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Razorsharp Blade.9283

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Posts posted by Razorsharp Blade.9283

  1. Heya! I'm a veteran EX-Hardcore player looking for a guild who does a little of everything but primarily PvE, might this one be it? I've been on a extended break to and from and been struggling to come back for a while now since 2018 due to burn out from heavy grinding and solo play most of all for so long, so I'm looking to make a comeback to the game since EoD but have been struggling with finding an active guild with plenty of people happy to do any PvX content!


    I'm a friendly player who still remain semi HC when it comes to content and playstyle but I do love helping out less skilled / new players as well. As I mentioned I primarily do PvE content but I'm also an avid WvW player though my server is dead for now, I do dabble in PvP as well but not as frequently.


    Looking forward to hearing from you,

    Regards Chris!

  2. So I want to say I'm not going to keep my hopes high just yet cause I don't want to get disappointed again, as sad as that might sound. But after reading the last studio update from July I was honestly feeling pretty happy cause I've been wanting to play Guild Wars 2 sooo bad again cause I love this game so much, but it's just so hard to get into it again when almost all the content that has been put out the last couple of years have been HEAVILY geared towards the casual community with almost nothing to show for when it comes to high end PvE and PvP/WvW, and has felt fairly rushed and not really polished. 


    First things first, my biggest issue with this game to this day is the terrible performance, and reading that "Client performance optimization" line brought a tear to my eye almost, it's so frustrating that even after 8 years after release my performance with newer high end gear barely even touches the framerate compared to 2012 (Yes I'm a sucker for FPS, or at least stable FPS). So this is a change that is so badly needed for this game and I thank you so much for finally speaking on it!


    And as a player who loves all PvP/WvW and PvE equally I'm more than thrilled to see that this year confirms alliances, WvW needs some love so bad and so does PvP and it makes a veteran happy to see some life being sparked into the WvW scene, but we've yet to see how it'll turn out and how it's implemented so I won't celebrate early. I just hope PvP gets some love too! (Please release permanent deathmatch/arena mode).


    And I think the idea of pushing the release of End of Dragons to early next year is a great move since it feels like it was such a "holy crap we need to release this asap" move like we have seen from so many publishers before and it only ending up being rushed and buggy. So kudos to that, but please don't forget your veteran / hardcore community with this release, show WvW/PvP and high end PvE some love too! 


    And before anyone gets triggered at me mentioning the dreaded word "Casuals" I'm not criticizing casual players, but the divide in this community seems to grow larger for every year, and I keep seeing people rushing to forums posts asking for challenging content saying  "NO THIS MY GAME, GO WOW IF YOU WANT HARD" type of response, there is room for everyone here so lets keep the love between all players and lets make sure to work with Arenanet to make End of Dragons the best release yet!


    Peace and love from a GW1/2 Veteran who wants to come back!


    P.S The Shing Jea picture looks amazing 

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  3. People who actually think this game is grindy... Rofl. Go play some older MMO's or try Runescape and you'll quickly realise how easily everything comes in this game. You can reach max level and gear very fast in this game, you can complete the story insanely fast in this game, only thing keeping you from burning through it in less than 3 days is the fact that they put in masteries. Working for something doesnt have to mean it's grindy.

    Imo grinding is when you spend a week or maybe even more to just get 1 piece of gear or content done for example if we refer to WoW, maybe getting that 1 raid weapon that you have 1 roll for every week or whatever it is. That is grindy. You can get full ascended very easily in this game.

    The grindiest content in this game is legendary gear which is completely optional if you want the skin or stat swap, if not then useless content. And some titles are insane grinds, kinda like ultimate dominator.

  4. Engine rework to support GPU usage as well as CPU so I don't sit at 10fps in WvW while my GPU idles at 1% usageCharacter model textures rework aka higher res hair, tattoos skin etc etcRework of the old maps so it works with the mounts properly so I don't have to hit invisible walls 2 meters into the air etc (I don't actually like mounts and I'm actually very against it but I do use em of course since they are ingame now and most new maps require them to traverse.)Content that isn't Living story that you can play through in 1-2 days and then wait 3-5 months for the next episodeWVW UPDATE LORD HAVE MERCY PLS (I'm mainly PvE but god damn) give us some WvWsPvP love, honestly, I love sPvP but I can't stand playing it cause it's not exciting capping the same points after 7 years, makes something new and fresh, bring back the PvP community.Expansions with new weapons instead of new elite specs, the ones we have are enough. (Maybe dwarf race?)And last but not least please give us open world dueling...

    (These are based of hopes not of things that are actually coming eventually like build templates and such).

  5. Well there goes my last hope for the game, been playing since one of the first betas, and played gw1, and here we are 7 years later having more gemstore content, irl merch and another stale wait 3-5 months for a 1 hour content update living story thing, a year+ delayed WvW alliance update that probs will be delayed, and the game mode is already dead, PvP dead. But hey atleast more stale PvE content! (This is coming from a primarily PvE player). I aint going to WoW but I probs wont continue playing this game for long. So burnt out and bored of this endless timegated LS content and no PvP/WvW content.

  6. Lack of important updates, burnt out after playing since one of if not the first non NDA beta, and completely wrong focus from Anet.Don't get me wrong, I still "Play" but just not even close to as much as I used to, and I just feel like there is too much focus on Living Story and 1 hour worth of content locked behind 2-3 weeks of timegates, I'd come back if they fixed up PvP so more players would play again, balance the classes properly for once, and roll out some new exciting stuff for WvW players, I.E alliance systems and get rid of servers etc. I'm primarily a PvE players but you can only raid and do Fotm so many times before you get bored. And farming maps 100000 times aint my thing really.

  7. No, I think there is more than enough hairstyles/colors, faces etc and other options, I'd rather have Anet focus on actually making content or a new race altogether if cosmetics are in mind. I feel like it's much more important to focus on the "updates" that was held back and should have been launched already due to the whole layoff thing.

    Some PvP updates to make it more alive again maybe. Or roll out that update for alliance based systems in WvW with guilds etc that should have been in from the launch. Too much focus on cosmetics and PvE atm, and this is coming from someone who loves Fashion Wars 2 and PvE.

  8. Maybe they decided that hey, maybe we shouldn't just cater to the people who want things handed to them, lets give the players that are getting bored and burnt out on the easy handout content something to do for a while?

    Honestly though, not everything should be obtainable in 1 hour, an MMO is and has always been a grindy genre, and will always be. I enjoyed GW2 back in the day loads as well, but could I ever see myself playing a vanilla version of the game? Hell no. I'd get bored instantly like I did back in the day, taking a break from an MMO 2 months after launch cause there is literally no more content than PvP left cause everything was obtainable within hours is bad.

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