Condi burst, not slow ramping up condis that don't tick very high.Fighting against those classes is like: oh you ate one Condi Spike? Then you're dead with the next 3 ticks.And that's the real issue here. Condis on some classes aren't that ramping up damage, that you have to stall the game for.

    Your rebuttal confirmed everything I said. Just cause “your build” doesn’t do spike, the stats aren’t the problem. Full tank while getting ticked for 11k burn is nonsense. If you think otherwise you are what’s wrong with the game. Full defensive stats while putting out higher Dps than power builds, is not balance.

  6. Guild Wars 2 has always been Build Wars 2. In order to play power builds effectively, you need Power, Precision, and ferocity. You sacrifice survivability ( toughness, vitality, healing power) in order to do damage. Furthermore, you only do damage when you successfully hit your target, damage upon landing a skill. There are a few exceptions being ranger war horn 4 and guardian focus 4(?) being that it does multiple hits after the first one landing. Now If we take a look at how condition damage works, their damage relies on 1 stat. Condition Damage. Their is expertise, however that effects longevity. Now in order to do damage, they rely on 1 stat, where power relies on 3. Leaving them able to stack toughness and vitality. Leaving them as a full tank, dealing big damage over time. So to answer your question, condition damage has been unbalanced, and is even more unbalanced due to damage being lowered, thus meaning your 3200 armor condition build, takes even less damage.

  7. @moutzaheadin.4029 said:

    @"Groutowicz.2984" said:Wait, OBS thinking people are dodging him? IDK why you would if he loses to a power rev whilst on condi mes.

    Let's be honest for a moment , I never played mirage on that female character. I've toyed with specs that's about it. I play mirage fully on my char.

    I'll be sure to look you up for a friendly rematch ingame. I only play a few hours a week. So maybe we can hook up.

    Hook up? I don't swing that way.

  8. @EremiteAngel.9765 said:

    @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:Very nice. Haven't seen game play like that from a roaming montage in a while. Very good control and timing. Those mind games with the Spellbreaker in the second half were fun to watch too.

    What server are you on? Or do you have partner and transfer at will? I notice a lot of different servers both EU and NA in this video and the other I watched.

    I heard from a friend that OMNI is gathering on Crystal Desert.Its a new roaming guild formed by ex-members of top guilds like XOXO, PLS, RDRM and a few others I think.I think the old me would have transferred to an opposing server just to fight them. So many talented roamers in that guild.

    Yeah I’m the leader of Omni, it’s just me and a group of friends I’ve made over the years playing together, I’m from RDRM and the others were ex Pls, xoxo, and a few solo roamers.

  9. @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:Very nice. Haven't seen game play like that from a roaming montage in a while. Very good control and timing. Those mind games with the Spellbreaker in the second half were fun to watch too.

    What server are you on? Or do you have partner and transfer at will? I notice a lot of different servers both EU and NA in this video and the other I watched.

    I’m on aurora glade on Eu and anvil rock/Crystal Desert on Na

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